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Always wondered if some of these dubious videos such as mouse trap videos and lock picking are for a demographic of psychopaths on YouTube who enjoy committing crimes.

Videos like this don't help anyone except criminals and the innocent minority of people who watch them to buy a good lock.


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It's all for heroic break-ins within evildoing organizations trying to crush the poor masses, when that time comes. Never would it be used to just rob good innocent people.


Watched the video before reading your comment. Yeah, I was going to ask "doesn't he feel guilty about this?" but he's a lawyer also so you kind of need an adjustable morality system (put lightly) to be one of those. Maybe this is job security for his day job?
It's definitely interesting from a technical standpoint, though.


makes me remember that period in the early 2000s where you could still find bomb making and drug synthesis tutorials/forums easily on clearnet. I'm surprised google hasn't shut that kind of channel down yet.


This is a pretty nifty trick. I'll only use it for good, though, as I am an ally of justice.


>lock picking are for a demographic of psychopaths on YouTube who enjoy committing crimes.
This is such a shitty take I'm finding it difficult to process it but for one doing this beats the hell out of going to a locksmith were you will need to wait hours and get overcharged that's the real robbery right there, secondly this technique isn't anything new and no criminal goes to fuckin' YouTube to learn shit like its a trade it's all word of mouth learning through the streets my guy.

It's called the freedom of information act I am very thankful for it and also the drug and bomb making is still really easy to find I used to have a few pdfs on drug cooking.
Fun fact: the entire sequence of the genetic make up of smallpox can be easily found on google for anyone to do whatever with. Just mentioning that for shits and giggles.


really helping everyone with the freedom to construct explosives. Just the thought of needing to hire an engineer to mine my copper ore sends shivers down my libertarian spine.


Oh boo ooh how sad about you just go to your war room and clench your pearls in there if you're so convinced free information is an evil tool and everyone is some kind of monster.


Only person crying here is you bud. Not all information is public knowledge. Even in the land of epic freedom you can't get proprietary information without committing a crime. I can't see why publishing information on busting open old locks is going to benefit people. People keep tons of things locked out in the open and people knowing how to break open a bike lock just means people now have to spend even more money on a robust lock.


Your ignorance is amazing for one you can request proprietary information be disclosed if you pleased and is only a crime if stolen.
A good example of this is the new push for Righ to Repair you should read up on that.
Secondly no crying here but your whining about the big scary lock breaking men is really funny. Who does it benefit? Well have you tried reading my pervious post? Or the YouTube comments on this sorry excuse for a thread? I never said all information is free that's not what the act covers in detail. Honestly I can tell you're only barely reading these replies.


The information disproportionately benefits a thief than an individual holding a lock.


Oh I see you're not even going to bother engaging in my points you're just going to keep shifting around in some sad attempt at a gotcha or what I call a Helen Lovejoy "oh would someone please think about the innocent locks!" I'm going to say this once more and keep it simple for you.
Even. If. This. Video. Wasn't. Around.
Criminals. Would. Do. This. Anyway.
It's. Already. Common. Knowledge.
Censorship would do NOTHING to help that.
If I ever get a jammed lock I will be very thankful for this video and in way thankful for your kuso thread. I'm out.


You've said it's common knowledge many times, but it's not.


Oh god guys I just found my bike stolen! I'm literally getting shivers down my spine I bet he learned it from this video! Or that crazy psychopath is from here! Guys I think I'm gonna have a panic attack if only this one video wasn't on the Internet...


I believe that people should be free to repair appliances and planned obsolescence is a problem, but I don't think that people should be sharing around information on weapon construction, hacking info and theft guides. If it's going to exist then it shouldn't be where normal people can find it. It's giving power to tech illiterate psychos or ones without criminal connections.


The Freedom of Information Act is for civilians seeking for information from federal agencies, FYI. I don't want to get involved in this debate, just wanted to point that out for the sake of accuracy


Yeah sure you're right the Internet is just totally filled now with just insane people carrying 3D printed guns and a copy of ion lulz catz DDoS cannon.exe on there waifu shaped USB from all this readily available infomation. lmao this thread is turning into quite the fun parody now.


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Information in all it's forms should be freely available.


I've been trying to hold a reasonable conversation with you about the merits of freedom of information and restriction but you've mostly been throwing insults at me.

I haven't been very entertained by this. I guess I'll stop now and do something else. Unfortunate.


and FYI the publication of hacker tools leads to problems with script kiddies. If I were to release a tool that bypasses captchas to the public it would lead to more spam. But I suppose that's all I have to say because the level of conversation has been sadly very poor.


Good because you're not worth being serious with.
Yes yes run for the hills! Fear the free info! The blight of our nation! Whatever you say Helen. I would love to see you make and release such a thing.



Every civilian should be granted the right to the blueprints to make there own nuclear reactors. :3


Holy fuck lmao I had a feeling it was you Vern since this thread wasn't locked yet unsurprising a dipshit Frenchman from the worse part of Canada would be all for control of infomation. Also nice terrorist software you got you psychopath or are you not one simply because you say so?




read the readme. I'm trying to be as civil as possible but you're being incredibly uncivil in response.


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Reminded me check my own captcha solver that hasn't been updated for 2 years.
It STILL works with known tags with >90% accuracy. Figured that Google already gave up with that.


I have no interest in entertaining your insane ego and that read me would be irrelevant for the grandeur scheme of the topic of free information. Your little software wouldn't cause the whole of captcha to break like its some kind of Pandora's box.


>I can't see why publishing information on busting open old locks is going to benefit people.
thanks to this people can steal back their bikes


Did you use an already proven computer vision structure or tried to make your own. Very impressive if so. I was just in my 2nd year of learning programming and tried to do it with a labeled dataset. It's not good by any standards

You're nuts dude


Wow Vern is already trying to recruit people to his spammer terrorist cell of psychopaths...


File:[Alexvgz] Azumanga Daioh 2….jpg (210.39 KB,1440x1080)

I think looking up things on the net is cool


yeah, that's one of the main justifications, on the flipside the saftey of your lock is now in the hands of others realizing that the person picking the lock is the rightful owner. Also that you actually want to purchase the recommended tools and they aren't worth less than breaking the lock with a saw.


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I think you're all missing a very crucial note:
In most countries, lockpicks are restricted items that only a locksmith can purchase.

Given that information, more than anything these videos should be seen as instructional videos for locksmiths on how to approach a given lock.

The amount of time a layperson would have to spend practicing lockpicking and researching individual lock types is not at all reasonable to assume that these videos in any significant measure increase the prevalence of theft. Among the likely few cases where these videos have aided in theft, it should be reasonable to assume that if the thief in question was willing to go so far as to research lockpicking and then become proficient enough to be able to do so, that they would have otherwise been motivated to find other resources or approach their theft another way (such as simply destroying the lock) had these videos not been available.

Please cease your arguing.


cool. A logical post


I'm glad that cured your autism even though as well worded those points were should be painfully obvious to anyone who spends time outside talking to others. Also not to shame that anon as he's right you could have googled it for yourself.


I think it's best to just settle that we disagree and stop this kind of attitude. It helps no one to engage in such pointless hostility over the application of information that neither of us can control.

This thread is just a thought experiment to see different point of views on the applications of information, not meant to shame anyone into believing one idea or the other.


This is a cool channel. Thanks for sharing.


No problem, glad you enjoyed


He did a followup with a more realistic test. Method gets open basically any lock and anyone can carry around wrenches in their bags. Anyone who's seen this video is now able to get into some good quality locks using leverage.


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Your next line is, "Anyone can learn to break and enter by viewing videos on building security pen testing from DEFCON events."


am i going to have to buy a random lock from the hardware store and test this?


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just use bolt cutters, or a cordless grinder


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