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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (142.95 KB,1280x720)


6 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This anime sucks.

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File:01Erika.png (330.6 KB,550x600)

I think the problem with it being tied to Higurashi is that it draws comparisons to Higurashi instead of its sequel Umineko. The themes of Higurashi are still prevelant towards the original series, but with Gousotsu it's been more about the disconnect and loss of humanity of the loopers. It peered its head in Tsumihoroboshi with Rika's "I'm done with this world's Rena" scene, and in Gousotsu it's amplified by Satoko using looping as a means to an end without care for who she gets caught up in her antics since those around her are never really hurt, given that they're reset come the next timeline. To that end I think Sotsu did a good job in showing the gradual decline of Satoko, with the culminating scene of this being her killing off what little consideration towards her actions she had left.


>The themes of Higurashi are still prevelant towards the original series, but with Gousotsu it's been more about the disconnect and loss of humanity of the loopers. It peered its head in Tsumihoroboshi with Rika's "I'm done with this world's Rena" scene, and in Gousotsu it's amplified by Satoko using looping as a means to an end without care for who she gets caught up in her antics since those around her are never really hurt, given that they're reset come the next timeline. To that end I think Sotsu did a good job in showing the gradual decline of Satoko, with the culminating scene of this being her killing off what little consideration towards her actions she had left.
One of the things I enjoyed the most about Gou/Sotsu was the focus on how time-looping gradually changes the looper's sense of morality and the value of not only their own lives, but the lives of non time-loopers. I also find it interesting that the perfect Hinamizawa Satoko worked so hard to create just so she could spend time with Rika there forever was never even used by her at all and she abandoned it out of boredom almost immediately to chase after Rika in an eternal game of hide and seek. Neither of the witches got what they wanted in the end and will never really have their selfish dreams fulfilled for all eternity, condemned to a witch's hell for abandoning their humanity.

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The video just shows a lot of the violent stuff from the new shows. Ehhh...


i already solved it
24 white circles
6 in each quadrants
let the largest one be 1 units in size and the others 2/3 and 1/3.
add their sizes and you get 16
the log of a quadrillion + 1 is 16 (in other words a quadrillion has 16 total digits)
i refuse to explain further


16 is 4^2 and if you take away the 1 from quadrillon+1 from 4 you get 3.

Illuminati confirmed


I feel like the "quadrillion" is important somehow. I can't quite put my finger on it. I am feeling myself getting gold fever, though.


it's a very long time

File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (166 KB,1280x720)


Satoko doing her civic duty to reform former criminals!
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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (105.93 KB,1280x720)

Satoko fighting fires! What a good girl!


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Satoko made a mess and got all dirty...


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But then she remembered to properly clean herself and take a shower!


She kind of looks like a gyaru Satoko from the thumbnail


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best satoko lovely satoko happy end happy satoko

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C-C-C-C-C-CROSS COUNTER?????!??!?!!?

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What the fuck dudes, I've been a bit busy recently and only just got around to watching Sotsu 14, this was some seriously epic shit. I never would have imagined that Higurashi meets DBZ was something I needed in my life. Also, habitual reminder that it's all Rika's fault.
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File:[WHW]_Tantei_Opera_Milky_H….jpg (601.96 KB,1280x720)

I love new Higurashi too so count me in!


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>I doubt I'd read a VN of this.
But that already exists, since this is Bernkastel and Lambdadelta's origin story.


I agree with you. As dumb as the DBZ fight was, it was pretty entertaining.
While I thought Gou/Sotsu was both fun and entertaining despite dragging on in some places and having serious issues with just copypasting scenes toward the end, I agree with you that the VN is vastly superior in every possible way. They aren't really comparable experiences. I'd still read a VN adaptation of Gou/Sotsu, though, if only for Satoko's internal monologue as she steadily loses her sanity.


it was cool and it made me laugh so i dont mind it, all of sotsu as been pretty bad but this episode was fun to watch, the first half of the episode, which is before the dbz autism, was very good, it also had alot of reference to the original, like the fight on the roof top

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Just a friendly reminder: FUCK SATOKO


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Yes, I will fuck this sexy witch.


kill the satoko


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Sasuga country girls...

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I honestly can't imagine Hanyuu managing to kill a fly without making a fool of herself, much less a genius trap master or an improved version of herself.


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Hanyuu? More like Boobyuu


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What went wrong here?

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Will Rika defeat Satoko or will she face defeat at the hands of her new nemesis? Find out on the next exciting episode of Gousotsu Z!


what a waste...


Yeah, GALO Sengen.

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I was so excited for new Higurashi last year and it's been nothing but dissapointment. Total garbage.
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File:[RESubs] Higurashi no Naku….jpg (168.95 KB,1920x1080)

I wouldn't say 'garbage', but it is pretty disappointing as a whole. Repetition was taken to an extreme in this one, which does make sense story-wise, but it doesn't feel as exploratory since we already know things. Previously, Ryukishi made it pretty clear that the viewer should investigate and form theories in their head at the end of each chapter, but what are we supposed to think about now? "I wonder who Satoko will pick this time" and then there's 2-3 episodes of them going crazy. I enjoyed the theorizing of early Gou, but that flew out of the window.
Hopefully we're nearing the time where new things begin to happen since Sotsu is nearing the end of Gou's timeframe... I think?


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It's finally caught up. In terms of repetitiveness I think that if I were to ever watch this again I'd end up skipping to the flashback arc of Gou since there's not much else to it that Sotsu doesn't also cover with more detail. However I do think there was merit to Gou in the first place since the initial big reveal was a pretty huge thing.

When it comes to thinking about Sotsu there wasn't really any point to theorizing about what Satoko would do since we already knew what was going to happen, that's why it's the answer arc. What probably was the better thing to think about was the Umineko/Ciconia connection and what Featherine is actually up to.


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I agree. Matsuribayashi was already pretty bad, but Sotsugou is just awful. The only thing that I like about this shitshow is Featherine's new design.


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Fast forwards 2 weeks
Rika leaves for St. Lucia to get her nipah sucked and the real Satoko miraculously comes back and learns to let go and starts living with her uncle while still keeping in touch with Rika.

The End.



I see you haven't kept up with your Umineko

File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (129.9 KB,1280x720)


what the FUCK
Were the theories about Satoko being Lambda correct the whole time, are you fucking kidding me?
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Not that I wasn't expecting Rika's adventure in St. Lucia, but maybe there was a better time to do it...


It was pretty obvious that they'd keep people waiting for whatever happens after Satoko pulls out her gun. Going from that to a relatively laid back episode fits with the rollercoaster ride style Gou has. Now people will be building up their anticipation of what happens after looper Satoko is revealed and when it will be shown.


rika isn't allowed hopes and dreams


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damn pico has to defend himself these days. times have changed for traps...

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Ohh, I remember that bear thing now. I don't remember if that was a purposeful test by Rika, though.
Hmm... I'd have to go watch it again


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (215.55 KB,1280x720)

You gotta ask, does this look like the face of someone who's in anyway concerned with what just occurred?


Yeah, she doesn't seem particularly threatened by the goat monster. More amused than anything, honestly. I'm kind of looking forward to Hanyuu getting bullied next episode, I think it'll be entertaining.


Hopefully if there's Hanyuu bullying she'll go Auauauau a lot


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The goat monster got bullied pretty hard.


It's all connected


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R07 planned it from the very start


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lol noob

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If Satoko is so bad and hated why does she take up half the catalog?




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"I would like to thank Anonymous, as I couldn't have done it without their help."


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Satoko needs to be stopped


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Pixiv had a Higurashi art contest

As is usually the case with art contests, I liked the stuff that didn't win more than the stuff that did.


Crazy how after over a decade of Higurashi being out of the limelight it just came and stole it right back.


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Gotta agree, these are some really nice runner ups

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