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March 20th is in 8 days
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Can they do this!?


They can move the year.


Could be worse, we could live in one of those civilizations with a fixed 365 day year. That's why you can't trust those elites and their calendar systems, gotta get up before sunrise and see what constellation the sun is rising in. Except that drifts too.

Alternately we could move to Iran.
>The modern Iranian calendar is currently the official calendar in Iran. It begins at the midnight nearest to the instant of the vernal equinox as determined by astronomic calculations for the Iran Standard Time meridian (52.5°E or UTC+03:30). It is, therefore, an observation-based calendar, unlike the Gregorian, which is rule-based.


what if I'd rather move to Turkmenistan?


Then the calendar will still move around relative to the equinox, but if you're lucky enough to live through a crazy dictator, he may rename all your months:

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Merging boson stars could explain massive black hole collision and prove existence of dark matter
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Hmmm I see how it is.. what are you gonna do jump on plasma universe, huh buddy? HUH?


Dark matter is dumb. I like the idea that it's actually just the recently discovered "cosmic web," which is comprised of very cold, and diffuse gas that doesn't give off any radiation because of how cold it is. As for what dark energy is, I dunno.


Some of it could be. But most of the dark matter has to be something other than atoms, or you don't predict the right power spectrum for the cosmic microwave background


and you don't predict the right ratio of elements in the primordial universe




food videos are very relaxing


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Something about fancy videos for cooking/food just rubs me the wrong way. It's like it's focused on displays of social status instead of information.
I tried to find the Good Eats lasagna episode but of course it's scrubbed off the internet because of bots enforcing copyright...


related but not exactly

On youtube cooking videos are like asmr videos. It's a fancy "look at me" thing, but has a functional appeal

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suppose these things process food into components as soon as they eat it.


I did this once. Wouldn't recommend it


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Yes but has science found out how slugs can survive in salt water yet?


Apparently they incorporate chloroplasts from the algae they eat directly into their cells so they can photosynthesize.

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the waifu menace runs deep


But why is it something you need to defeat? Why not "live and let live" and take it easy?


ACK was bound to find this place someday


I assume less than you do though, you are assuming that her taste equates to he being interested in you and a myriad of other things that would have her marry you. I assume nothing but only go by what the character was written as being.

OOP Miku? The theory that all Miku are unique and a separate program or something? It makes more sense given that she is a program but I don't like it still.

>We don't fall in love with people themselves, we do with our perception of them.

Falling in love with a character is fine, it's saying she is your wife and changing that character itself that is the issue.

>It's impossible to know what the creator really intended when we only see a small facet of her.

Exactly, so all one can go by is the facet that is actually shown and not make garbage up, or else you start having the character be something completely different which is more likely to go against the creator than just accepting the character for what it is.

If people kept it to themselves then fine, I don't care. But when people bring it up and talk about it and mention how it's their anniversary with x character and how they are going on a date and then putting a bunch of their own opinions out as her thoughts and actions that it is an issue. If you keep it to yourself and never mention the fact that you are butchering characters then fine. But they don't.
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This thread...


relaxing winter train


Could use a good trainride like that right now.
aside from running into a giant cat anyways.


you hate cats

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Hey /qa/, does anyone want to do a rosary with me?


think i've done the rosary only a few time
also i didn't go to an ash wednesday mass
maybe i should do something to make up for it


Do one every day

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Hey if you didn't hear, Reddit basically outsmarted a bunch of hedgefund managers that were short-selling GameStop stock
I think this is probably the first time I'll ever say this but holy shit that's really cool fuck hedgefund managers and bankers.
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pyrrhic victory
you bite their finger they eat your arm
expect regulations and social division/disinfo psyops to skyrocket in the foreseeable future


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I heard of it. I don't like the idea of poor people making money, at least a good portion of them are going to hold too long and lose it though.


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The weak are meat, the strong eat.


This post aged well


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How much of the stars can you see from where you live? For me, the cutoff is about magnitude 2.9 (pic related, Uranus excluded). Only a few constellations have enough stars visible to be recognizable.

Do you have any favorite websites for figuring out what the objects you're seeing in the sky are? I used
for the OP pic; it's an old website, but the new ones I find in a quick search don't seem much improved. It's very useful to be able to adjust the brightness cutoff for the stars displayed, or unless you live in the middle of nowhere you can end up with a sky map so dissimilar to your own sky that you can't find anything.
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where i used to live it was like this, there was very little light pollution
i wonder how easy it is to dox someone with these
i changed the time to a random one


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>i wonder how easy it is to dox someone with these
>i changed the time to a random one

I tried it on my own image by adjusting parameters until I got the original image back and was able to get the original latitude very accurately (5 arcseconds off) but, as you might expect, was not so accurate on the longitude (4 degrees off). But the longitude could have been found more precisely if I had generated the image immediately before posting it. Time randomization and delay between generating and posting can be somewhat defeated and if you include the moon and planets in the image, but I used the moon and planets and was still 4 degrees off. If you're paranoid, it's best not to enter your latitude or longitude more precisely than you're willing to publish. I personally set the latitude/longitude to a nearby city (San Francisco). Pic related were the coordinates I reconstructed.


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reminded me that this exists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_SR-71_Blackbird#Astro-Inertial_Navigation_System

also in ww2 they used little wooden mechanical flight simulators combined with planetariums to practice celestial navigation

also i believe that ballistic missiles and ballistic missile submarines can still use celestial navigation just incase that GPS is exploded
im impressed


Even with light pollution I'm jealous of your sky.


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Thought I'd try this again since I'm currently on holiday in the middle of nowhere with effectively zero light pollution. Could see to 4.0 or so but the sky was at least half covered in cloud which certainly didn't help (also the noises outside were rather unsettling so I decided not to stay observing out there very long).

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Every year 7 people go missing in the Victorian wilderness and are never seen again.


Luckily the Victorian age is long behind us.


Huh?????!!!! Victoria the place not the time....


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the 70 billion people of earth - where are they hiding?


Huh, maybe I'm not too well versed in boston dynamics, but what is this extended product line supposed to be? Is it created by spot? Created in a similar vein to Spot? Add-ons for Spot? I'm very confused.


Umm... what is Spot again? Is it the one that kind of looks like a dog?


yeah, that one, appropriately named a dog's name


they're going to show off their robot jackson 5


Would it be more economical to have Spot turn the valve than replace it with a valve that turns itself?


In just a day now

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How's Gamestop going to affect the stock market going forwards into the future?
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this isn't a pump and dump, otherwise they wouldn't shut down retail trading already
the hedge fund will go bankrupt and be bailed out with taxpayer money, it's only tens of billion dollars (since measures were already implemented to prevent further damage) so nothing huge will happen
the bailout will happen, otherwise it means that they will disobey the rule and sow distrust in financial system which would result in a real economic crash
also why do you care about how people spend their money, it's none of your business
by only allowing accredited traders to do trading and outlawing retail trading


It doesn't matter whether it is a pump and dump or not(or whether you see it as one because a great many will and will act as if it is). It has noting supporting it at all other than the meme, it's going to crash once the momentum ends. It will not hover at $350 long term.

>also why do you care about how people spend their money, it's none of your business

The OP asked what impact this was going to have on the market, I answered....



Looks like a lotta folk wanna sue, but it seems to be pretty legal.
Could, maybe, perhaps, possibly, mayhap, become illegal. Hoo nose.


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Winter version
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I don't agree.


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I love them both
Afaik seiyuu is just VA in JP, I think this argument is stupid.
love seiyuu(s).


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i like collecting pictures of girls, so when I see cute girls in real life I often wish I had cybernetic eyes or glasses so that I could take photographs of them

here's a cute weightlifter


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