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 No.100471[View All]

254 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Their self titled album is just "eh", but the opening track is great.



Expected Rewrite of the Life, wasn't it, but still not disappointed. Man, rewrite would be a joy to have a readthrough of if it weren't so long.


liking that youtube actually gives me content with less than 10k views that I might be interested in.


File:04. もしも僕が -hope-.flac (21.85 MB,175x175)

There's just something magical when you know a song for being purely instrumental and there's a voiced version on an album


Speaking of Rewrite, there was a really nice album released for its 10th anniversary.









very enthusiastic blep!


UFO 见えるよ 寂しい仆らは
身体の数だけほしがるよ 抜き取る数だけ満ちてゆくよ

UFO 浮かぶよ 膨らんで浮かぶのさ
宇宙に漂う幽霊船 星巡る环になってふくらむよ

UFO UFO 返して 仆の
UFO UFO 返して 仆の





I know the youtube algorithm can be quite shit, but recently with all the new lowish view video recommendations you can find some real nice gems. Like this one I found as a newly uploaded -Topic song




For some reason I have an inexplicable desire to go back and watch some pre-2000s anime.


It's weird how foreign Old English sounds. Wonder if German anon can make any sense of it.


Version without the ad.



my daughter is really cute


in a parallel world, this song is an anime OP.


Bossa Nova can be good even if it's not Touhou.


I agree


PoE is great for listening to music




open the door
get on the floor


Wehrmacht denpa.


I vibe



Love Denonbu


Love this song, thanks Daicon IV.


new Akeboshi Rockets song!



I don't know why this song is so powerful in drawing emotion from me, those first 30 seconds, damn. I don't even have that much nostalgia for Fable, it's one of my favorites but I played it in my late teens, so it's not like I have that much nostalgia for it.


Finally found a Miku song I've been searching for, for a few years. I had it on an old laptop still.


U.N Owen was her but phonk, the song is geniunely a great masterpiece https://youtu.be/5FPtE1C2b2c?feature=shared


shit, i fucked up the link, apologies



Wonder if there'll ever be another scene with as much doujin material as it.


With the amount of art its getting. Blue Archive has a chance. Voiceroid also has a very active doujin scene


Thread's about to hit bump limit....


The courage to post Western music.


Lunch theme.


My older brother liked to play this NBA game on Genesis and although I didn't like the game, I remember liking the title theme.
Ah, the legendary Master System/Genesis sound chip



party niiiiight
mochimochi zunda nodadadada

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