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I've been shopping for a toothpaste that has been approved by the ADA and contains Stannous Fluoride


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I see


i stan fluoride fuck the haters


Some people admire the British smile


Why is she called Milfeulle if she isn't a milf?


Crest and Sensodyne didn't have the ADA label but Colgate did. Very strange... it used to be that all the boxes were ADA accepted.


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Emergency 'zza
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luv me 'za


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This looks like a proper pizza slice.


New York Pizza is like Italian Espresso: too many years of being made to a price point.


did anyone try to bake a pan pizza? does it work?


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Recently been accompanying my mom to Costco and found out they sell 4lb of bacon for $18, in addition to a shitload of other great prices for food. How the hell do these places work that they can sell food for so cheap? If you go to these places often what do you tend to get that's great value in them, think I want to find out more about them now.

Also ate a bunch of juicy bacon these past couple weeks. I love cooking it to just before becoming crispy where it's got a bit of a tug to it still and has a more meaty texture to it. Also preferably seasoned with onion powder and cracked pepper, but sometimes I drop the onion powder if I'm going to be letting my cats eat some too. Absolutely love bacon.
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I mean bacon normally costs me like $7-9 a pound so just by getting bacon like a dozen times I more than break even.


I don't like when it gets dry and crunchy as much as when it's perfectly ready.


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I think for Costco you need to spend like $2000 (or more?) for the expensive membership to be worth it. I can't remember how it works, but you get some sort of rebate thing? My sister talked about it once. I'm sure it's a psychological thing that encourages people to shop there instead of other places, and of course the rebate isn't them actually giving you free money, just another incentive to come back to the store.
Pretty inventive ways to not actually benefit the customer but make it seem like it is. I guess that's how business is supposed to work once you become a big franchise instead of a local mom and pop store or whatever.


Yes, the savings are a little difficult to calculate. It should work out or people wouldn't bother, but they make profit off of the memberships and that's considering inventory sales as well. It;s no charity


The trick is membership stores are explicitly (that is they say the words verbatim out loud) trying to invoke the sunk cost fallacy.
So by charging X$ for memberships they're trying to trigger people into trying to get their money's worth. Lots of foot traffic to and into the store. Once people walk into the store for eggs or milk they're bombarded with in store advertising and while most people probably won't walk by a 2000 dollar play-structure for the kids and buy it, you might do something like getting a dozen muffins you didn't plan to buy that trip. Or a chair. A comfy blanky. etc. Even the most stalwart autist isn't immune to ads and impulse buys.

Personally once I got kicked off my mom's membership I started buying a couple gift cards a year. For the price of floating Costco 75 bucks a year no interest I could make 3 trips into the store with 25 dollar gift cards.


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What puzzles would you put on the back of the box? What toy would you include with it? What would the mascot look like? Would you have any online games?

I would definitely include a separate bag of marshmallow bits.
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honey and oats and protein cereal for POWERLIFTERS with a table on the back for you to track your macros wherever you go and a shab with a little bit of nonthreatening muscle telling you that you're not good enough but you're getting there (she hopes)
included is a toy mini-scoop for you to collect, each of which has a random discount code for one the company's supplements


Ohh, yeah now I remember. Some of them had codes you could enter and stuff. Pretty cool now that I think about it more


I'd put a big picross puzzle on the back, those are fun
That's totally not just because I recently rediscovered picross and have been enjoying solving them on my lunch breaks


Yeah, exactly this. Has to be one of those 2D vaguely isometric MMO-style flash games. Like Club Penguin.


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two who brand cereal


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Have you ever been interested in aromatherapy or scented candles and stuff? The other day in one of my rare ventures outside I was at small grocery store (the expensive kind I only visit yearly and barely buy anything from) and it had a really nice apple cider/cinnamon smell and it made me feel warm and happy. They didn't actually have any fresh cider or cinnamon, so it was obviously fake stuff.
Smell is pretty strong when it comes to emotion and memories and stuff, right? It seems like it's worth investigating.
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Don't be Rama Rama though, messes with your brain


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Hmm, VNs and scented candles do seem like a nice combination. I like to read VNs for 10+ hours in a row until I'm done, though, so it might not work for me.

I was with you until the gasoline part. Well, I'm not sure if incense burning is healthy. Doesn't it add a bunch of debris to the air?


If you keep the area well ventilated incense isn't a problem.


The candles last quite a long time. You can always buy multiple.
I don't read VNs every month so I don't go through that many.


I should get into it. Very often do I find myself unfocused and stressed and jumping from one thing to another, not getting anything done. Even when I do things I enjoyed I can only think about how much time I'm wasting.


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Movie night at https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/TheMoviezone
We are watching motherfucking Conan the Barbarian on the 15th at 8pm.
It's probably going to chopped up into like, two or three videos (should probably get it in 720p)
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I guess the artist really loves his veins huh


50 Minutes LEFT until the movie starts!


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Movie is starting in 15 Minutes!


It is officially almost time for the movie to start


don't think I'll be able to stay focused for 2 hours when I'm this tired, but I'll try...


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I think the average Amazon shopper is probably retarded.


it'll arrive when i WANT it to arrive


Probably something enough people don't pay attention to so it's good for generating extra money


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Since the next week is halloween i thought of streaming a random zombie movie, is called Rape Zombie: Lust of Dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pFFXJ_qcRA. Is about JKs with guns shooting zombies or something idk, but with that name and trailer it must be good for sure.
The stream will be NEXT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3TH AT 8PM EST. Or maybe we can switch it to 31th october to fit the date, i don't care. The stream will be on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/youmufan at 8:00PM EST (like 1am for europoors)
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That was the most Japanese thing I've ever seen.


Would you rather die to a Korean nuke or to a miko crotch shot?


Why in all the movies the NEET has to die?


no salvation for filthy neets


As a filthy NEET, I approve of this message.


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Vets have it rough. Googled a bit and the consensus is that vets have it worse than doctors.
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Why does that sheep look like its in constant despair all the time


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The perfect kissu mansion nurse.


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Thank you so much!!


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He worries about things too much and plays the role of the older straight man in segments which adds to the humor of various things going wrong. He isn't exactly in despair all the time, but common things that happen every episode are enough to get a reaction out of him.
Mehmeh is a really good character.


The boy he loves has a girlfriend.


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I am going to stream Army of Darkness in a little under THREE hours!
It seems like more people show up around this time, so this is one hour later than the standard seasonal stream starting time.


If you don't know what it is, you should go in blind, but you should know that it's a cult classic from the early 90s and its influence is felt in many things from various movies and TV shows to Warcraft and many FPS games.
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This is one of those movies I saw like 20 years ago and barely remember from anything but osmosis online. Watching it in full with a full attention span was great. I love Raimi's comical style and the goofy nature of the movie makes it a timeless classic that anyone can enjoy.


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Just as good as I remember, maybe even better!


pulpy and cheesy


I first saw it as a little kid because my older sister loved it and I could only really like the silly skeletons. I'm not sure if it's the first movie to make funny skeletons, but it's what I associate them with. I watched it again about a decade ago and was able to appreciate it a lot more. Although campy, some of the camera work and other cinematography stuff was really good and you can tell there's a lot of talent there.
Good stupid, chuuni-ish fun!



Even killer robots have holiday spirit!


the robots are going door to door


the robots WILL come to your door


the 'dawg


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You know, everyone loves to joke about the 1000 folded katanas and stuff, but the last three bladed things I bought are Japanese and everyone recommended them highly because the Japanese are known for making good blades. It's not like I went looking for these, people just said "Yeah, I use blahblah and it's Japanese and highly rated" and so on.
Chef's knife - kind of obvious
Garden Knife - Yep, it's a knife
Nail Clippers - they're blades, I guess

Seems like the Japanese have adapted to quality metal quite well.


Superior Japanese nail clippers cut through solid bone because they've been folded over 1000 times.


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umm... what the fuck? Google Chrome ad on YouTube with a direct download link? I feel like this is the kind of thing Microsoft got sued for being a monopoly for with Internet Explorer. I guess since that's already happening to Google that doesn't really matter anymore?...
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The feast is long over, the famine appears as a faint speck on the horizon.
Expect even more extreme behavior from Google as they feel the contracting hunger pains and fall from grace.


saged to both


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Sage just bit this shab.



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I was thinking of streaming japanese sexplotations films, they usually have strange plots so is fun to watch, i don't know if someone would be interested to, so to start i choosed a film i have already seen, is called Angel Guts Red Porno, the movie is basically the japanese sexploitation version of taxi driver but with an autistic neet.
I'll stream the movie NEXT SUNDAY OCTOBER 27TH AT 8PM EST. I should have posted this earlier but i was figuring how to stream it.
The stream will be on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/youmufan and remember that is on 10/27 8:00PM EST (like 1am for europoors).
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Lessons learned. Reject 3DPD and you won't get shot and die on some stairs. 2D wife wont betray you.


at least don't go after a 3DPD slut


A 3DPD slut that is nothing but mixed signals. First she flees screaming at the sight of NEET-kun, then she goes out and lets her molest her in the rain, and while he's dying on the ground she's cheating on him with table-kun.


table-kun was the true winner of the story, not NTR-ojisan nor NEET-kun


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This is what circlefags actually believe.
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The universe is matrix of fractals all moving in a toroidal space.


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The universe has no spacial curvature and is locally flat


A flat universer??


Good to see your doll again! Are those clothes expensive? Very cool!


I am not the dollfren, I just collect my favorite qt’s from Japanese hobbyists on X

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