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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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Let's nuke asteroid some people. https://neal.fun/asteroid-launcher/
This is actually more fun than the nuke version because of the variables and it shows you cool animations and information on how stuff is damaged or how people die.
I just ended the World Cup early


damn, doesn't include tsunami from impacts


Yeah, I was a bit disappointed by that, too


it's fine, still more interesting than the nuke version


I thought I was looking at Touhou for a second.

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Has kissu laid eyes upon media from the forbidden third dimension recently?
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Watched "Blow Out" (1981). Quite a great thriller centered about an accident that slowly unravels into a conspiracy. Kept an intimidating presence throughout, and I enjoyed the protagonist's character arc.

Especially the final scene, where the events of the film have led to Jack becoming a broken husk of his former self. His reignited yearning for justice is quashed by the same tragedy which took him out to begin with occurring to someone he grew close to.


Seeing this on CCTV was a bit of a surprise, it seems like the commies can never decide if they're cool with dynastic stuff or not


I've never seen traditional japanese opera, but both Koreans and Chinese tend to categorize caterwauling as "folksy" or "traditional" and its odd.
Im sure they see Middle English and Early Modern English in a poor light as well


I think it's a pick and chose thing. All art has to be approved either way


It could be that you have to be able to understand Chinese to get it, it might be that the way the language sounds 'caterwauling' makes it easier to understand or something like that.

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What's your favorite country in springland?
(Southern Hemisphere)
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I like Antarctica, but that's not a country. What's not to love about barren, frozen deserts and unique terrain?


You won't trick me, I am Australian.


House prices in New Zealand seem to be more effected by government policy and the demographics of the nation rather than a few rich people. The New Zealand government is strict on allowing new housing developments but also the North Island has 3.9 million people while the south Island has 1.2 Million people even though it's larger. So their might be places in the South Island that are cheaper to buy as well.


What are South Africans like? I get the impression that they are bogans but with more guns.


It really depends on ethnic group.

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sense of time is completely busted... my body has no idea if it's 6AM or 4PM
this always happens in the early periods of winter late fall...
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Why? Is it really important if you don't have anything to do during daytime?


You should still have some kind of schedule so that you can be more healthy and have more energy and so you can better manage your life.


I've had schedules in the past and I still had no energy


My life is done for already. Nothing to manage.


Uh, you can still manage your body so you're healthy at the very least. Usually helps to improve your overall outlook on life.


Is it just me or does anyone else hate these upscales and recolorizations of old film? They're just so disgusting.


Yeah, that looks too weird to me. It's less distracting to have it full of noisy grain


I like them if they are done well but that one wasn't.


Colourisation is alright if it's done properly, but upscaling and the obsession with 60 fps ruins them.

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i can hear it


I had to check that the music there wasn't in Zero Wing. It sounds so much like it.
Megadrive/Genesis had such a nice sound chip. I wish I played more of its games back in the day


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can you hear it


Welcome, Moon and Star.

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It's starting to get awfully cold out. Is Kissu staying warming? It feels like Winter is just around the corner.
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I hope we get snow this year.


got a couple inches of snow outside today. staying warn though with my hoodie and comfy pajamas.


its supposed to be thunderstorming this weekend but when i woke up it was sunny so i quickly did my grocery shopping even though i was tired. hoping for a good storm later gonna make a hot choco


wow, the qt on the left is SO COLDthat she has gym shorts AND tights under the skirt.

anyways, my room hovers around 65 degrees or 17-18C; I would prefer it to be a bit warmer but these old apartments with wood floors just feel cold. Cold makes for better, deeper sleep though, so I hear.

same, Winter without snow is just cold, no magic and wonder.



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Seasons are dumb and stupid


I like them. Thread nullified.


I agree! It's freaking 2022 already. We need controlled weather in a space station habitat. But instead we just have a bunch of retards in positions of power who's pissing all of that potential away.


It'll never happen because of the intense opposition to it.


You could just get an air conditioner...


It wouldn't be fun without seasons.

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 No.557[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Please use this thread at your leisure to discuss random thoughts you might have that may not necessarily warrant their own threads.
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I find a bit hard to believe that people in the 60's and 70's actually liked eating aspic. I just tried some and it wasn't very good.


Im too autistic to do this.
I pronounced "monde" like mon-dehh like japanese or spanish


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November is the worst month. Everything is so dark and depressing, I hate it.


On the bright side you get longer dark hours to sleep, and you really appreciate the warmth of your bed.


Noticed today that I've polished the spacebar in one spot from pressing it. Funny that that happens, but I wish the surfaces were more durable.

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yep, nothing like grilling in the autumn season
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i exploded inside ur mum last nite, fgt


Did you die?


I will one day cease to drink these things.
And the coffee doubleshots.


he can't reply to your post because he is dead
truly a sad day


He's grilling cans of sugar free energy-drink with the angels now.

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Do you consider yourself a water drinker?
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I don't think that's good for your kidneys. I think drinking more than recommended puts additional stress on them.


3 liters isn't nearly a dangerous amount depending on your physical activities and how actually hot it is where you live.


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chocolate makes me thirsty

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Something I've always wondered... why is it that autumn air smells "crisp" and clean? The first cold day of the season is here so I have my window open and it smells so nice, but is it even related to smell? It doesn't smell like this in winter


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It's the smell of decay.


I was thinking that it might be that, maybe something trees release as part of the de-leafing process? But, decay is usually a smell we find extremely repulsive


Maybe it's connected to heating? Here the air in the winter often smells smokey because some houses are still heated by burning wood (or garbage).


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Well, I decided to look it up finally.

-Summer is more humid which allows odor to travel and linger better which means a lot of smells combine which becomes a basic indistinguishable smell

-In autumn as trees and plants go dormant the sugars and other components in leaves break down and gas is released

-Both of things together mean that in the dry air of autumn we can smell that gas from the plants in isolation

An article also mentioned that we pay more attention to it because of memories we've associated with it earlier in our lives, but I was more concerned with its direct cause.

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I've come to realize there's a void left in my head when YouTube doesn't provide me with good results for entertainment.

I seem to have forgotten how to find things that interest me by myself without an AI feeding me results. You think this is a problem?
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I dont even know why I use this goddamn website. It just recommends me stuff I hate or am indifferent to


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How'd you manage to get them this bad?

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What are some /aut/istic hobbies?
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Tool Assisted Speedruns come in many forms. A lot of them are indeed someone simply just playing and retrying segments over and over to get a near perfect human doable time by using the computer to splice the gameplay in its entirety and not just splicing video recordings, but the really time consuming ones have almost everything done frame by frame by inputting movements with a Controller and GUI and pressing next frame, and retries frames when it's not optimized enough.
Some of them also take it incredibly far when it comes to breaking games completely.
This one is a bit of a meme in the speedrunning community due to the sheer ridiculousness of the required math and the concept of parallel universes utilized to reach the position in the most intricate way possible.
One speedrunner even learned assembly so he could better understand and dissect how Paper Mario's compiled code works and discover human doable arbitrary code execution to get a credit skip and eventually manage to pull it off in a Real-Time Attack run (at one point before further investigation it even included turning off the N64 and swapping for another game, performing inputs, and then swapping back to original game before the ram managed to clear out of the system.


) Shimata.


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Bodo gemu.It has been a while since we last played OJ.


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True, it's been quite a while. We need some more multiplayer stuff on kissu in general


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Did I hear somebody say juice? During the Halloween event?


Halloween has come! Did you carve any pumpkins? Have any plans to hand out candy? Or are you a hopeless NEET who plans on sitting things out?
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I remember when I lived in rural Britain a neighbor called us godless for celebrating it. Or something like that, it was 20 years ago


This is what I look forward to the most about Halloween each year. It's cute and comedic. This is the 9th one.


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I don't do anything in real life, but it's fun to see stuff on the internet change. Multiplayer games often have cool events for it too, often the best event because of costumes and ambience.


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>It's cute and comedic


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If anything Australians shouldn't be celebrating Christmas.
Something really unwholesome about imagery and songs of Northern European rituals being sang and used in the middle of a blazing Summer.

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