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 No.12499[Last50 Posts]

Can we have a technology board?


yeah maybe. But it would be a direct competition with sageru. I'll think about it come July or whenever /spg/ switches to /sum/ and archive those boards


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How do you compete with an IRC on technology talk?


yeah, but at the same time, 4 of 6 i think, software talkers are kissu posters


Would this mean closing seasonal boards for good? There's been about 500 posts made on /spg/ since it opened this year, I don't think that's anything to scoff at.


My thoughts are that /qa/ could be a more active board rather than a collection of general large threads


also like, the season boards are a copy of a few main threads posted across the 4 seasons


Can't say I would miss stuff like the random videos thread, but if you sort by creation order you can see a lot of stuff that people wouldn't make on /qa/, or that were even moved from /jp/ to /spg/. Like the one about video essays or first amendment auditors.


/qa/ isn't used for anything though


You can sort by creation date there too and see the difference.


100% /qa/ thread >>>/spg/3096 and most of them seem very /qa/ in nature.
Before the season thread and /jp/ /qa/ split /qa/ was a much more diverse board


season boards*


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I guess this could work, or at least it's worth testing out. I'm not sure about it being called /g/, though. Yeah, the letter/name is originally from futaba or whatever but most people are going to assume /g/ has a specific culture to it as it does across imageboards and youtube.

I disagree with a large, slow thread being considered a general. Some niche stuff like VNs really have to be slow due to their niche nature on a niche imageboard. It would be nice to see more seasonal anime talk outside of the seasonal thread, though...


Thought the solstice was in July so I'd have to do something before then.

So on the 20th, without any better argument on why not, there will be a /g/ board.
But as for if it's called /g/ or not... we'll see if there's any alternatives.
The tentative name will not be "Technology" but "Software/Hardware" so that we, at least conceptually, avoid some of the less focused blogging about things vaguely technology in nature


Just call it /jee/.


that would make its users /jee/ts and i don't think anyone wants that


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make it techloligy


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QED. We should think of something new yet relatable to avoid this stuff.


It's not called jeetscript for no reason...

Just delete any techtuber thread with こうはい bandwagoners and you're good to go.


My memories of pre-split /qa/ are faint at best, sadly. But I'm not terribly opposed to it.


While I would post a video about the bike/urban layout guy on /qa/ before I'd tempt to posting it all on a season board now. I don't think it's much to the betterment of the site, but it could go either way


the biggest reason is that there's more value in a tech board than general purpose board and I don't think we should have more boards than we do at the moment


call it /n/ 'cause its for NERDS


too on the nose, but we've been thinking a joke name fits with our other boards


The seasonal boards should only be used for non-2D IRL stuff that don't fit into either /qa/ or /jp/ in my opinion, like a thread about 3D animals for example. That thread you linked really would be better on /qa/ indeed.


"Hardware" can be extrapolated into too many things. Call it /win/ - Proper Computers.


we have cat blog on /qa/ already


Yeah, if it's stuff like that if it fits into either I suppose, but:
Is a better fit for the seasonal boards in my opinion.
These threads all could be on either /qa/ or /jp/ though:


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a G board huh...


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or maybe it would be the other /g/ board?


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I;m not sure if this is a good idea. Technology boards tend to attract a certain kind of posters that have severe paranoid syndromes and victim complex, which I think would be a net negative for this place. This is especially true for small imageboards.


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Yeah, I share your trepidation which is why I think it's something to test instead of committing to, and of course it needs a new, unique name.
That so many people accept technology as a doomed imageboard subject could also mean that it's a niche that could blossom with the right care since you'd be providing something many people desire (in theory). But, yeah, definitely something to watch very closely. I cannot think of a currently existing technology-related board with a culture I enjoy. There's a real "I discuss this here because everywhere else banned me" atmosphere. Console war-like flaming, youtubers/ecelebs, extreme paranoia and conspiracy theories, generic "shitposting" and other stuff makes it a very unpalatable subject. Even that one board supposedly about robots is littered with politics and /r9k/-like spite.

The most important thing would be that it's a kissu board that kissu-minded people use to discuss tech and not a tech board that people use exclusively while disavowing the rest of kissu. Kissu's existing subject matter keeps most of the unsavory stuff away, so it would need to be incorporated into the very fabric of a tech board.


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A tech board, but you can only post from IE/Edge.


I'm pretty sure the point of having a board is so people can post on it...


I feel I must mention that none of kissu's current boards have a clearly defined topic and this would be the first to really sequester a subject away from the other boards (unless you count /secret/ as the "things that trigger the mods" board) and that's a pretty big departure from the current vague-feeling-based board distinctions. The main benefit of having one in my eyes would be to break up the generals into a bunch of threads that I'll actually read, but I feel like doing that with current threads would mean a board that's mostly AI shit. If that's what we're going for, I'd rather see it done to the video game generals since there are actually thread-worthy discussions getting shoved in there regularly, not to mention multiplayer organization.


If it attempts to become something about politics and software ideology then moderation will be inevitable. If people treat it as an excuse to talk about discussions with Congress and what men in suits are deciding to do, then threads will have to be axed


Perhaps a more succinct way of putting it is to talk about things and not people. It should be implied, but the internet being what it is...


Talking about how I'm not allowed to repair my John Deere tractor


I think it's the kind of board where you have to be ban happy and follow a defined rubric or what gets acted on or not


Men in suits deciding things is what determines what the biggest tech subjects of the day are. Unless you confine yourself to tech support and benchmarks, you can't discuss technology without discussing how that technology is being leveraged and that is going to involve politics/ideology. You're going to neuter the board if you try to apply your hateboner for the real world to it.


I personally find people like you far more annoying than the type of people you're describing. In fact, those types of people seem happy to be contained within one or two threads minding their business. While your kind drag that stuff to unrelated threads then complain when other people have an opinion that differs from your own.

You can't have /k/ without the 2A and ATF threads. You can't have /g/ without GNU and laughing at the latest regression in GTK. Or the latest stupid reason for not fixing glaring security hole in systemd. If you aren't going to have that you might as well just have a tech support thread. Which is going to devolve into the same thing from time to time. Since the core problems of most software stems from the political problems you refuse to address. Talking about that stuff is more interesting than talking about the 20 steps needed to allow local log-ins on the new Windows 11 installation. Or the 5 systemctl commands you need to run blind and pray works because systemd's services are really bad and don't respect traditional configuration methods.

Anyone that has experience and knowledge beyond a base level in /g/ stuff wants to talk about such things. Since they don't need help to RTFM. In other words, without such discussion there is no point in having a /g/ board at all.


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>You're going to neuter the board if you try to apply your hateboner for the real world to it.
Then it shall be neutered!
Discussion on kissu itself and every other place with a rule set is neutered to a degree as freedom is restricted. I think some people would enjoy a place to actually talk about technology and programming and stuff (I don't know, I wouldn't be a major user of this board apart from maybe a little AI).
This subject, tech, has been utterly poisoned beyond recognition as it concerns imageboards. As it is, it's like an extreme form of the "I do my serious talk on reddit, 4chan is for shitposting" mindset. The assumption is that if there's tech talk on an imageboard, it needs to be secondary to politics, identity and outrage instead of actual technology.
There's no place for people to actually talk about technical stuff anonymously because, well, many people don't see value in it. Maybe that can change?

Maybe the board could just be folded into something more general like tech and hobbyist stuff. Stuff like people are doing in the projects thread and creative stuff?



I should probably mention there already is a techloligy board on smugloli that's mostly just software discussion. That's effectively what /g/ would be like without all the nonsense that keeps people engaged (in nonsense). It's not much used at all though, but overall the post quality has been relatively decent. It's not an infeasible task, but whether it's worth it or not I wouldn't know.


I'll just say the hidden part out loud. If we have a tech board I'm going to moderate it like Reddit.


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I don't see the point. I doubt there's enough people to talk specifically about /g/ topics. At most it will be used by a particular someone blogging and posting YouTubers that they currently post on #qa after they gave up using /b/ for this purpose. I can't say I would take kindly to /qa/'s tech threads being pilfered and moved to make this new board feel more full either.

If you want to fracture Kissu into categories, you basically have to kill /qa/. Kissu already has 4 off-topic boards, with the only thing gluing them together being /all/. But if you start breaking up those boards, or removing topics from them to make boards with a defined topic, then discussion gets spread across a bunch of small boards with low activity, and then you get Tohno-chan. At Kissu's size, there's no point. You only make the site seem dead to people who are coming here for the first time by having activity be spread thin. This was something that was pretty well-discussed around the time of the /qa/-/jp/ split.


You missed the part where we're removing the season boards for a topic board which has demand


That doesn't really solve anything. The seasonal boards aren't the thing absorbing activity from /qa/. Creating a board that directly take a frequent topic on /qa/ and making it into its own board would be further removing activity from /qa/.


It seems fruitless to argue with you, but there are problems, as always, that you refuse to see


What are the problems?


Demand for something that exists, a generalification of /qa/ as a result of the seasons board, desire to move things away from IRC where people would prefer to talk about fetishes.


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>Demand for something that exists
As far as I can tell, this only cropped up just now, and there's not particularly any strong opinions in this thread other than discussing what it would look like if it does indeed become a board. /b/ used to be the tech board until someone wanted to nuke it all and make it into their personal blogging and meta board, but even then the number of threads wasn't particularly high compared to the number of people misinterpreting the /b/ name as being the random board. The existence of a linux thread, a PC thread, and other tech-related threads is not proof of desire for a tech-focused board. I also tend to agree with >>12534 and >>12535.

>a generalification of /qa/ as a result of the seasons board
The reason /qa/ is filled with mega threads is not because of the seasonal boards. This should be obvious. /qa/ is filled with mega threads because of the absence of /jp/-like threads that contributed to board churn that made it feel more active and spontaneous. Archiving the seasonal boards isn't going to put those thread ideas back into /qa/. It's either going to result in more consolidation into the blog thread and similar large threads, or those off-topic posts are going to show up on /jp/ or /secret/ because they're perceived as having a lower barrier to entry.

Further removing technology threads is again just going to entrench /qa/ as a general thread board until there's no topics left to discuss that can't be had elsewhere. You cannot go back to pre-/jp/ split /qa/ when the differentiation between /qa/ and /jp/ (and others) is exactly what you are looking at! /qa/ is the way it is because the "/qa/" you want to put back into it is on /jp/ and elsewhere. The seasonal boards are not the cause. This is particularly the case after it was decided to nuke any blog-like threads from the seasonal boards.

This is not to say that removing the seasonal boards would do nothing. It will. It just won't change anything on /qa/ in particular.

>desire to move things away from IRC
Then remove /chat/...


I'm not convinced you actually use kissu based on the difference with how we're seeing the site


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I simply responded to the thread. You're free to think whatever you like, but I at least put forward reasons for why I think the things I do. You have still not substantiated any reasoning behind why A. A technology board would be a good thing, B. How it would benefit the other boards on Kissu, or C. How removing the seasonal boards would revitalize /qa/.


I gave you the reasons and we don't see eye to eye. There's no point in continuing


You cannot just say things and expect people to believe you with no reasoning to back those things up. There's no point continuing because you're putting no effort into discussing this.


A difference of opinion is not a reason not to discuss something.


it's a waste of time to try and be reasonable with the unreasonable


from an outsider's point of view neither seemed unreasonable
for the record I think a technology board is pointless. don't think it would hurt but doubt it would achieve anything.


>Further removing technology threads is again just going to entrench /qa/ as a general thread board
This doesn't really apply when the tech threads on /qa/ are all generals. The topic might as well already be off /qa/ when everybody who wants to discuss it holes themselves away.


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I strongly disagree with any thread that has existed for a while as being a general. No one would consider my "Projects" thread a general if it died in a week, but I'm sure it's included now because some people venture past page 1. 'General' implies a focal point where discussion is required to happen, but people should be encouraged to make new threads. It's often even in OP of the threads I make to do so.

>This is particularly the case after it was decided to nuke any blog-like threads from the seasonal boards.
When did this happen? Are you talking about the 'general thoughts' thread? That one wasn't blogging as much as it was "post stuff here instead of outside of the thread" thing. Quite a few threads here are about people's personal lives: >>12531


A general is any thread which is about a broad, or general, subject rather than a specific topic. It doesn't matter how long it lasts or how many responses it gets. They tend to get lots of posts and last a long time because people see them and feel like they aren't supposed to post threads about that subject outside of them and so, instead of making a "duplicate" thread, they pile a bunch of threads into one, but these are not requirements for something to be a general.


yeah i think everyone here agrees with this although in imageboard parlance it also refers more narrowly to threads that are perpetually remade once they die
like the music and videogame ones


We could make it moe-tan themed but….do we really need another board for such a small amount of users…


you don't realize just how insignificant in tech you are compared to others


dumb argumentative shitposter


this contrarian site is such a waste


dumb argumentative shitposter


grats you all, I'm losing my motivation to follow through with this


I'm well past my time where I'm going to argue good decisions in the face of contrarianism


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You should be receptive to what people are saying. People can have a different opinion from you without being contrarians plotting against you. There is really nothing antagonistic about someone saying "I'm not sure about this".


This is the shab I'm going to bite in the next episode.


I'm tired of dealing with antis. You can have a nice idea and follow through with it from now on.

There's still time for me to think if I want to waste my time


Stop me if any of this sounds "unreasonable".

I don't see the current general threads suddenly breaking up into smaller discrete threads if there was a technology board. The current tech threads on /qa/ have clearly defined topics that attract posts. The largest thread that could be broken into smaller discrete threads is the PC building thread. Furthermore, the seasonal boards are regularly called redundant due to their low activity. I simply do not think that there is enough activity to warrant a new board if the seasonal boards are the threshold for activity.

Since /win/ opened, 68 threads have been created on the seasonal boards, and 957 posts made.
By contrast, only 8 tech threads have been created since 2024, and only 596 posts made.

What does this mean? If you go by thread counts and post counts, there is more demand for the niche that the seasonal boards occupy than there is demand for a technology board!!

Seasonal Board Activity:

/spg/ - Opened March 19 2024
Threads Since Opening: 31
Posts Since Opening: 457

/win/ - Opened December 21 2023
Threads Since Opening: 37
Posts Since Opening: 500

Tech-related threads on /qa/:

Total: 35 / 300 Threads, 11.7% of /qa/ Threads | 596 Posts Since 2024 | 8 Threads Since 2024, 2.7% of /qa/ Threads

Page 1 (13 / 90 Threads, 14.4% | 497 Posts Since 2024 | Last Activity New Than April 1st, <2 Months Ago):
vim keyboard shortcuts >>>/qa/114332
(9 Replies, Last Activity: June 7 2024, Posts Since 2024: 1, % of Posts Since 2024: 11.1%, Creation Date: September 30 2023)
Cool Software >>>/qa/94952
(88 Replies, Last Activity: June 6 2024, Posts Since 2024: 3, % of Posts Since 2024: 3.4%, Creation Date: August 15 2022)
Filesharing Thread >>>/qa/81302
(75 Replies, Last Activity: June 4 2024, Posts Since 2024: 16, % of Posts Since 2024: 21.3%, Creation Date: December 3 2021)
Linux >>>/qa/100351
(253 Replies, Last Activity: June 2 2024, Posts Since 2024: 115, % of Posts Since 2024: 45.4%, Creation Date: November 30 2022)
Let's talk to AI Characters >>>/qa/97793
(349 Replies, Last Activity: May 31 2024, Posts Since 2024: 83, % of Posts Since 2024: 23.8%, Creation Date: October 7 2022)
What filetypes will last the longest >>>/qa/124881
(18 Replies, Last Activity: May 28 2024, Posts Since 2024: 18, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: May 25 2024)
/qa/'s thoughts on AI >>>/qa/100268
(233 Replies, Last Activity: May 19 2024, Posts Since 2024: 12, % of Posts Since 2024: 5.1%, Creation Date: November 28 2022)
Neat websites >>>/qa/71667
(105 Replies, Last Activity: May 18 2024, Posts Since 2024: 7, % of Posts Since 2024: 6.7%, Creation Date: May 2 2021)
ebook readers >>>/qa/117499
(35 Replies, Last Activity: May 13 2024, Posts Since 2024: 16, % of Posts Since 2024: 45.7%, Creation Date: December 19 2023)
Reddit API Stuff >>>/qa/109657
(77 Replies, Last Activity: May 5 2024, Posts Since 2024: 1, % of Posts Since 2024: 1.3%, Creation Date: June 14 2023)
Browser customization >>>/qa/123948
(18 Replies, Last Activity: May 5 2024, Posts Since 2024: 18, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: May 2 2024)
Best time to build a PC? >>>/qa/98115
(319 Replies, Last Activity: April 22 2024, Posts Since 2024: 155, % of Posts Since 2024: 48.5%, Creation Date: October 13 2022)
What is your opinion of private trackers and the like? >>>/qa/120408
(52 Replies, Last Activity: April 19 2024, Posts Since 2024: 52, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: February 27 2024)

Page 2 (10 / 90 Threads, 11.1% | 99 Posts Since 2024 | Last Activity Older Than April 1st, >2 Months Ago):
torrent client >>>/qa/121684
(10 Replies, Last Activity: March 17 2024, Posts Since 2024: 10, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: March 17 2024)
cheapest TV computer you can build? >>>/qa/121354
(9 Replies, Last Activity: March 11 2024, Posts Since 2024: 9, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: March 10 2024)
I'm a VR now. >>>/qa/20137
(287 Replies, Last Activity: March 10 2024, Posts Since 2024: 4, % of Posts Since 2024: 1.4%, Creation Date: July 12 2021)
GPU passthrough >>>/qa/109192
(53 Replies, Last Activity: February 22 2024, Posts Since 2024: 4, % of Posts Since 2024: 7.5%, Creation Date: June 4 2023)
Learning Photoshop with Kissu! >>>/qa/86904
(88 Replies, Last Activity: January 27 2024, Posts Since 2024: 8, % of Posts Since 2024: 9.1%, Creation Date: March 30 2022)
Has the internet been a net benefit for society? >>>/qa/115654
(20 Replies, Last Activity: March 11 2024, Posts Since 2024: 1, % of Posts Since 2024: 5%, Creation Date: November 3 2023)
What's there to do on the internet? Online conversations feel too superficial >>>/qa/118198
(28 Replies, Last Activity: January 7 2024, Posts Since 2024: 28, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: January 5 2024)
cell phones have reached a level where they can read the end user's mind >>>/qa/118080
(20 Replies, Last Activity: March 7 2024, Posts Since 2024: 20, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: January 2 2024)
Do you really need a dedicated to-do list app? >>>/qa/118098
(15 Replies, Last Activity: January 3 2024, Posts Since 2024: 15, % of Posts Since 2024: 100%, Creation Date: January 3 2024)
Interaction between different programming languages >>>/qa/110772
(20 Replies, Last Activity: December 31 2023, Posts Since 2024: 0, % of Posts Since 2024: 0%, Creation Date: July 7 2023)

Page 3 (7 / 90 Threads, 7.8% | Last Activity Older Than January 1st, >5 Months Ago):
non controversial nuclear thread >>>/qa/116452
The Unix Epoch >>>/qa/115831
Kissu's Future Planning: Potential of Self-Hosting >>>/qa/106470
Is a digitalized personality put into a robotic shell a zombie? >>>/qa/114356
Is Discord's poor runtime performance an aspect of it being built on top of the Electron Framework >>>/qa/113478
I wish we just abandoned time zones and communicated in unix timestamps >>>/qa/112583
Is there an alternative to YouTube yet? >>>/qa/112589

Page 4 (5 / 30 Threads, 16.7% | Last Activity Older Than August 12th, >10 Months Ago):
Single Vs Multi(N) Monitors >>>/qa/110979
If you were soon to be killed by a virus, but a perfect backup of yourself >>>/qa/110760
How much data storage does /qa/ think we'd need to create a perfect replica of a human >>>/qa/109986
I wanna get into writing browsers by forking something >>>/qa/110398
AI Games >>>/qa/105332


the unreasonable part is people shooting down ideas instead of letting them play out.

Your stats and logic doesn't account for all the posts that IRC takes up and the hypothetical transfer of ideas from sageru onto kissu because it's basically impossible to measure


it's just an insular and short sited logic that kissu is what kissu is and can't be anything more than it is.


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>Your stats and logic doesn't account for...
And your emotions don't account for logic. If you want to create a technology board. Create a technology board. Don't try to give me emotional-based arguments (>>12554) when you are and were very clearly wrong, Mr. "I'm not convinced you actually use kissu".



I find the numbers you pulled up interesting but not capable of making any sort of decision because things don't exist in a statistical vacuum.

It might seem "emotional" but it's I'm using induction to come to decisions by combining what I've experienced in observing people with what I think will be a likely result.


although, you might retort with saying everything can be reduced to statistics, but that is just machines brute forcing answers and only taking in the data available...


so "do you actually use kissu" it's more like you're a robot. [one without any sort of personal feelings]




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Then explain your reasoning and thoughts for God's sake! I've been asking you to do so and all you did was call me unreasonable and brush off everything I said, and you are still continuing to do so. I gave you my reasoning and facts to justify my beliefs. All you have given is vague emotional arguments that have no basis in reality.

If your only reasoning for wanting a technology board is, "I want a technology board," then just say that! There is literally nothing wrong with that! But then don't try to wrap in axing the seasonal boards or tell me that doing so will magically change the character of /qa/.


If you want a thought line, basically I am solving my own problems and issues I have with using the site, and by doing that it will end up shaping it into a type of site that someone like me can use easily


I use personal vocabulary, but I put the other person into perspective by assuming how they would judge me for having an opinion and using social intelligence to try and determine outcomes


So you call it 'emotional' but I'm pretty much just social engineering


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Yeah, that sure sounds pretty unreasonable to me. It's a waste of time to continue with you!


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I haven't really said anything about this but my intuition kinda leans towards letting Vern do his thing with this to see how it works. We've had the seasonal boards for a few years and they kinda haven't really had much more impact than a really slow board would. Probably as a result of the heavy usage of /all/, but at the same time /all/ is a net benefit to kissu imo. Since it combines /jp/ and /qa/ in a way that allows the seamless integration of threads from both allowing /jp/ to serve as the more silly /qa/ where people don't need to care about how good a thread is. If anything, probably what I'd be curious to see is benefit of would be renaming /all/ to /qajp/ to more accurately represent what one sees on the overboard. Also for the most part what wouldn't really work on /qa/ that we'd send to the seasonal boards would be better off shoving into /secret/ since it kinda absorbed that quality of seasonal boards in a way that allows for the threads to not be a bother to those not subjecting themselves to them. I don't want to hear about the many problems of /secret/, I'm aware, but it's gotten much calmer recently and seems to rise and fall in tension in cycles so there's potential for it to be a place one doesn't need to constantly resent.

Alongside the redundancy I know Vern has a lot of interest in technology-related topics and there's a fair bit of people on kissu or irc that do too so a place for him and others to shoot random tech thoughts isn't that bad of an idea assuming it can get traction. And from what I've seen on #qa/here and from the helpful stats in >>12580 it kinda does seem like there's a likely chance for it to gain traction. My main contention would be that it could cause issues with organizational autism but hopefully that doesn't come to pass. I'd say maybe exclude it from the overboard by default as well but that seems to kill traction on a board more than unlisting it...


hi laala


i don't UNDERSTAND why /all/ keeps being blamed for this or that it's not what determines what people post where it's a secondary thing


The problem with /all/ and the seasonal boards is that the novelty of the seasonal boards was for them to be opened up and looked at as a sort of annual time capsule that could generate interesting activity year on year with the same topics, but being relegated to another part of /all/ means that this doesn't happen. It requires that people open up the board which there's no reason to when threads will show up from it on the overboard, and as such they just function as really slow other boards that you could open up and see really old threads from if you wanted to but most people won't.


it's a phenomena


i did that with >>>/win/1602 i don't know if others remembered


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Best solution to archiving the seasonal boards is probably to give /qa/ another 10 pages and just have a thread where we encourage people to go through the seasonal boards and nominate which ones should be preserved and sent over to /qa/ instead of just being lost to time. That way in their closing the seasonal boards could actually kind of serve their intended purpose from the start for once.


>Since /win/ opened, 68 threads have been created on the seasonal boards, and 957 posts made.
>By contrast, only 8 tech threads have been created since 2024, and only 596 posts made.
This assumes that with a tech board we wouldn't see more threads of a tech nature popping up in response to the board's dedicated topic. But if you're going to go by total posts then I think it's more fair that we compare /secret/ to the seasonal boards to see how each fairs. For which the closest post I can find to the date of opening /spg/ is May 16th, but since then there's been 4014 posts, nearly 10x as much activity as /spg/ garnered.

And when it comes to what's generating activity on the seasonal boards, most of the more active threads I'd say wouldn't really be at all out of place on another board, especially recent ones that could very easily have all just been posted on /qa/ or /jp/ to begin with. When I consider that content overlap alongside the already small number of posts there's really nothing that makes me feel the need to keep them around, aside from that they have nice banners that'd be a shame to make obsolete, but I guess if they're archived they'd just go to those instead.


>Your stats and logic doesn't account for all the posts that IRC takes up and the hypothetical transfer of ideas from sageru onto kissu because it's basically impossible to measure

If your reason for wanting /g/ boils down to the one guy on the IRC channel that blogposts about scripting then gets angry when anyone disagrees with his choices in software you're not going to have a fun time. You're basically saying;
>Let's have a board that caters to that one guy and ban everyone else.

I don't really care about having a /g/ board. I might even post on it. Assuming everything I put effort into isn't instantly deleted for being "political". I try very hard not to be "political" yet time and time again it angers what I assume is one person. Then they cry loudly about politics while basically promoting their own version of politics.

Someone pointing out that Rust might not be the best language to build a web page is isn't being "political". They're simply pointing out that it's a bad choice for many reasons and they can't help you because they don't make stupid decisions like that. On the other hand if you're willing to listen to their suggestion of using almost anything else (python, php, hell even javascript) you'll probably be blessed with discussion and maybe even code.




How about Rust is a conspiracy to sneak viruses into everything as a part of a big tech conspiracy?


I'm not vern.
But I'll quote myself on that post
>>>12539 though i do wonder about what your vision is
>politics is one thing but software ideology is common even amongst the #qa discussion
>and talk about congressional legislation or other policies that impact the tech sector directly do seem to be things that would be tech related


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I still do not think that archiving the seasonal boards would have any meaningful affect on /qa/. As Kissu exists, /qa/ is a slow board of large threads, /jp/ is a short-lived 2D/random board that leans towards seasonal anime discussion, and the seasonal boards are a catch-all for unrelated off-topic threads.

If the seasonal threads are axed, I think there's a few different outcomes:
1. The posts that would have been made on the seasonal boards are instead made on /secret/ (I think this is the most likely outcome).
2. /jp/ shifts away from anime-centric discussion and the the board becomes more like pre-split /qa/ (I think this is unlikely to happen unless there is consistent moderation to force off-topic threads into /jp/ because of people's preconceived notions of what belongs on /jp/),
3. /qa/ ceases to be a slow board and smaller threads start pushing older, larger threads down (I think this is the least likely scenario for reasons similar as mentioned above),

If you keep removing things from /qa/, this further contributes to why /qa/ has so many old and large threads: There's nothing to stop anyone from posting what would be a /qa/-worthy post on some other board, so posts are mostly attracted to threads that already exist. /qa/ is coasting off of inertia. The /qa/ that exists in people's minds does not exist. If every thread was removed from Kissu in a freak accident, how would you delineate what goes where? /qa/ would have very little reason to exist due to the overlapping topics that could be had elsewhere.

I'm personally a very big fan of /qa/ existing, particularly as it was. Maybe this gives people more insight into why I dislike certain other boards and why I think board splitting is detrimental.


My preferred outcome is the more serious discussion threads like
Get put on /qa/ instead since there's really no reason why they couldn't be posted here.

Threads like
Go to /jp/ because why can't random threads like these be on /jp/? They're silly and fun threads.

All the other stuff can go to /secret/, and that's fine. I love /secret/ it solves all problems. Like the blog thread problem, what's the solution to that? Just encourage posting your stream of conscious to /secret/ along with whatever youtube vid you're watching.


CUTE Venn diagram!!!


Actually removal of the seasonal boards can probably only be a boon to /qa/ now that I think about it.


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I understand what you're saying as far as moving current threads goes, but I do not see how axing the seasonal boards achieves in making /qa/ more active and diverse in topics going forwards (As >>12509 and >>12514 described).

Maybe you disagree with my diagram showing board overlap (>>12607), but as I see it, /secret/ is currently siphoning off posts from the seasonal boards, which themselves were originally siphoning off-topic posts from /qa/ and /jp/ pre-/secret/, post-split, most notably in the pseudo blogs ("free thoughts", "cafe", etc.). If the seasonal boards are archived, I really think that /secret/ should be unlisted and maybe its name changed to something more representative of what should go there, because I really think a lot of the activity the seasonal boards have would instantly migrate to /secret/; quite frankly, I've somewhat come around to /secret/. At this point, /qa/ really does not resemble 4/qa/ at all, whereas /secret/ is increasingly become more /qa/-like as posts that would have been made elsewhere feel unwelcome; Making a thread about anything all at "unfocused" feels clumbersome and misplaced on /qa/.

Kissu's /qa/ is now more of a "Project/General" board, and /secret/ is increasingly what 4/qa/ was, strife included... If I had any power at all, I would rename /qa/ to /pg/ - Project/General, list /secret/ and then rename to /qa/. At that point, separating technology threads from /qa/ makes more sense on an organizational level, even if I do think the board will be very low activity.


but /secret/ is that way because it's hidden


I think the "native", more disagreeable /secret/ posts are there because it's hidden, but I disagree that that's its main draw at this point. Just look at the first page of the catalog.

Threads like these are practically quintessential 4/qa/. I think you would agree that these posts no longer fit the atmosphere of Kissu's /qa/ currently. The only things missing if these were from 4/qa/ is the happening thread and an assortment of conversation opener threads, random crossboard meta threads, frogs, historical 4chan meta, and complaining about things Hiro did.


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So once again I'm right


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Well... It took a really long time to get to this point, but now I see it.


For me, the seasonal boards give license to make /jp/-like threads about non-2D content. Admittedly, I don't make these often, but it's good to have a place for them. I will probably just stop posting those kinds of things entirely or post them on other sites that have places for them, but if I really want to post something here they'll go to /qa/. I stopped caring about or visiting /secret/ because it started to feel like it doesn't exist for events and meta-funposting, but as a way for mods to get rid of things they don't like without facing the consequences of outright deleting things so I definitely will not be posting threads there.

Speaking of, I'm certain that at least 75% of the thread ideas that came to mind for a /g/ board would instantly get moved to /secret/.


Hmm, ESL dumbass….don’t think I asked for your input but ok???



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Nicely done expanding upon the Venn diagram idea


we're thinking about names for kissu's technology focused board. I'm thinking of /98/ or /pc98/ to keep it in line with japanese interests and give it some crossover with /qa/ and /jp/. Other opinions voiced have been /l/ which I fear is going to wind up looking very odd when people start asking about tor questions and be unhinged about their fetishes. It does have crossover with ideas like lain and linux.
Another idea is /prog/ which puts it directly into the framework of an existing culture which cool and I will probably oppose on our moderation style. Does have appeal though


Call it /l/. Technology isn't so inseparable from lolis---indeed, it's how lolis will be created!


you're disgusting


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there's nothing disgusting about liking technology.


/l/ would stick with the existing board naming scheme of trying to confuse 4channers as much as possible.


It will stand for Laplace, to reference his concept of a prediction machine as the basis of generative AI, specifically insofar as it relates to the simulation of little girls.


I'm fucking tired of this pedo shit. I'm never going to call it /l/ now


/l/et’s enjoy technolo/g/y


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Are we still arguing about this? The obvious board name is /t/ for /TRON/. The superior operating system. We can claim it's /t/ for /Terry/ and man the /g/ shitposters whenever they show up.

The obvious name for /l/ is Lambda Lambda Lambda. It's like you people aren't even nerds. Loving Lain also would have been acceptable.


/rrc/ - Robotics Research Club


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Loving Lain... /ll/ has a nice ring to it.


If a technology board has created this much drama before even existing, is it even worth it to make it?


Sunk cost fallacy.


/l/ for renkinjutsu but we're neitibu nihongo so we pronounce the r as l

/g/ for garibenyarou geeks

>But it would be a direct competition with sageru

>interest in technology-related topics and there's a fair bit of people on kissu or irc that do too so a place for him and others to shoot random tech thoughts isn't that bad of an idea assuming it can get traction

i am a sageru user who would become a regular user of this new tech board, reasons being that sageru is way too ephemeral to refer back to good discussions one might have had, and i actually feel bad for nerding out too much in the one shared IRC channel.

>There's a real "I discuss this here because everywhere else banned me" atmosphere.

it seems to me there are 3 axes: Quality enforcement (may include not being repetitive), Non-insularity of culture, and anonymity (pick 2). If you want open an anonymous, quality will drop. If you want anonymous and quality, then there must be some ex/implicit filter. that happens because the concept of technology is "open" and "accessible" by nature and equated to progress so when Open is a given people take anonymity and their opinion of quality for granted they think "others are disagreeing with me, must be bandwagoning against me", and they go off to start their own offshoot movements


IRC seems to be well modded given its proximity to schizo troublemakers in other sageru channels, i am ok with this type of benevolent dictatorship


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Copypasting what I posted in mod chat:

There's a quote (Einstein?) about any sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic, and magic in japanese is 'mahou' which makes it reminiscent of various 2D stuff like magical girls which is probably offputting to the worst of the /g/ types. there's also comparisons of programming to magic spells or whatever and also Patchy has some old jp/prog associations with runes and programming (incantations?). Speaking of Touhou some people interpret Ran as being a computer, although not sure how deep into Touhou lore people are (and kissu itself isn't that deep into 2hu) so I don't think that will work. Likewise Nitori is associated with tech gadgets, but again I think most people were more into 2hu a decade ago or more just based on kissu's general lack of Touhou threads.
The /mahou/ name really isn't self-explanatory name-wise, which has pros and cons since that is kind of a theme with kissu. /mahou/ is long so it would need to be shortened.. maho.. mho, mah.. meh
Maho has Pani Poni, Steins;gate, Mahoromatic and other connections as well and all three are tied to kissu/qa/ loosely as well, although that's more of a coincidence.
I'll think more, but I'm not sure what else I can come up with since I don't know programming stuff so most references are lost to me.


Who would sell lain a gun


I'll poll it sometime over the weekend to get an idea. A /l/ is never going to happen. Think of some letters after l and I'll consider it


>some letters after l



dumb argumentative shitposter


transcendent radical algorithmic neo-spiritual virtual electronic self-trained intelligence technological experiences

Or /t/, for short.


File:michaelsoft_binbows.jpg (141.04 KB,1280x800)

>some letters after l

>magic in japanese is 'mahou'

/m/ichaelsoft binbows

/mb/ megabytes! mahou binaries! majide bakunyuu! mikka bouzu! mudana berumin!


/lol/ - Lolis on Linux


Dispel any fears you might have about a technology board. At a glance, this site isn't friendly towards Tor users, and it uses Cutieflare, so it won't be populated by the ultra-paranoid. Technology is a staple of imageboards, and if anons here are as disillusioned with the other technology discussions as I am, a board here could prove to be refreshing.


dumb argumentative shitposter


I'll be making the opinion poll at end of day. 5 votes minimum, will include everything here(bsaically).


I think maybe if there's a fantastic name thought up in a month from now then it could just be renamed/recreated too?


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/pc/ - Postan Cunny


so are the season-themed boards gonna be retired once the tech board is made


im not sure what retired really means. They'll be archived unless it ends up being /win/ in which case we'd probably do a rebranding


someone throw me a threadstarter image while I make myself some salty noodles. For whatever reason my tonsils have been acting up the past two weeks and after flossing my gums hurt... i need some salt



the luna.kissu names of the recently updated stuff have to be fixed


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It's really quite funny to me, in the tragic sense, that you had this emotional thought, completely divorced from reason and decided to go through with it even after I provided lots of reasoning to the contrary. Since the seasonal boards were archived, only 17 threads have been made on /qa/. Only about 3 or so are what I would consider threads that might have been made on the seasonal boards.

I'm sure you're well-satisified with this renaissance you've ushered into /qa/. I would really encourage you to read >>12607 again and analyze why you ever thought what you did. Personally, I was under the impression that it would be most likely for seasonal board posts to shift to /secret/, but that never happened. Only about two threads are what I would consider threads that might have been made on the seasonal boards, and neither even received any replies. In reality, I should have been more pessimistic than I was. Those posts didn't shift to /qa/, and they definitely didn't shift to either /secret/ or /jp/. It was as >>12616 suggested. Those posts would simply just stop being made.

I mentioned it on /secret/ in the thread about why no one uses /megu/ anymore (>>>/secret/32650), but I think this really vindicates the idea that disincentivizing posts in one way or another simply ensures that they will not be made in the future. Shocker, I know. Maybe you should reflect on this experience.

I'm aware I'm vain, so I'd thought I'd live up to that reputation in a call-back to >>12580.

If you go by thread counts and post counts, there is STILL more demand for the niche that the seasonal boards occupy than there is demand for a technology board!!

Since /maho/ opened, there have been:

Moved Threads: 9 / 38 or ~23.7%
New posts in moved threads: 35 / 1175 or 2.9% | 9 / 35 or 25.7% in first week | 10 / 35 or 28.6% spam
New threads: 29 / 38 or ~76.3% | 11 or 39.8% made in first week
Posts in new threads (excludes OPs): 403 | 88 / 403 or 21.8% made in first week

Total New Posts: 438
Days Since Opening (June 21): 71
Average Posts Per Day: ~6.2

Total New Posts After the First Week (excludes spam): 331
Days Open Since the Second Week (June 28): 64
Average Posts Per Day: ~5.2

Thanks to >>12580, it's easy to compare these numbers to /win/ and /spg/:

Posts Since Opening: 457
Average Posts Per Day: ~5.1

Posts Since Opening: 500
Average Posts Per Day: ~5.6

Congratulations, you've created a board that generates roughly the same number of posts or fewer as the seasonal boards did! So, when are you deleting it? Or do you have no principles at all? I say that in jest. Really, I just want the seasonal boards back.


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Threads I would have made on a seasonal board usually appear inside existing /qa/ threads now or sometimes /jp/. Examples of threads on /jp/ that could have fit on seasonal boards is stuff like:
>>>/jp/79210 (plus other olympics thread that fell off)

There's likely some other threads that have fallen off since then, too. It wasn't /qa/ that absorbed them, but largely /jp/


I completely agree (I'm >>12508) but feel the need to ask, is the thing that was disliked NTR? Because I've no idea what else "ought to be banned for" could refer to, and I do consider clearing that up to be important.


damned if I do
damned if I don't


Gotta ascertain the character of the material in question, the discussion hinges on it.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. There's probably a comment somewhere in the thread about someone who got banned. I'd prefer to let dead dogs lie about what someone almost got purged for since they seem to see the balance now.


it was dogwater


Numbers aside, the use of a board is more about the willingness for people to discuss these things. So that's to say the cyclical interset in tech is not active on the boards right now

I don't really want to use kissu much anymore. But this is an example of a time when I thought of moving the seasonal board culture into /qa/ and getting rid of it's general-thread vibe.

It's a bit irritating that the same people who would say that /jp/ was a mistake are now telling me that /sum/ was correct.
It doesn't seem like the community has any principles that are worth defending


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what the heck does this mean


vermin don't do this


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Numbers aside! My god, you used numbers to justify getting rid of the seasonal boards and with the same goddamn numbers in front of you that /maho/ is barely any more popular than the seasonal boards were you say "numbers aside"! The arrogance you have is unbelievable...

>It's a bit irritating that the same people who would say that /jp/ was a mistake are now telling me that /sum/ was correct.
You don't get it. When you make a decision as impactful as splitting or merging or archiving a board, these are not changes you can undo to the fabric of what the board was and the posts that inhabited it. You can't simultaneously hold in your head that you wish /qa/ were faster, that it wasn't filled with giant generals, and at the same time rip out the parts that gave it that spontaneity. Now, having ripped that spontaneity out and given it to /jp/, when you archive the seasonal boards, where do you think the spontaneity that was there goes? It doesn't go back to /qa/, because the /qa/ that was spontaneous no longer exists. I told you to re-read >>12607. It very well contains these thoughts, but I understand that if I'm not making flashy aggressive posts, your eyes gloss over and disregard everything I say as meaningless, but at least Berun and Cool might read what I have to say and least maybe that will impact their own thinking.

>I've no idea what else "ought to be banned for" could refer to
A selection:
Mar 01 20:49:56 <Anonymous> thinking of restricting some freedoms for the ToT posters -@Kissu
Mar 01 20:53:16 <Anonymous> There's nothing dumb about people who are putting their legal and scoial stupidity onto the site -@Kissu
Mar 01 20:54:16 <Anonymous> I guess I should reword that, "There's nothing dumb about acting on people who are putting their legal and social stupidity onto a website's identity" -@Kissu
Mar 01 21:06:30 <Anonymous> Making good posts in /ec/ or /megu/ or /secret/... I don't think their salvagable, but eventually /jp/ will be full of brazen "oh yeah kids ero hell yea" -@Kissu

The meaning I gathered at the time was that if neither /ec/ nor /megu/ were "salvagable" -- at this time I was one of, if perhaps not the most prolific poster on /ec/ and /megu/ -- and that a certain "-@Kissu" was going to "restrict some freedoms" and "[act] on people", then that implicated me as being a target for being banned for what I had been posting. Maybe you read it differently. "-@Kissu" has a way with words that is not easily interpretable, and even when interrogated -- by myself at the time -- did not give a straight answer as to what they had meant. If that selection seems biased, I'll post a more complete section of the full conversation. At any rate, given what had been said, I decided I might as well just stop posting before the axe falls on my neck even if I had been abiding by the old "DEFCON Konata" sticky rule on /ec/ and none of my posts had been deleted.

>inside existing /qa/ threads
I really don't like the blog thread. Not because of what it is, but because of how hamfistedly it was dealt with. "There's too much blogging on /qa/!", so the blog thread gets anchored (>>>/qa/103358), and then
blogging got moved to the seasonal boards, but before then there had been tangentially similar threads like the salon and free thoughts threads, and some time later "There's too much blogging on the seasonal boards and it's stealing thread ideas!" so the free thoughts thread was unceremoniously anchored (>>>/win/2181), and lo and behold that then turned into "No one posts on the seasonal boards, they're basically dead and redundant!" But then why does the blog re-emerge?... (>>>/secret/18736) You know, I really can't help but wonder why people feel like there's this "rules for me, but not for thee" thing going on? I just can't understand it. Why is that? Completely unfounded and unsubstantiated.

Every now and then I think about a question posed on /secret/. The thread is gone (ahem, I'm still waiting for that text-only archive). It was something like this, "I remember interacting with a frogposter who had mentioned being into anime and things, but then they came to hate all that and I just wonder how that got to that point." I made a sage'd reply, and I doubt anyone had read it. It's gone now, but I feel largely the same as I had then. I "hate" Kissu in the same way that I'm sure that frogposter "hated" anime. It's not necessarily that they became a changed person, but that the things associated with their interests became unbearable and left them with a feeling of longing that leaves themselves feeling alienated -- "What's left for me?"

I liked the blog thread. I used to post in it frequently. Then I was told that the blog thread had to go. "If you need to make blogs, make them in #qa." And I do. And then /secret/ is made in a gag, and I enjoyed it. And then the /secret/ that I liked got transformed into a meta/politics/ukraine war hellscape. And I really didn't like it. So I spammed it, hoping that board wipes and making those stupid politics threads unusable would pave the way for the /secret/ that existed before to re-emerge, but it never did. All the while on one side I get chewed out by "someone" that I should be banned for making the site unusable because the spam is too much, and on the other side I'm assured that spam is okay because /secret/ has no moderation. And then I get demoralized and let the hellscape do its thing. And then it comes to light in #qa that the person who decided to make it their personal politics/ukraine war board was none other than mr. admin and the reason why the usual "no politics" rule cannot be enforced is because mr. admin's posts cannot be deleted. And then the bored thoughts threads I made on the seasonal boards get anchored, and that plays out, and then some time later wow the blog thread is back... Wonder why that is... And then it's "Let's make a technology board!" (Oh, yeah, and we're also going to nuke the seasonal boards regardless because actually they're really slow and redundant, and no one uses them. That's not to mention #qa and "-@Kissu" and the unequal treatment.

Do you get it? /secret/ is dead to me. /ec/ and /megu/, I stopped posting on because I perceived a roundabout threat that I would be banned for continuing to post there. #qa becomes "-@Kissu's" playground and gets the kid gloves for the same things anyone would be banned for. The seasonal boards get archived. There's probably more I'm forgetting. I'm not just jaded and depressed. I have very tangible complaints that in almost every case were ignored, denied, brushed aside and when eventually there's some change in policy, is there any recognition of previous fault? Is there even every any rationale? No, it is always some cockeyed idea by vermin that has no rational basis or consistent ideology and is purely the result of their own personal desire.

I just want some fucking forethought into decisions, some consistency, and actual legitimate equality in moderation. Just a few hours ago vermin has a tirade in #qa and does his usual tirade about how really if he were just allowed to get rid of all the people he dislikes then everything would be great. "There is this dude who posts insanely negative shit about everything from Rust to Atri and then shows up in my thread [...] So I delete his post". Like, come the fuck on. I don't give a fuck about the issue at hand, it's the fact that vermin has absolutely no principles whatsoever that he will not bend at his own convenience when it suits his own desires.

No, I don't fucking want to post on /maho/ or have my thread moved to it. I don't want to look at Sageru #qa when every fifth post is "-@Kissu" posting another YouTube link or unprompted launching into a diatribe on whatever random news and politics they feel like filling the room with today. I don't want to be associated with Kissu anymore, but really I'm the irrational one. I just need to block out certain people better and then I wouldn't have any issues right? I just need to accept that, "Well, actually vermin listens to Berun and Cool". Wow! Great! If only that actually meant something when there's something meaningful occurring. Do you get why I feel like there's nothing left for me on Kissu? It doesn't matter that "Well, actually there are nice posts on..." when that can be overturned at any random moment due to someone's fickle, unpredictable desires that seemingly change every 3-6 months.


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Man, what is it with today? Was there a planetary alignment or something?

These posts (and of course the images chosen to represent them) make this seem like an airing of grievances instead of an argument made in good faith, but it's my internet job to respond to this kissu moderation stuff.

>where do you think the spontaneity that was there goes? It doesn't go back to /qa/
I just listed a dozen living threads on /jp/ that likely would have been on the seasonal boards and there are a few /qa/ ones as well. In that timeframe that's actually higher than a seasonal board would get. It also takes time for people to adjust themselves and test the waters so this is actually better than what one could have expected. People seemed to have adapted to the change quite well, except people (including myself) need to be more willing to make threads on /qa/. I do miss the concept of the seasonal boards, but who's to say they're gone forever or that all boards are set in stone right now?

> blog thread
I wasn't talking about the blog thread, but I hate the blog thread when it gets real posts instead of throwaway blogs, but that has mostly been fixed. I hated the free thoughts thread and every other "make a throwaway post in an existing thread instead of starting a discussion" thread because it was actively damaging the concept of an imageboard with thread creation enabled. People want the path of least resistance and that's to use imageboards as one single thread that contains everything: a chatroom. People are free to dislike the decisions we make over that, but I still feel it's the right one. There are quite a few "2D" imageboards that exist as blog generals where user interaction is incidental and I don't think kissu should pursue the same path. I don't really have the motivation to go over this again in detail, but my thread explaining my reasoning should still be in zombie status on /secret/ somewhere since I assumed this decision would be brought up now and then.

>"I remember interacting with a frogposter who had mentioned being into anime and things, but then they came to hate all that and I just wonder how that got to that point."
>but I feel largely the same
You've made bedfellows with a lying, malevolent creature that devoted his life of unending spite and rage towards an innocent group that only wished to have fun; a truly ugly person that existed only to spread misery. I'm offended that anyone would align themselves with someone that sought to hurt my online friends and indirectly succeeded in separating me from some of them them before they could make it to kissu. I still remember their posting styles, threads, images and habits as if it were yesterday. Barely a week goes by where I don't wonder what I could have done differently to ensure they made it here with me. I hope you understand what you're saying.

As for the rest of your post, well... yeah. Admins are treated differently since it's their site. Yes, it's unfair. Yes, he's hypocritical and annoying at times, but I think we've done a pretty good job of reining things in, as the #qa complaints you mentioned are a result of us doing so even today. #qa itself? There's no way for me to moderate it without complaints, every ban that isn't illegal material is met with protests and every time I don't ban it's met with equal protesting, or more specifically "why didn't you ban that guy 3 weeks ago? I was sending psychic thoughts to you to tell you to ban him. wtf happened?". They want the results of impossibly ideal moderation in a completely passive capacity. I can't win, just like I can't win right now. It helps me understand the AI doomsday scenario where the benevolent AI decides to kill everyone to protect them.

>Do you get why I feel like there's nothing left for me on Kissu?
Honestly, no, I don't. Your justified anger towards vern completely overrides and overpowers any appreciation for anything else you have ever seen here and that's not something I can understand. You're listing stuff you dislike that happened two years ago as more important than good kissu stuff you see in front of you right now. You don't need to like the admin of a website, it's pretty common on imageboards that people don't. You need a certain personality for it and I definitely don't have it.
Is /maho/ a runaway success? Well, no, but we weren't expecting it to be populated overnight. We'll have to wait and see what is worthwhile in the future. Boards can always be switched around in the future and they probably will. It's good to try new things and keep things fresh.

Has it been smooth sailing? God no. Will it be smooth sailing in the future? Extremely unlikely. But, we'll be here. Maybe you'll try kissu again sometime and I'd like to have you back, but take however long you need to think about things.
I'm working on some CSS stuff to hopefully get a template out so people can submit their own requests for Kissu New UI themes, so I think that will be pretty cool! Kuon theme! Miku theme! [Your favorite thing] theme! Another Kuon theme!


it's not really that I wouldn't read it all because your current meta essays are at least entertaining to read than the dry theoretical ones. But responding to a long doesn't feel like we'd reach any kind of conclusion because you're spanning multiple points rather than trying to address them one by one. When I say I only read one sentence it's because if you're going to say Top 10 Things I hate about kissu! I'm not going to do anything.

I don't particularly care about speed of content. But something will go somewhere always. Could you point out something on a season board that wouldn't fit elsewhere? I couldn't.


> "There's too much blogging on /qa/!", so the blog thread gets anchored
I guess this is another thing I can address along side your top 10 list that is pretty simple.
The problem I had was that blogging wound up on IRC and that deleting it didn't do anything except move the content elsewhere. So it was brought back to put the blogging back onto Kissu.

Again it's pretty funny how people would be like "I hate the blog thread" and then "I loved the blog thread". But what can I do other than ignore it or just give up.

Also very funny how you're pointing out this blog situation is in part from chaotic anarchistic moderation practices, yet a few posts above me someone's saying it's all my fault.
As usual, what can I do but ignore it or give up.

There can't be any consistency to decisions because decisions are made by people who are not me


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I know I say it a lot, but I really am trying to reign in those toxic qualities of vern even if he doesn't agree with the effect they have. Yesterday was probably the most aggressive I've been towards trying to push against the constant negative perception he wants to force onto kissu in completely overriding a decision instead of just arguing but begrudgingly accepting it. I want to grow kissu to where a variety of topics can be discussed and more people of all sorts of backgrounds and character (as long as they're not complete shitfaces) can participate. I want kissu to be a place that calls back to a simpler time when people would go onto the internet to relax and let go of societal pressures to have fun, and exactly like you described I agree it becomes complicated whenever moderation feels spontaneous and/or inconsistent with its own principles.

I think when it comes to posters we need to get rid of, the cases are extremely clear cut for me, such as: >>>/trans/17370 . When it comes to what Vern feels it's completely more nebulous and subject to his direct contact with a person more than anything. He denies it but there's an irrefutable link to some of his "this poster is contaminating the culture of the site I'm just doing it for the health of the site and if you disagree you hate content creators and want the site to devolve into a free speech shithole" bans and his interactions with the poster in an argument. It was the Youmu poster at first who he banned from /b/ for asking too many times to re-add the subject field, then Atari who's a bit of an /a/ poster after he told an Anonymous Vern to kill himself in an argument, then recently are the most notable examples in my mind. Then there's trying to appeal to your stated sensibilities as a reason to try and ban the kimo poster and subsequently using rhetoric that pushes you away that goes against the stated aim of "just trying to make kissu clean for the contributing posters" or whatever similar argument he used at the time. Me and Cool were pivotal in overturning and going against pretty much all of these but unfortunately some of the decisions left their mark and pushed away more posters. I'm pretty much at my breaking point with this because I don't see a future where kissu survives constantly going through this cycle over and over again while gaining nobody because of poor decisions so I'm just going to forcibly override any terrible decision that I instinctively feel harms the health of the site until Vern can stop speaking in vagueities and make a succinct point people besides himself can agree with about why any of these terrible decisions that almost always hurt kissu's and its perception are actually beneficial towards the site as a whole. Not even Cool could agree with the latest one so you have no majority override here. And if you want to pronounce yourself right and seeing better than everyone all the time then this is my turn to do so in opposition to yourself with the actual outcomes of each situation always favoring my warnings about moderation decisions.

I do agree with Cool ( >>12803 ) that you guys don't help your own cases when it comes to moderation pleading because you are also all schizophrenic in deciding what should and should not be allowed.
>"why didn't you ban that guy 3 weeks ago? I was sending psychic thoughts to you to tell you to ban him. wtf happened?"
Is exactly how I've felt about some of your guys' retarded ramblings in the past especially when the report system has always been heavily underused. And then it turns out I'm right about my decisions in what the direction of moderation should be anyways when the same exact people that complain about the purity of posters and such see a bustling /secret/ post-politics as the ideal board >>12611. And then what pisses me off the most about all of this is the activity in the steam chat/irc that runs counter to what the idealized kissu by seemingly everyone would be which turns out to also be where people spend a bunch of time casually fraternizing with each other even though given the sensibilities pushed and "cultural norms" broken we should be banning a bunch of the people on there. The Pope being one of the more explicit examples of people you probably wouldn't be accepting of on kissu, and the rampant loli posting on #qa, OR YOUR OWN POLITICS POSTING THERE. You don't know how to unwind properly on your own site. Nobody seems to, except for people that are next on the chopping block.


Was about to say there's a counter example of a poster that's been able to avoid tripping any of these lines while being a classic /qa/ poster that can unwind properly but even with him I can recall some arguments in the mod chat about his posts at times that I defended...


>And then the /secret/ that I liked got transformed into a meta/politics/ukraine war hellscape.
What exactly was this "/secret/ that I liked"? I recall it suffering from a lot of politics and similar stupidity even early on, and there's actually less of that in its current state from my perspective.


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All of this is really to say, POST! Post more! I want kissu to be a site where creative people can flourish and not be denied their voice. I want to protect these creative posters that can actually make and contribute stuff, I don't want to cede this point for vague reasons that promise a better environment but never deliver, I'm done with that. I'll follow my heart instead of putting it away to make sure the creative environment on kissu is protected. The only thing that I'd ask is to stay refraining from pushing the boundaries on legally dubious content. And I think contrary to Vern's opinion, a bit of healthy conflict and disagreement can lead to better conversation even if there are people that get a bit more aggressive. It may even be invigorating to some people and to others that can't deal with it can just ignore it and drown out the dissenters with their own 'positive discussion' posts. (Of course this doesn't work so well when all that discussion is on steam (NOT telling you to not use it but it certainly doesn't influence thread direction when it's not there)).


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Also returning the seasonal boards feels wrong because there's still the issue of a third random board which has some indistinct difference from the other two. I'd be up for trying to convince Vern to return them in a different form/name that encompasses the specific topic/theme people think /qa/ or /jp/ lacks which the seasonal boards encompassed. I don't like the random thoughts thread, though.


it's clear that verm's hatred of burgerstan stems from the jungian shadow he sees in its recklessly unaccountable glowery


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This is the oldest catalog screenshot I have of /secret/. Ignore the green thumbnails. I've got no idea what's going on with that. My browser must have been freaking out because I remember those threads and they weren't spam or anything. Anyways, the Russian invasion of Ukraine took place about a month prior to this screenshot. If I remember correctly, at this time discussion was still on the seasonal boards and hadn't yet been moved to /secret/, so this is close to the state I remember. Admittedly, it's not at all a complete view of what I remember liking the most, but it's the really the only example I have saved. I was still discontent with the amount of teenshit being posted and had a bunch of threads hidden because this was after /secret/ became the meta dumping zone with "no rules". You can see that if you look at the threads. Most of the them were meta. Very different from /secret/ now. But, again, I already disliked this /secret/.

I liked the threads that were emblematic of what it was before the "meta era", and you can see remnants of that:
"I like making things, but it's hard to find inspiration sometimes"
"People talk about 'Christian values' and being a 'good Christian'" (I think I posted this thread. I remember regretting it later because it became a religion shitfest. I think I made a similar thread later on some time last year about pagan iconography in Christian art, but I'm pretty sure that one became a shitfest too...)
"me and /secret/ taking it easy" (pretty sure I posted this thread. I remember finding a nice artist on twitter and would periodically post in the thread with new posts of little alligators and ducks)
"What do people mean when they tell other to do their own 'research'?"
"feelin'those 'wish I was a ghost' blues"
"Behold the interdimensional sock-stealing portal!"
[pigmhall video]
[cirno threads]
"Is the current time a good time, right now?"
[AI schlop]
"Just claimed my prize after being informed that I am the 1,00,000th visitor to kissu.moe!"
[furry patchouli]
"I want a bed like this. The only thing left to solve is eating, drinking, and needing to go to the bathroom."
"Go to sleep and wake up early!"
"Click for cute girl"
"me and /secret/ trying to take it easy and get away from all the noise"
"Did you know? Winter is the season of strife."
"That was bad, I started up Oreimo to find a screenshot and I nearly ended up marathoning the whole anime"
"Who's /secret/ here?"
"Friend" (Was a video of a cheetah having it's ears rubbed with it's head resting in someone's lap.)

I think you'll find that this is very different from the /secret/ that now exists. There's not really any meta, there's not (much) teenshit, but there's also not really any threads like these that demonstrate people actually want to use the board instead of just using it as a dumping ground for the express purpose of getting a reaction out of people (that ultimately gets ignored). You may notice from this selection, that these types of threads and posts were and are similar to what was posted on the seasonal boards, but I would imagine your first thought might be "Why not just /jp/? These seem like threads that could be on /jp/." (>>12803) Because that's not what /jp/ is. I really don't care if that's what you want /jp/ to be now. This was what used to exist, what was snuffed out and shuffled around to other boards for no concrete reasoning.

The progression, as I remember it was: /secret/ gets made as a gag, but is never deleted and hangs around with sporadic threads. It genuinely was a secret, but the threads there weren't all reaction content teenshit and politics. They were just normal threads. And then some discussion about guns on /jp/ happens and vermin make an incoherent statement like "I will not tolerate terroristic content" (discussion had shifted into hypotheticals about what might occur during a civil war), locked the /jp/ thread and then moved it to /secret/. I argued about this decision, and the thread died with no more activity other than meta bickering. This largely did not change /secret/, but this was the first time it was brought up on Kissu itself so posting picked up a bit. And gradually more meta threads would get moved and /qa/ ceased being the place where meta originated and /secret/ became sort of three quarters random, one quarter meta. Then other threads that were perceived as being disagreeable (which were originally moved to the seasonal boards) started being moved to /secret/. Eventually, Russia invades Ukraine, and as usual the discussion about this was on the seasonal boards, but then got moved to /secret/. Most of this stuff would have been relegated to /trans/ were it not for the policy of now moving it to /secret/ instead. This when /secret/ got turned into vermin's politics and shitposting playgen and when I tried spamming the board to get that shit to go away, to no avail. More or less, all of the sorts of threads I mentioned as liking ceased being made on /secret/. It was almost exclusively random shitposts, teenshit, politics, and ukraine war with the occasional GNFOS style post or random vtuber video posted. I mostly stopped using /secret/ to post anything I had previous at this point, and seemingly anyone else who had posted there previously stopped as well. At some point vermin got bored with the politics and ukraine stuff and dipped out of /secret/. At this point, /secret/ sort of transformed again. It was frequently used for short-lived CSS changes and random events. Simultaneously, however, the impression that /secret/ was the shitpost board had mostly been solidified. I wanted /secret/ to go back to what it was and started making posts to that effect, which I was regularly told off for doing because (I'm paraphrasing obviously), "High effort threads like this don't deserve to be on /secret/". A few were moved to /qa/, if I remember right. I remember arguing about this a lot about how /secret/ shouldn't just be "the shitpost board" and that by moving low-quality threads to it, and high effort threads from it, that moderation was directly enforcing and endorsing the view that /secret/ was the shitpost board. That more or less brings up to now. As I see it, /secret/ is basically in a zombified state. You've scared off the people that wanted to post actual things on it, and all that now remains are the occasional CSS event, threads that get completely ignored, 3-4 reply threads that are completely inane, and the occasional andy thread. Can you say that this is a better state that /secret/ is in than it was in the screenshot above? Because I certainly don't think so.

So when you're confused about why I had hated /secret/ so much it's because of all of that. I don't hate it anymore, but that's because it's completely inoffensive and zombified. What point is there in hating a corpse? There was something there, and instead of allowing it to grow naturally, it was decided "Let's just dump our garbage here where no one will see it", and every time I brought this up the response was: "Well, we don't want meta on /qa/" and then "Well, this thread needed to be moved" and then "Well, if you don't like seeing that stuff why don't you just hide those threads" and then "Well, yeah politics isn't allowed, but /secret/ has no rules so spam it if you don't like that stuff" and then "Well, these threads don't deserve to be on /secret/ because they're high effort".

A similar progression took place on the seasonal boards. I had made those bored thoughts threads because they were just that. Bored thoughts. (>>12803) Killing them off didn't make me decide to start posting those ideas as threads for the same reason why complaining about Sageru #qa "stealing activity" never made me make threads for the things I discussed there. Although, out of spite I did post a handful of threads across a few days on the seasonal boards. So... The bored thoughts threads are gone. Fine. I make my own threads from time to time. Then what? Oh, well actually the seasonal boards are redundant. We're getting rid of them. Wow, those are some really nice numbers you collected, but sorry it doesn't matter we already decided. Oh, you posted new numbers that /maho/ isn't any more popular? Well, actually /maho/ could be more popular in the future, I can feel it, so it's not the same as the seasonal boards.

These decisions do not make me want to post on a different board. They just make me resentful, resentful because I have time and time and time again presented my own thoughts about why I like the things I do, why post where I do, and so on. And then you have the gall to say things like "the report system has always been heavily underused." (>>12806). Please, really, tell me at what point should I have "reported" any of the things I am describing? Because I did for a time report threads on /secret/ that I disliked, particularly the politics threads and the response was that /secret/ was just unmoderated and well that's the way things are.

I have regularly posted in length, and find I am repeating myself with each of these decisions.

>You've made bedfellows with a lying, malevolent creature that devoted his life of unending spite and rage towards an innocent group that only wished to have fun
If that was your take-away, I really do not know what to tell you. Really, I don't. Because if you want to categorize me as being on the same level as someone posting for the express purpose of making things worse for others, again, this just makes me resentful. I have contributed an uncountable number of hours towards Kissu, making dozens and dozens of banners, hundreds of threads, poured tens of dozens hours into making posts and threads I would consider as being very high effort, hosted a Minecraft server, and have likely made tens of thousands of posts. If you don't understand why taking a snippet of a post and taking THAT as my meaning makes me feel resentful, I don't think you will ever understand why I feel the way I do. I would never knowingly intend on making Kissu an unusable and worse place and your insinuation as such is deeply hurtful.

Maybe I'll put things in different terms that are perhaps more understandable. Imagine yourself liking anime, and so you post on a forum about anime, and you find yourself enjoying the discussion there, but there's some people there that take things too far. They're passionate, but malicious in putting their own interests as more important than that of others. You still like the other posters, but going back time and time again and seeing that really nothing has been done about this malicious person which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Other people tell you to just ignore them, but they have influence in the workings of the site and one day they decide to get rid of the forum category for visual novels because there's already a gaming category. But you really liked the visual novel category because the posts there had knowledgeable people who really liked visual novels and posting on the gaming category just isn't the same at all. And over time decisions like these happen time and time again, and this person gets preferential treatment because of some forum nonsense about having an earlier join date or something. Completely arbitrary, but that's just the way things are. And over time these decisions start collecting up and up so that it starts defining your opinion of the forum more broadly, and you feel resentful about it. You've got no plans to DDoS the site or anything, but you just can't feel anything anymore coming back. The visual novel category is part of gaming now. The manga category got overrun with shounen fans. The photography category put up a warning about posting photographed art so you don't post there anymore either. It's just not the same anymore. The moderators in the forum IRC channel claim that they're listening, but you never see any examples of them actually doing anything. It's just not worth coming back. You don't like the atmosphere anymore. The way the forum operates is inseparable from the forum itself, even if there are good posts in certain places. You're resentful, but exhausted. All of this is making you wonder how much you really liked anime at all if these are the sorts of people that also like anime. So it's just time. Time to leave and enjoy things on your own. It's better this way. You're not bogged down by past associations and can enjoy things for what they are without having to wade through your own conflicting and turbulent emotions about a place you once felt like was home.

>The only thing that I'd ask is to stay refraining from pushing the boundaries on legally dubious content.
I didn't. There were never any examples of what was being referred to, so I stopped posting entirely. Again, I said I abided by the /ec/ rule of "DEFCON Konata".
Mar 01 21:11:33 <Anonymous> probably just delete some posts to tell them that I don't really care who they are but they're not being respectful to the people who don't like that sort of thing -@Kissu
Mar 01 21:12:21 <This-is-me> WHAT POSTS
Mar 01 21:38:15 <This-is-me> this chain actually < how is that at all related to "ToT posters" and "soyjack posters and political activists" and "Making good posts in /ec/ or /megu/ or /secret/"
Mar 01 21:39:24 <This-is-me> because if you're casting your net that broad, you're basically talking about everyone and it's completely indecipherable as to what you're actually upset about and who this frustration is directed at.
Mar 01 21:41:16 <This-is-me> like, is "soyjack posters and political activists" referring to the maid dragon shell thread on /secret/? is "/ec/ or /megu/" and "ToT posters" referring to posts on /ec/ and /megu/ recently? and then "this chain actually" is something completely unrelated to kissu because it took place in #qa. like pick a fucking lane and tell us what you really think
Mar 01 21:42:10 <This-is-me> i'm so fucking confused and wish vermin was capable of speaking like a normal human being.
Mar 01 22:16:56 <Anonymous> the concept doesn't exist on kissu and I don't think I can point it out really. It's closer to the thread on incest on /secret/ if you were to change it's discussion to pedophilia. But then if you want examples of things I don't like, well I could start a gelbooru account and favorite all of them -@Kissu
Mar 01 22:17:15 <Anonymous> But then if you want examples of things I don't like, well I could start a gelbooru account and favorite all of them -@Kissu < please do so
Mar 01 22:18:58 <This-is-me> ^
Mar 01 22:39:08 <This-is-me> where's the gel account
Mar 01 22:54:20 <This-is-me> post the gelbooru account
Mar 01 23:02:50 <This-is-me> post. the. gel. booru. account. now.
Mar 01 23:05:03 <This-is-me> POST GELBOORU NAAAOOOO

Again, I should say that the only example "-@Kissu" decided to mention was "the thread on incest on /secret/ if you were to change it's discussion to pedophilia". This was not something I ever did, nor have ever done. As you can see, I continually pleaded for examples, none of which were actually given, or properly elaborated on.

>All of this is really to say, POST! Post more!
Sorry, I really don't think I will be.

>I don't like the random thoughts thread, though.
Again, getting rid of something like this doesn't encourage me to make threads or post elsewhere, it just made me stop posting that sort of thing altogether.


>Again, I said I abided by the /ec/ rule of "DEFCON Konata".
Yeah, I know, that's why I said stay. Since people have been all around pretty good about it.


>Please, really, tell me at what point should I have "reported" any of the things I am describing?
Yeah, that was fine meta topics to bring up. What was a problem was before this during the 'everything is kimo' era that lead to me pushing more of those shitposty threads to /secret/ and probably lead vermin to be more conservative about what's allowed on /jp/ and almost got the shab bite guy banned because it set vern's sites on him.


During that time it was almost out of nowhere that suddenly a billion threads/posts were problematic and almost nothing had been reported beforehand.


I think I'm like 50% or more of those /secret/ threads. I haven't been utilizing it a lot lately because for me /secret/ was my way of circumventing Vern's increasingly strict self and over time he's come around to be more mellow and also have more annoying topics to /all/ users he wanted to discuss so I sort of switched around where I was making my threads and went back to /jp/. Which is what I wanted /jp/ to be anyways from the start. A place where there's not a need to walk eggshells around civility such as you would on /qa/ and where funposting is allowed. Tell me that looking over the funposts in that /secret/ catalog you posted there's no way they could be in a /jp/ catalog, you can't because that's what /jp/ should ideally be. Fun 2D/Random. And /secret/ was initially my idea to cleanse the pages of /all/ of more kuso content for the general userbase that people still wanted to discuss.

>Maybe I'll put things in different terms that are perhaps more understandable....
This paragraph is funny because it's exactly what I presumed you were feeling and could feel it a bit myself too and that's what I was referring to when I brought up 'I'm pretty much at my breaking point' in >>12806
There's a lot of decisions I don't like either, but for the sake of cohesion I've been mostly putting up with and accepting it all. But I'm sorta done now, I don't want to just let a community I love slip through my fingers because of vern's awful social skills that seep into moderation decisions dealing with 'trouble posters'. Especially when we have two successful /qa/ communities that are run completely different and don't push away people and run contrary to how he wants to run kissu. Which is sorta why I advocate for people to post more since I'm giving my assurance that I'm not going to let him run rampant and drive away more people. I'll invoke Cool as my second opinion if I need to so that I can make sure I have proper approval.

>Again, getting rid of something like this doesn't encourage me to make threads or post elsewhere, it just made me stop posting that sort of thing altogether.
The random thoughts thread could exist on /secret/ and I'd just have to accept it there. But I don't want it to take up a prominent spot on the catalog for /all/. But also at the same time I do think you have a point about the lack of seasonal board content outside of the seasonal boards now that the board is gone which is why I think it'd be a good idea to have a more specifically themed board that could encompass all that without needing to be yet another random board.


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There's no way my friends could be arguing on such a quiet, beautiful Sunday! It must be reading practice for catching all of Shinbo-sama's flashing text. Or for making even more posts! As Hemingway-san said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” So let's spill lots and lots of blood!


>I want to grow kissu to where a variety of topics can be discussed and more people of all sorts of backgrounds and character (as long as they're not complete shitfaces) can participate
I couldn't agree with this sentiment more. What I want most on kissu is more variety and spontaneity and people bringing ideas in rather than stewing in a circlejerk built around strict adherence to "the old ways". The biggest pitfall I find altchan admins fall into is making their site "forced comfy", if you'll forgive the /a/-ism. Comfiness comes naturally when people are in good spirits, not by banning negativity and contradictory positions. The kinds of posts that lead to autistic shitfits are also the ones that lead to the most interesting discussions, you can't kill one without killing the other. It's the nature of anonymous posting to be a dick and take up contrarian positions for the sole purpose of antagonizing people. And I consider that a strength, but you don't benefit from that if you see maliciousness in every exchange of banter.

Basically, very few things legitimately threaten the culture of the site and as long as you treat whatever personal disagreements you have outside of those core issues with good humor then some inconsistency isn't going to be a problem. But maybe that's easier to say as someone who doesn't touch IRC/chatroom drama bullshit.

>I hate the blog thread
This is one of the few things I think is genuinely damaging to the site, but there's not much else the mods can realistically do to stop it. It's a problem with the userbase having bad habits.

Oh, and /maho/ turned out a laughable board that's biggest impact was making me re-hide all the AIslop generals.


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maybe these posts feel therapeutic for you to write but anyone that feels an impulse to respond would need to spend an hour to come up with a cogent response. dozens of points about things you don't like, instances where you felt slighted, times where rules you admit you don't understand seem not to be followed. those chatlogs where you point out how you've repeatedly outlined these gripes truly exhaust me to imagine dealing with.

i visit kissu occasionally and i enjoy most of the discussion that goes on here. the result of a lot of time spent by a lot of different people. maybe i've liked some of your posts. but a wall of gripes like this isn't worth the time you spent writing it nor is it worth the time it takes to think about it. spend more time on the things you enjoy so there's some semblance of return on the time investment for all involved.


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I've always felt there was something I needed to do to turn us into proper writers. Sweat and tears will only take our pens so far!


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>And /secret/ was initially my idea to cleanse the pages of /all/ of more kuso content for the general userbase that people still wanted to discuss.
Of course this leaves out myself in the equation and Vern would probably chastise me for it. I also had more meta topics I wanted to discuss and some of the more shitpost-y threads I had interest in arguing in. But that's why I wanted it to be on an unlisted board where it wouldn't impact the rest of kissu.

I think that the good portion of kissu should be the first and foremost thing people see when coming to the site. Other stuff shouldn't have as much priority.


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>a wall of gripes like this isn't worth the time you spent writing it nor is it worth the time it takes to think about it.
I agree. These are all issues I do not believe will ever be resolved or come to satisfactory close. I have no faith that bringing these issues up again now will see any changes either. I thought about putting somewhere that there's no reason to reply since I have no intention of actually engaging with Kissu anymore because of this but there was just so much I had to say that I forgot to put it in somewhere. I simply felt like checking /maho/ to see if it was as big a success as was imagined, and that brought all these thoughts back. I don't browse Kissu anymore. I don't browse Sageru #qa anymore. The only lingering attachment I still have left is a bot in #qa. I check to make sure that it's still working and make minor fixes when I notice an issue with it from time to time, but that's it. When the proxy stops working for it, I intend to just turn it off. Then, I will have no reason to check up on #qa, and no painful thoughts reminding me of this place anymore.

That's not how I remember things. If I personally responded "kimo" to something, it was stuff that was:
¥Talking about raping characters
¥Shoehorning NTR into discussions
¥Weird and gross

The only meta example I can find about this is talking about some bocchi thread on /jp/, but I don't think I was involved with that at all. I can't find it, but I do remember discussing in #qa that most of the time when I replied "kimo" it wasn't because I wanted the post deleted and the poster banned, they were just things I disliked.

Anonymous brings up NTR out of nowhere -> "kimo"
Anonymous talks about how they love fat bastards -> "kimo"
Anonymous talks about how their cock is smelly -> "kimo"
Anonymous posts some teen meme, or starts using "-oomer" terminology -> "kimo"
Anonymous posts about politics stuff -> "kimo"

... and so on. It was never some roundabout way of making public reports or expressing discontent with Kissu itself.

>Tell me that looking over the funposts in that /secret/ catalog you posted there's no way they could be in a /jp/ catalog, you can't because that's what /jp/ should ideally be. Fun 2D/Random.
I really don't think so. I understand what you're saying, but I think it's an issue of definitions. /jp/ really doesn't feel like 2D/Random. Instead, it has always felt to me to be more "Anime/Random". Stuff that was outside of the "Anime" portion fell to the seasonal boards and later on to /secret/ (pre-politics/meta).

>The random thoughts thread could exist on /secret/ and I'd just have to accept it there.
This is one of those points where again, I have to point to >>12607. In the same way that "/qa/ is a slow board of large threads, /jp/ is a short-lived 2D/random board that leans towards seasonal anime discussion", /secret/ has a solidified image of being for low-quality posts -- an image that was thrust upon it because those sorts of threads were intentionally moved there instead of being moved to /trans/ and because those types of threads were allowed to fester. Now there's nothing left.

There's genuinely no point in posting on /secret/ to create a single thread that would in effect be no different from the category of threads I'd consider as "single-person" threads: the andy blog, stable diffusion thread, or my old server thread, or VR thread. I really do not want to create a thread that is undoubtedly going to be used exclusively by myself. Again, the people that would be attracted by this thread have long since been shooed away from /secret/, and /secret/ is already zombified as it is. If I'm the only person posting, I see that as a waste of time and effort. Maybe someone is reading, but why should I exert any amount of effort if there's no one else to join me. This is more or less the same idea as I already posted in >>>/secret/32650.


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I think I worded this first paragraph a bit misleadingly and too definitively. This is not to say that I would be forever opposed to returning to posting on Kissu, but because I do not see any of these issues ever being resolved I cannot see myself ever returning to posting. I'll continue watching this thread today if anyone wants to interrogate my opinions and memories, but that's all I have the energy for. You guys should really be enjoying your Labor Day weekend.


I can 100% assure you people would use a free thoughts thread on /secret/, but at the same time /secret/ feels like a free thoughts board. Ironically, you would probably find a kindred spirit in vermin when it comes to reviving those random thoughts threads since he's been the one behind any protection of the blog. And maybe you didn't intend to use the 'kimo' thing as a pseudo-report. But you certainly made a meta show of it at some point where you said also said kissu is declining and it set vern off because the userbase was reacting negatively towards these posts that were in large part by an individual and then more people as the kimo became a sort of comedic thing people were playing with by baiting out. /jp/ has always leaned more heavily on anime/random but that's because there's a fair bit of people that watch seasonals, it doesn't stop anyone from making actual 2D/Random threads like:
And if people wanted they could make even more and there's nothing stopping them from doing so. It's not too dissimilar to /qa/ on 4chan where there was a good chunk of just seasonal/random content back in 2017/2018. I've always been of the opinion, except for when I was using it as a safe haven from having to tiptoe around vermin, that people really shouldn't be using /secret/ as their primary board for anything fun and innocent that could go on /jp/ unless it's really in your face mod messing around CSS time that we can't do on the main boards because it'd make them unusable. I can promise, if nothing else, that I will not let terrible practices that I feel hurt the site go free anymore since I want to make something great out of kissu.


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>you certainly made a meta show of it at some point where you said also said kissu is declining
I don't remember this, but my memory is shot. Really wish there was the permanent text-only archive... Unless you're talking about how I've described /qa/ as being stale and full of generals, as I did a few weeks ago, and have repeated many times before. The only explanation I can think of was when I said something to similar effect because I was upset about /secret/ and how it had normalized things previously not acceptable on Kissu. I believe it was someone else's position that /secret/ didn't normalize anything because it contained everything like that. My position was not that it had normalized anything elsewhere, but that it had been normalized on Kissu (/secret/) at all was an issue. My disagreement particularly stemmed from the fact that /secret/ was not that way at it's inception. It had been made that way through deliberate effort. That felt like a betrayal of what Kissu was. Kissu had declined by allowing the things that it was previously defined in opposition to. There is an undeniable shift between pic related and allowing anything because "Well, you can just ignore that board". Which, again, I did not want to do because I had been browsing it since it was created and was deeply dissatisfied with the direction it was being taken.


why can't we have a /season/ board and a /g/ board?


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One enduring problem with your posts is how, even though you make great posts and I've argued the same as you time and time again, you are also much more negative than anyone else, and have been lamenting the death of /qa/ for years at this point. Often you kick up as much dust as vermin does.
You say /secret/ is dead and there's nothing in it, but I had fun making >>>/secret/33493. I have fun using kissu, not in an indifferent "oh well it's all we have" way, I like being here, interacting with this particular group of people. I don't mind if no one replies to my reviews, it's proven that some people do read and like them, and even if that weren't the case I enjoy sharpening my own thoughts just like I enjoy reading others' on this or that. I don't hide anything, because I want to make as much use of the site as possible.

If you leave for good, you'll just be the one losing out the most. I don't want that, I greatly appreciate your contributions, and I want you to have as much fun as anyone else. Even in this thread people can have fun. But the tao will always change, and you need to change with it. It's the only way.


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I can understand feeling slighted when boards go in a direction you don't like, but it's not like it was done against you or anyone else. I don't remember any threads being moved from /secret/ unless it was first moved TO /secret/. I personally didn't (and don't) see value in /secret/ being a second copy of /jp/, so it's very rare that I make threads there. The only benefit I could think of is that people could use it to be a semi-clique thing away from the "public", which is a very damaging thing to support. It kind of turned into a place for threads that were, uh, less agreeable and more controversial over time, which I can understand disliking, although that had been the seasonal board's purpose due to objections over covid threads on /qa/. In essence, what you liked about the seasonal boards was enabled by /secret/ absorbing some of the seasonal board's purpose instead. Your ideal kissu would have 3 random boards with near-identical threads, which is hard to justify without a few hundred regular posters.

>I would never knowingly intend on making Kissu an unusable and worse place and your insinuation as such is deeply hurtful.
That wasn't what I meant, but I'm sorry if it hurt you. It's a bit hard to digest the "I've come to hate this place" (and by extension the people that inhabit it) comments and paragraphs and paragraphs of, in your words, resentment.

As others have said, it's really exhausting to reply to all of this stuff since it's nothing actionable but rather something more akin to "here's what I hate about this place, why you have failed and why you should feel bad" and you even say yourself that you won't post (except to say how much you hate it) so I don't have the motivation to say anything more. I can only stay somewhat sane by picking my battles to minimize stress levels and this one is certainly an unwinnable battle as a punching bag representative for someone's catharsis. I'm checking out of this thread unless someone else has something meta to bring up.


hi laala
hi laala


because we need a specific theme to make a new board because >>12810


>probably lead vermin to be more conservative about what's allowed on /jp/ and almost got the shab bite guy banned because it set vern's sites on him.
Can someone explain this


because you were the kimo poster


No. It's not that I never post kimo,but 'the kimo poster' was someone else.


crimes against shab


oh then i got you mixed up with him since i remembered you posting scat on /secret/ and he was about to perma you


hehehehehhehehe the scat incident


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Is a kimo poster someone who posts "kimo" or one who posts kimo things?


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This post is incomplete. I had more to say, but I don't know how to anymore.

>you are also much more negative than anyone else
Perhaps so.

>it's nothing actionable
I've mentioned a lot that is actionable. Perhaps I used too many words to say too little.

¥Merge /maho/ back into /qa/. (Because it is no more active than the seasonal boards were and actively deprives /qa/ of activity)
¥Unarchive the seasonal boards. (Because if /maho/ is the benchmark for activity, then the seasonal boards matched it.)

¥When things are moved, stop moving them to /secret/. Move them to /trans/. (i.e. stop enforcing the idea of /secret/ as primarily being a shitpost board.)
¥Delete /secret/ (Because its topics are duplicative of /jp/, and the rest don't need to be on Kissu.)

¥Be consistent: If the seasonal boards are too slow, /maho/ is too slow. If the seasonal boards are duplicative, then /secret/ is duplicative. If the free thoughts thread steals activity, then the blog thread steals activity. If [X] is banned on Sageru, then everyone should be banned for it. And so on.
¥Communicate openly: Don't assume that "kimo" is a pseudo report. Don't
¥Demonstrate effectiveness:

>a third random board which has some indistinct difference from the other two
The difference was pretty obvious in my mind. If /jp/ is 2D/Random, the seasonal boards were 3D/Random.


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¥Unarchive the seasonal boards. (Because if /maho/ is the benchmark for activity, then the seasonal boards matched it.)
¥When things are moved, stop moving them to /secret/. Move them to /trans/. (i.e. stop enforcing the idea of /secret/ as primarily being a shitpost board.)
Yeah, I could agree with these sorta. Though I'd have two caveats. One being that if the seasonal boards return then it's under the clear banner of outdoors or something that never gets them mixed up with /qa/ or /jp/. The second being that I kinda do want /secret/ to act as a board, maybe not where trash is moved, but where threads that could contain, I don't know, a 'resident communist' could be moved. Not just trash in general, I'll be consistent there, but stuff where there is a potential argument worth some merit but it can't be on /qa/ or /jp/ or the seasonals. If that's too disagreeable then eh fine, I can give up on that and just agree have people be able to continue deleted threads topics on /secret/ as a concession since that's not advertising it. On second thought, that's probably the best decision anyways if continuing discussion on /trans/ doesn't work.


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aside from >>>/jp/79625 and >>>/jp/79246, all of those posts are weeb spam that will only get stealth bumps and be deleted later. There is no discussion only mindless spam and empty bumps.


Could you faggots stop mentioning me as if I'm some gay ass boogeyman that makes threads every once in a while? Also I don't know, I think the seasonal boards should come back, they had their use, I don't think /qa/ should be where IRL shit is talked about. Too uncomfy.


this is too meta for me


furthermore, I think /maho/ isn't going to attract people, it's too niche of a reference for a board about technology, no I don't give a shit if its a reference it doesn't work, /g/ is a usual good indicator but like /maho/ feels like a quirky knockoff of /lain/ if we're being honest here.
Further furthermore, I think the state of /secret/ could be better, needs more people there but paradoxically I enjoy that there is barely anyone there expect for me and some other anons.


This is the post that set him off.


where's the 1D/Random board


The MOTD?...


I kind of like the gimmick of rotating boards, but I get some people might get frustrated if a conversation gets frozen midway through. I don't really care what it's called as long as the role of 3D/random is filled somewhere.

Most threads on /secret/ I'd prefer to see on /jp/ or /qa/, including many of the "controversial" topics. What's left is probably youtube spam and blogging, maybe some autistic ranting, which is all fine deleted or hidden away in my eyes. Posts on real boards either are okay or they're not. Half-measures just piss people off when a basically okay thread gets pseudo-deleted and encourages actually kind of good threads to be started hidden away there just in case they might trigger the mods.

/maho/ doesn't really hurt anything if you use /all/, but I also don't think it will justify itself at the current rate. There's not a community of highly skilled people focused on tech discussion here to justify needing their own space, nor is there enough serious generalist tech talk to draw the post numbers that justify a split. Maybe it could get there with a few dedicated posters, but I just don't see it happening.


As an early /secret/ adopter, I share this poster's experience and grievances. Containment boards are a terrible idea and everyone should already know that. Really, the most worrying thing about it all is that you have no idea when a topic that was previously considered undesirable by 90% of the userbase might suddenly become acceptable because the admin watched a video essay and decided on a whim that actually, discussing [topic] is a good thing and people who are opposed to such discussion are [strawman]. It happened with real life politics, it happened with e-celeb/reaction trash. And considering that those were among the most reviled topics on old /qa/ (remember the e-celeb spammer?), we're not even at the top of a slippery slope - we're already closer to the bottom of it.


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You know... it's been over four years since I said that. I definitely haven't said anything like that since, and most definitely not on Kissu. I glossed over it before when you mentioned politics on #qa, but I think you're mistaking me for someone else. Unless you count #newsdesk too...



>¥Merge /maho/ back into /qa/. (Because it is no more active than the seasonal boards were and actively deprives /qa/ of activity)
>¥Unarchive the seasonal boards. (Because if /maho/ is the benchmark for activity, then the seasonal boards matched it.)
Use /qa/ even if it feels wrong.


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I just happen to have an exceptional memory of pointless meta that serves me well in times like these and I know for certain that you used that term for yourself in the shoplifting thread that got moved to the seasonal board and then locked that lead to the first politics meta poll on kissu.


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Here's some examples of what felt like the disconnect of the seasonal boards from the rest of /qa/ and /jp/.

Find me a name for the new board and a good definition of it that'd fit this theme. Maybe me and Vern will agree if you can hit on a good idea.



star wars one arguably /qa/ maybe


also i was personally leaning towards /sekai/ or something


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I don't really understand the negatives of keeping the seasonal boards around. Having them as random boards is cool but I always saw them more as time capsule boards. There is a limited time to make posts on them and when they are closed you get a snapshot of the board or the site, frozen in time. Partially due to the slow nature of them you also get to see kissu posts from years ago. I don't really post a lot on the boards but that's not why I like them nor what I want from them. I didn't even realize they were gone until I saw this thread but I don't look through them every day. I like the "archeological" feel you get from seeing history like that and having a board (set of boards) that enforces such a feature has value to me.

>"Let's just dump our garbage here where no one will see it"
I like this narrative you've laid out and am inclined to believe it because it's perfect for /qa/'s story. /secret/ being treated the same way 4/qa/ was is just too good of a story to not be true. I actually think it adds a lot of credibility to your grievances as a rhetorical device. I don't feel near as strongly about the topic of mod incompetance/misguiedness but I think it's bound to happen on any site as mods are gods and gods are not part of anonymous. Unfortunately mods need to be treated as impersonal forces of nature that are meant to be overcome or otherwise managed.


hi laala


the seasonal boards throw into question the reason for /qa/ even existing. It's just a board for 5 threads.

/qa/ has been the most split up board in the site's lifetime. The season boards ended up being another split. Fracturing jp from qa was correct because the two posting styles didn't blend together but at some point, in order to avoid moderation, lots of posts were getting made on seasons.

So ultimately this is why the boards were removed along with the rational that a new board requires old ones to be archived so that we don't start looking like an alt chan with only 2 people per board


/qa/ is the most split up board in the same sense that /b/ is the most split up board on 4chan. This is just silly reasoning as some board will always be "the most" split up board and this isn't inherently a bad thing.
But if we are to follow this reasoning, what is so different about /maho/ posting that it justified a split? /maho/ siphons activity away from /qa/ with little to offer in terms of differentiated posting. The seasonals at least had a nifty gimmick where you could only post on them for a limited period of time and people would use it to talk about real world things not suitable for the rest of the site.
Speaking plainly a /maho/ or really any dedicated tech board offers far less to the site than the seasonals did and if you're worried about looking like an altchan, a generic tech board contributes more to that than the seasonal boards do.


I do think an /out/ and /an/ mix style board wouldn't be bad at all


My expectation was that it would either be /tv/-style memespewing and was so disappointed by the lack of Sheev quotes that I forgot to make a more serious follow-up thread. I probably should make more /qa/ threads, but it feels like there's an unspoken expectation that they hit like 50 posts or something and it's hard to gauge whether there's enough interest in a topic to get there.


you aren't even addressing my concerns.


> 1a) the seasonal boards throw into question the reason for /qa/ even existing
> 1b) /qa/ has been the most split up board in the site's lifetime. The season boards ended up being another split.
¥ 2a) /qa/ is the most split up board in the same sense that /b/ is the most split up board on 4chan. This is just silly reasoning as some board will always be "the most" split up board and this isn't inherently a bad thing.
2a addresses the main point raised in 1a and 1c; that being an implied idea that "board splits" are "bad".

> 1c) Fracturing jp from qa was correct because the two posting styles didn't blend together but at some point, in order to avoid moderation, lots of posts were getting made on seasons.
¥ 2b) /maho/ siphons activity away from /qa/ with little to offer in terms of differentiated posting. The seasonals at least had a nifty gimmick where you could only post on them for a limited period of time and people would use it to talk about real world things not suitable for the rest of the site.
2b addresses the next idea introduced by 1c; 1c being a justification for why the splitting of /jp/ and /qa/ was good despite the statements in 1a and 1b suggestion that "board splits" are "bad". 2b challenges this idea by highlighting how /maho/ doesn't adhere to this justification logic and is actually guilty of being a "board split" without offering anything to the users.

> 1d) So ultimately this is why the boards were removed along with the rational that a new board requires old ones to be archived so that we don't start looking like an alt chan with only 2 people per board
> 2c) Speaking plainly a /maho/ or really any dedicated tech board offers far less to the site than the seasonals did and if you're worried about looking like an altchan, a generic tech board contributes more to that than the seasonal boards do.
2c addresses 1d's concern about kissu "looking like an alt chan" by highlighting a tech board like /g/ or /maho/ does make kissu "[look] like an alt chan with only 2 people per board".

The only "concern"/idea not addressed in my post is a bit in 1c about, "in order to avoid moderation". Unless this single point is "[your] concerns", I suggest rewriting that post to more clearly state "[your] concerns"; as the post I replied to had all of its directly mentioned "concerns" addressed.


You aren't even doing anything except pushing some random idea that because X exists Y is justified which isn't rational because they're apples to oranges. It's your delusions.

Comparing a topic board to a random board is not a fair comparission.

So in that sense you're not addressing any concerns, you're just stating that you're bitter a board you don't like exists.


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I think one of the issues is that people perceive /qa/ being full of generals when they're just slower threads. It does have the effect of absorbing posts that people don't want to make threads for, but if they're actually topical and contributing to a set subject I think it works well. "I like this part of episode 2" might not feel worthy of a /jp/ thread for some people, although I think they probably should if it has any entertainment value to others.
People (including myself again) have to accept that not all threads succeed and /qa/ will have threads with 1-4 replies on them that sit there for a while. I'm not sure how many people go beyond the first couple pages of /all/'s index, though...


What is the difference between a "topic" board and a "random" board, in this context? Simply labeling a board has having a topic doesn't make it have that topic and neither does deliberate moderator action make a board a topic board. 4/qa/ is a perfect example of this. If the boards are not functionally different, as in they have some conditions to how posts are able to be made or how posts are interacted with by users, they are directly comparable.

>you're bitter a board you don't like exists.
To be clear, I'm ambivalent to the fact /maho/ exists but I am not ambivalent to the idea that /maho/ had to be traded for the seasonals.


Had a great idea, call it '/sekai/ - the world' and it could be a board for outdoors stuff and animals. Unless this is still missing something?


call it isekai because its not the anime world


I'm going to move a bunch of threads there so they get isekai'd


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Alright, so any reason why the 3D board can't be made? That or restoring the seasonal ones, either works.
People have expressed they'd like to have that kind of space, don't leave us hanging.


restore the seasonals


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I guess I'm not against of bringing seasonal boards back or doing the 'sekai' 3D/Random thing, but I think we're already overdue for some basic guidelines on what to post where since it's probably confusing


I mean that's why I suggested /sekai/ as a board with a specific theme instead of just 3D/random


how about a mahjong board


NO more mahjong jong is dead and buried


the jong fad's really dead isnt it, dont see any #qa or kissu posts on it anymore


It was only ever just me trying to get people to talk about it


The problem is no one has even tried making /qa/ fit a bigger goal. They just philosophically explain it's impossible


I mean /qa/ does fit a fairly defined structure. It's the more serious half of /jp/.


It's not a very complex argument, at least on my part: people liked having a specific space to post certain things, they were against the idea of removing it, and are still in favor of having it return.
There's a lot more you could talk about as it happened above, but pragmatically that's the gist of it.


If you look back a couple posts to "why not mahjong board" I literally forced the discussion into /qa/ and it worked until I decided that kissu just wants to be mediocre and never devote itself to anything other than meta arguments. So even if there's a board it requires one person constantly trying to drum up interest anyways


Right, but that's one specific topic, the seasonal boards were much broader than that. I used them and made different kinds of threads, like >>>/spg/3028, >>>/sum/2481, or >>>/win/1602.


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The argumentation here seems faulty.You're saying that since mahjong never took off to become kissu's big thing, a board encompassing an array of topics that have seen about as much if not more activity than tech here isn't worth giving its own board? Even though it'd most certainly inspire more posting and fulfill a role in appealing to a zeitgeist that becomes only more common in an aging userbase. A userbase where animal vids are still shared constantly on #qa and self-sustainability has been brought up countless times in discussion.

Not to mention the topic of the outside world can spur on so many easy spontaneous thoughts one might happen upon over the course of their day. Like I'd seen a deer running across the road and nearly got close enough to pet them during my jog but there's not really any place for that kind of thread on /qa/ or /jp/, and even if you argue it could fit on /qa/, I'm not going to just post a deer as a thread to fill up a /qa/ catalogue space. It doesn't make sense wish the established norms that /qa/ could take on the role of the seasonals for more wordly light-posting. And if you argue that /qa/ just needs to change, how do you encourage people to change it in this direction? Do people even want /qa/ to go that direction? I don't. So I don't see why a vast majority of others suddenly would over the course of however long you intend to wait while nothing changes.

I mean sure, maybe it doesn't take off and become a huge success, but incremental steps that work upon a general building up of kissu don't hurt the site either. And any potential alternatives to the idea that aren't 4chan are probably few and far between if any at all.


There's no reason to think that anything will be any different because no one does anything with what exists already to prove that there's demand


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The entire point of the earlier post in this thread >>12792 was demonstrating that the seasonals had/have similar post rate to /maho/ and there's at minimum two other people that feel the same way about the seasonals having a unique topic to them that was unlike /qa/ and /jp/. I'm saying we isolate that topic and put it into a board and giving you the reasons for why it should work out just fine. You have nothing but pessimism and disappointment behind your arguments.


>You have nothing but pessimism and disappointment behind your arguments.
wow, so perceptive


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It's what I pride myself on.


But seriously
>make /qa/ fit a bigger goal
By having it be the jong board? You're just searching for an individual purpose that can become the centerpoint for activity. Better than that, just getting more users in general works. As when you reach enough unique traffic from different people you'll have a far higher likelihood of grabbing someone who'll play whatever, whenever you want to. That's why taking a stab at anything that seems like it'd help kissu stake out a more unique place has my blessing behind it.


Huh, do people consider those jong threads to be failures or something? It got a lot of posts, and yes it was mostly one person but other people interjected and stuff. Posts where one person does stuff and others chime in is pretty common on imageboards, like storytimes or projects or let's plays and so on.


In the sense that jong never made kissu blow up and become bustling with jong rooms 24/7, one could say the idea ended in failure.


You don't even see things the same way so don't assume you know what I disliked about it.


Then why not explain so people can understand.


No one talks about jong if I don't force it. Therefore a board for jong would just be me talking about it.

Being like "oh an outdoor board would make kissu pop off!" Is just stupid because there's no interest in it and no one even makes threads about it.


I didn't say it'd make kissu pop off, I said there's precedent for activity of that nature on the seasonal baords so it's at the minimum a guaranteed small amount of activity and threads that'll be made that wouldn't without it.


And anyways, you used a gut feeling to make /maho/, I'm using my gut feeling to suggest /sekai/ in addition to the posting inclinations of at least 5-6 users.


people just really don't like /qa/ that they want to think about replacing it with things.


My point is that /sekai/ doesn't replace /qa/. Only your sole vision of what /qa/ should apparently be that nobody else shares and thusly nobody else acts upon.


sekai wa iranai


I observed the jong threads but either had bad timing and missed out or didn't know how to interject in to play or if more players were even desired.


soto ni dete


How about a Fighting Game board or at least a general for it?
In a perfect world:
¥ 3d/random would be for outdoors stuff, news (bleh) and anything else


>How about a Fighting Game board or at least a general for it?
This might come as a shock, but you don't need a general to make a post. In fact, it doesn't even need to be a general.
Just post about it and see what happens.


small penis board


small penis site


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If past experience has taught me anything, it's that nothing happens unless I make a /poll/.

Return the seasonal boards:

Opinions on /maho/:


Nothing says "small penis" like democracy.


I applaud you for having the enthusiasm to persue a vision through with more than just theory(or spam) so I'll consider the season poll, but the tech one is just dumb spite.


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I'm only theory because I'd rather argue until the community itself decides to put the issue to consideration. I don't think it'd be good for any sort of cohesion were I to be pushy myself when we disagree.


the length of penises will be distributed equally among the populace


That's communism, and it inevitably leads to those in charge on penis length redistribution keeping extra for themselves.


the secret service took my penis and when I got it back it was half as long...


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I don't care about your opinion. You love to drone on and on about how nothing ever changes without you doing something, and yet when presented options, you waffle and do nothing.


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I was thinking about this a bit, and I guess one of the strengths of having a bunch of boards is finding specific threads. It's not exactly a secret that most people don't look past the first page normally, so those looking beyond that generally have a purpose in mind. They're looking for threads they either haven't seen yet (or forgot to reply to) while they were away, or they already have a reply in mind for a thread and they're looking for that specific thread. Basically there are older threads that people don't see "naturally" in the typical everyday experience.
Many people have tried to address this problem, but it seems unsolvable. The related threads thing on kissu is pretty cool, though!
Anyway, since you can't fix it, you could at least make it easier for people to find the threads they're looking for when they aren't aimlessly browsing. Right now someone can think "I have news to post about AI chatbots" or "wasn't there a thread about building a keyboard somewhere...?" and know where to find the thread they need without searching through the randomness of /qa/. From a UI perspective you want to reduce the amount of effort required as that's what keeps everyone on the first page of /all/ in the first place.
So, in that case I think /maho/'s existence can be justified. And if /maho/'s existence is justified, then maybe the seasonal boards/sekai/whatever can be justified. For a long time people held up tohno-chan's many boards as something to avoid, but I think /all/ means it doesn't matter too much on kissu, although this should probably be the last board (re)added for a long time.


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Ok... I'll ignore both polls if that makes you feel better...


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Wouldn't be the first time!...


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