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File:fruiters.jpg (663.52 KB,1200x1200)


plucked some fruit
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Plums? Don't think I've eaten one of those


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i ate all of them the same day
some were soft and sweet some i should have left to ripen
the source of the fruit is, i live in a unit and in the communal area in front of everyone's houses there is this plum tree that i always see dropping fruit all over the ground because nobody takes responsibility for it so i plucked some fruit before they could fall


dumb kuso birds always chew up the majority of the plums, not even to eat them whole, just peck and tear up part of the surface. the ones that fall tend to be 1/4 eaten.


i brought out a stool and picked seven healthy plums


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Nice. Sweet and juicy plums are divine.

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Saw this ad on YouTube. It's kind of amazing how even the most inoccuous videos get demonetized, meanwhile literal scams and borderline NSFW ads show up regularly.


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It took at least 2 days after reporting it for Youtube to do anything about all these impersonator streams blatantly running with a bunch of purchased viewers.
They all lead to the same phishing website through a QR code.


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What the heck, why are you seeing ads? Block them!
As for your post, I have no idea. I'm not sure if youtube cares that much, does it?

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This book I'm reading keeps using the word, "stave." I can't tell if they just wanted to use a different word than "club" or if they're under the impression that the plural of "staff" is "staves".
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Obviously they use 2×4s


I don't think so because they do use the word staff.


Is this verb or noun?




I should read more novels. A lot of the manga I read has an LN it was derived from and waiting on scanlation/new chapters is getting tiresome. There's also details left out or segments getting compressed due to the medium. Did you buy your books or get them from somewhere else on the interwebs?

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Saw a plot where a gas station had been. Woody vines had overtaken the price display, which had long since lost its face and electronic innards just leaving a square metal scaffold. Brown plants broke up the concrete where the parking lot had been. Awfully melancholy scene.


I also like playing New Vegas.

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Been looking at a lot of telephone poles. Most of them just have typical assortment of three cables, presumably for split phase + neutral (I think?) electricity, but some have a third or fourth cable not held by ceramic insulators like the rest. Wonder if those additional cables are genuine telephone lines or something else.


thought there was a thread for blogging

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I drove over a bridge today and looked out at a pretty wide river, flanked by forests on its banks. All of the trees had shed their leaves so the forests had the appearance of a tumbleweed.


post pic


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Drove past it. You'll have to make do with this low quality Google Street View picture.


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Drove over another river. It looked a lot like this, but with forest on both sides and no sand bar.

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Speaking of bridges, the other day I drove past some construction being done on a highway interchange. From what I understand, newer elevated highways are made entirely of concrete spans, but this one I saw had steel members supporting the road above it. I wasn't sure if it was a new steel supported bridge, or maybe maintenance being done on an older highway.


When I was a kid those types of bridges were pretty common but most of them got torn down by the mid-90s


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Wait I'm baka I thought you were talking about truss bridges.


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Yeah, not one of those. There used to be one where I lived as a child that was converted into a pedestrian bridge, but that's besides the point. I meant these sorts of elevated highways.


Most likely they're using temporary steel supports before they pour new concrete supports. Who knows though. Where I live they've been working on the same highway for 15 years now and nothing ever seems to get done. Highway construction is a big scam. If they don't use up the entire budget this year they don't get the same amount of money the next year.


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On the topic of bridges, I passed beneath another. This one had thick, heavy metal chains hanging slack from the bridge that then linked to concrete blocks set into the sloping inner edge beneath the bridge. It looked something like this. Wonder what those are for. Anything structural I would imagine as being taught and probably using braided steel cables instead of heavy chains so I can't really thing of what these might have been there for. Dampening to prevent the bridge above from moving too much? I have no idea.

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 No.2181[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Once again providing a place for you to post any random thoughts you might have.
116 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dumb anchorer


dumb deleter


gonna make all my stupid fucking thoughts into threads now. you better not complain


well the problem is more this thread is just redundant when the blog thread exists for a majority of the random thoughts that don't need a thread, and the rest of them probably would make for potential threads


should have thought of locking it before i bumped it then

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ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- The [link-ommited]. Government's Involvement With Extraterrestrials

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Anyone watch the Pluto adaptation?


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photographer became a thin red paste shortly after this image was taken


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There is something embeded in this image.


utawarerumono reference

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a warm cup of tea in the wintertime


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Ah, thank you.


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Can you spot the parrots? There should be at least two of them.
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I did not know squabs had beaks like that, or that baby pigeons were called squabs in the first place. That shape looks particularly strange to me.
Jesus Christ.


They kind of like dead chickens, it's very odd


i saw the deleted post


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Important thread.


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Birds coming home


Cities built on important rivers always look so nice.
I never realized that China's river systems are so economically viable. It's like the Great Lakes yet spans all across their country. Crazy
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yeah, that was it


Im kind of surprised this stuff is on youtube considering the site is banned in China


Yeah well... it might be a state sponsored tourism video since it goes only through the nice parts of the city. But even that considered it's still quite nice


That's a weird road at 45:17. Two lanes feeding into one lane that is wider than usual, but still not wide enough for two cars. Seems like a planning error there, but they don't seem to be going very fast so it's probably fine.


To be fair to the PRC, visitors of most places won't see any rough/bad parts because there's nothing for visitors there, and are mostly residental (this is excluding rural areas, which can get really bad, even the touristy stuff there gets horribly sad). The worst you'll see is some unhappy people in certain cities and binge drinkers in northern China.
There's a lot you can say about those commies and living under them but they make it an alright place to visit.

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He'll be full grown the next time we see him ;_;


But will he still be able to stand on two feet?


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Look at this photograph.


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I'm looking


stop looking

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go to bed and wake up early
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I just thought you lived in my time zone.


We might live in the same time zone, who knows?


I woke up at 5 AM without cheating today.


every month or so I have periods where I get wrapped up in programming(or ero-rpg) and my days gradually offset by a couple of hours until I'm sleeping like a regular person


thats called being on your period hehe

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The pondering pon-de-ring!
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Give addicted to pondering 2D waifu.


Making food this decorative seems like such a waste to me. I'll take the simple but tasty stuff over this elaborate stuff that you're surely paying extra for


It's a joy to eat good looking food


The green ring looks like its made out of plastic.



They opened up a few stores in my area dedicated to making Mocchi Donuts and have all these weird flavors for it. It wasn't that great in my opinion, it just tasted like a deep fried dough fritter glazed in sugar.

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