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 No.12499[View All]

Can we have a technology board?
224 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm going to move a bunch of threads there so they get isekai'd


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Alright, so any reason why the 3D board can't be made? That or restoring the seasonal ones, either works.
People have expressed they'd like to have that kind of space, don't leave us hanging.


restore the seasonals


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I guess I'm not against of bringing seasonal boards back or doing the 'sekai' 3D/Random thing, but I think we're already overdue for some basic guidelines on what to post where since it's probably confusing


I mean that's why I suggested /sekai/ as a board with a specific theme instead of just 3D/random


how about a mahjong board


NO more mahjong jong is dead and buried


the jong fad's really dead isnt it, dont see any #qa or kissu posts on it anymore


It was only ever just me trying to get people to talk about it


The problem is no one has even tried making /qa/ fit a bigger goal. They just philosophically explain it's impossible


I mean /qa/ does fit a fairly defined structure. It's the more serious half of /jp/.


It's not a very complex argument, at least on my part: people liked having a specific space to post certain things, they were against the idea of removing it, and are still in favor of having it return.
There's a lot more you could talk about as it happened above, but pragmatically that's the gist of it.


If you look back a couple posts to "why not mahjong board" I literally forced the discussion into /qa/ and it worked until I decided that kissu just wants to be mediocre and never devote itself to anything other than meta arguments. So even if there's a board it requires one person constantly trying to drum up interest anyways


Right, but that's one specific topic, the seasonal boards were much broader than that. I used them and made different kinds of threads, like >>>/spg/3028, >>>/sum/2481, or >>>/win/1602.


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The argumentation here seems faulty.You're saying that since mahjong never took off to become kissu's big thing, a board encompassing an array of topics that have seen about as much if not more activity than tech here isn't worth giving its own board? Even though it'd most certainly inspire more posting and fulfill a role in appealing to a zeitgeist that becomes only more common in an aging userbase. A userbase where animal vids are still shared constantly on #qa and self-sustainability has been brought up countless times in discussion.

Not to mention the topic of the outside world can spur on so many easy spontaneous thoughts one might happen upon over the course of their day. Like I'd seen a deer running across the road and nearly got close enough to pet them during my jog but there's not really any place for that kind of thread on /qa/ or /jp/, and even if you argue it could fit on /qa/, I'm not going to just post a deer as a thread to fill up a /qa/ catalogue space. It doesn't make sense wish the established norms that /qa/ could take on the role of the seasonals for more wordly light-posting. And if you argue that /qa/ just needs to change, how do you encourage people to change it in this direction? Do people even want /qa/ to go that direction? I don't. So I don't see why a vast majority of others suddenly would over the course of however long you intend to wait while nothing changes.

I mean sure, maybe it doesn't take off and become a huge success, but incremental steps that work upon a general building up of kissu don't hurt the site either. And any potential alternatives to the idea that aren't 4chan are probably few and far between if any at all.


There's no reason to think that anything will be any different because no one does anything with what exists already to prove that there's demand


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The entire point of the earlier post in this thread >>12792 was demonstrating that the seasonals had/have similar post rate to /maho/ and there's at minimum two other people that feel the same way about the seasonals having a unique topic to them that was unlike /qa/ and /jp/. I'm saying we isolate that topic and put it into a board and giving you the reasons for why it should work out just fine. You have nothing but pessimism and disappointment behind your arguments.


>You have nothing but pessimism and disappointment behind your arguments.
wow, so perceptive


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It's what I pride myself on.


But seriously
>make /qa/ fit a bigger goal
By having it be the jong board? You're just searching for an individual purpose that can become the centerpoint for activity. Better than that, just getting more users in general works. As when you reach enough unique traffic from different people you'll have a far higher likelihood of grabbing someone who'll play whatever, whenever you want to. That's why taking a stab at anything that seems like it'd help kissu stake out a more unique place has my blessing behind it.


Huh, do people consider those jong threads to be failures or something? It got a lot of posts, and yes it was mostly one person but other people interjected and stuff. Posts where one person does stuff and others chime in is pretty common on imageboards, like storytimes or projects or let's plays and so on.


In the sense that jong never made kissu blow up and become bustling with jong rooms 24/7, one could say the idea ended in failure.


You don't even see things the same way so don't assume you know what I disliked about it.


Then why not explain so people can understand.


No one talks about jong if I don't force it. Therefore a board for jong would just be me talking about it.

Being like "oh an outdoor board would make kissu pop off!" Is just stupid because there's no interest in it and no one even makes threads about it.


I didn't say it'd make kissu pop off, I said there's precedent for activity of that nature on the seasonal baords so it's at the minimum a guaranteed small amount of activity and threads that'll be made that wouldn't without it.


And anyways, you used a gut feeling to make /maho/, I'm using my gut feeling to suggest /sekai/ in addition to the posting inclinations of at least 5-6 users.


people just really don't like /qa/ that they want to think about replacing it with things.


My point is that /sekai/ doesn't replace /qa/. Only your sole vision of what /qa/ should apparently be that nobody else shares and thusly nobody else acts upon.


sekai wa iranai


I observed the jong threads but either had bad timing and missed out or didn't know how to interject in to play or if more players were even desired.


soto ni dete


How about a Fighting Game board or at least a general for it?
In a perfect world:
¥ 3d/random would be for outdoors stuff, news (bleh) and anything else


>How about a Fighting Game board or at least a general for it?
This might come as a shock, but you don't need a general to make a post. In fact, it doesn't even need to be a general.
Just post about it and see what happens.


small penis board


small penis site


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If past experience has taught me anything, it's that nothing happens unless I make a /poll/.

Return the seasonal boards:

Opinions on /maho/:


Nothing says "small penis" like democracy.


I applaud you for having the enthusiasm to persue a vision through with more than just theory(or spam) so I'll consider the season poll, but the tech one is just dumb spite.


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I'm only theory because I'd rather argue until the community itself decides to put the issue to consideration. I don't think it'd be good for any sort of cohesion were I to be pushy myself when we disagree.


the length of penises will be distributed equally among the populace


That's communism, and it inevitably leads to those in charge on penis length redistribution keeping extra for themselves.


the secret service took my penis and when I got it back it was half as long...


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I don't care about your opinion. You love to drone on and on about how nothing ever changes without you doing something, and yet when presented options, you waffle and do nothing.


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I was thinking about this a bit, and I guess one of the strengths of having a bunch of boards is finding specific threads. It's not exactly a secret that most people don't look past the first page normally, so those looking beyond that generally have a purpose in mind. They're looking for threads they either haven't seen yet (or forgot to reply to) while they were away, or they already have a reply in mind for a thread and they're looking for that specific thread. Basically there are older threads that people don't see "naturally" in the typical everyday experience.
Many people have tried to address this problem, but it seems unsolvable. The related threads thing on kissu is pretty cool, though!
Anyway, since you can't fix it, you could at least make it easier for people to find the threads they're looking for when they aren't aimlessly browsing. Right now someone can think "I have news to post about AI chatbots" or "wasn't there a thread about building a keyboard somewhere...?" and know where to find the thread they need without searching through the randomness of /qa/. From a UI perspective you want to reduce the amount of effort required as that's what keeps everyone on the first page of /all/ in the first place.
So, in that case I think /maho/'s existence can be justified. And if /maho/'s existence is justified, then maybe the seasonal boards/sekai/whatever can be justified. For a long time people held up tohno-chan's many boards as something to avoid, but I think /all/ means it doesn't matter too much on kissu, although this should probably be the last board (re)added for a long time.


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Ok... I'll ignore both polls if that makes you feel better...


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Wouldn't be the first time!...


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