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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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¥ You think skirts are girly, huh?
Maybe it's time we force you into one for a day?


noooooooooo don't put me in a skirt anything but that hahaha


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Cute JKs


Does /aut/ have any favorite advertisements?

Here is one. Evertale is a generic gacha RPG, but their advertisements have a lore ripped off of indie JRPGs giving a recurrent horror theme that suggests the users will be able to eventually experience a real story in their gacha game. It uses free assets and plagerism to get people to click and think it's something interesting.
It's a nice scam.
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makes me want to litter even more
despise videos like this with animals "talking" with retard grammar


Sometimes a good catchy song is all you need and people still remember it after many years


bleh, why would some guy block it from hotlinking, it's not like it's his commercial

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Interesting gimmick


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In what way? I have no idea what that is


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Halloween chess event. Renaming and reskinning some bots.. maybe different algorithms, doubt it though


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Exciting! This is what it means to game in the 21st century!

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The newest nvidia GPUs are almost as large as a PS5 and they cost as much as what I'd otherwise spend on an entire new computer.
I feel like I'd be more upset about this if there were new games that made use of this, and if they weren't just FPS and flight simulators when they do. This is out of control!
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>So, Nvidia is in a rock and hard place essentially competing against itself because of all the cards they sold to crypto miners that are selling for considerably less than MSRP.
To add to why this is such a big deal: used RTX 3090s are basically going to directly compete on performance with what should have been the RTX 4070, so they had to rename it to the RTX 4080 12GB to justify the price increase. Essentially, they're hoping it pays off to mislead consumers to sell more cards rather than losing out on new sales because of people buying used RTX 3000 series cards.


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(Whoops, I'm talking about GPUs in two active threads)

So there's going to be tons of 40xx stuff floating around and no miners to buy them?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting some joy of the crypto crash screwing over nvidia the monopolist, but I feel bad that it's affecting companies like EVGA since I like(d) those guys. These prices are so ludicrous and I really hope nvidia gets humbled into sane prices again in the coming years, but who knows if that will ever happen...


>So there's going to be tons of 40xx stuff floating around and no miners to buy them?
Yep. The crypto GPU mining boom happened because the cryptocurrency they were mining was Ethereum, but Ethereum recently moved away from mining and is now proof of stake. Other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin haven't been profitable to use GPUs in a long time and instead rely on dedicated ASIC hardware that's specifically designed for high hash rates in mining.


Whelp. Now they're backtracking after the whole "12GB" "16GB" controversy... Hopefully they're humbled into lowering the price so that's price like a xx70 card instead of this just being a rename.

>Unlaunching The 12GB 4080
>The RTX 4080 12GB is a fantastic graphics card, but it’s not named right. Having two GPUs with the 4080 designation is confusing.
>So, we’re pressing the “unlaunch” button on the 4080 12GB. The RTX 4080 16GB is amazing and on track to delight gamers everywhere on November 16th.


Hah. What a mess. These people really, REALLY need some competition.
The Gamers Nexus guy has a video for it

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This "youtube video game essay generator" is pretty hilarious. I continue to be amazed at how these random generators that are basically madlibs continue to entertain me so much.
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How Toaru Majutsu no Index Changed How We Think About Eurocentrism


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Similar brought me here to tell you all that this link is dead


Oh, that's a bummer. It was really funny, and ever since I messed with that site I noticed how often youtubers and even article writers use the same phrases


I dont know if they're being taught this in school or if they're just copying each other

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Following up on our previous lesson of doing nothing:
Give up.
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UG doesn't need to rely on profanity.


Chill the fuck out


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What to do if every day is bad day?


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Sometimes it feels like I'm the only person that enjoys thanksgiving. I can't be the only one, right?
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really like the pudgy turkeyhandle girl


still really like the pudgy turkeyhandle girl


Same, minus doctors


luv thankygive


How'd the surgery go

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Does kissu like turrets on houses?
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Huh, that's what those are called?
Probably not. Seems tacky to me. They belong on churches and stuff.


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Even on churches they can be tacky


I've seen them on some older houses and wondered what it would be like to have my room in one


They look kinda cozy to live in.
It always felt like a missed opportunity to not have the imam live in >>1310 for example




NASA is about to try smashing a craft into an asteroid
Minutes away
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clicked play at just the right time to see the crash


Awesome! I haven't heard anyone say that in a long time and it warmed my spirit


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last frame before impact


Did it do something to it?


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DART stands for Double Asteroid Redirection Test.
It crashed into it to change its path around the solar system. There's other probes around to observe the results.
This is for the (hopefully hypothetical) event where we soon need to change the trajectory of an asteroid that would collide with the Earth and cause serious destruction without intervention.

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Have you ever dealt with addictions? How did you get over it? Are you currently addicted to something?
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>This seems to have escalated to a bad point
Calling somebody out for being a dumbass is where you draw the line? Jesus Christ, no wonder there's nothing of substance being posted here.
I should have expected that a spinoff of a /jp/ spinoff that itself was populated from a /jp/ spinoff would be kuso cubed. Enjoy your lunch, I guess.


My comeback is that I quit by quitting. Once I realized what was happening, I made it a rule that I wasn't allowed to visit the site anymore. It sucked in the short-term, but I got over it and I feel fine now.


your posts are not that smart


Now we just need the drug hater to come in here and call everyone a degenerate for ever having been addicted to anything.


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I like Miku

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Did you drink your pumpkin juice today?


Was I supposed to get Kissu™ provided pumpkin juice today?


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So many dishes can be made from pumpkin...and I've had none of them. Need to rectify that.


I've never seen anyone cook with pumpkin that didn't come from a can. It just seems so messy to scrape it from the pumpkins yourself that it would need to be a LOT better freshly, uh, scraped.
Pumpkin seeds in the oven are easy enough to make, though, but the pumpkin guts gets everywhere even when you're not trying to grab it.


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I didn't know pumpkin juice was a thing. Thought you used it for cakes and pies.

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I read some stories about mafias and gangs around the world and I think that the formation of them can point to the formation of human society.
They are usually born into poverty where the only way to survive is to by acting together to be powerful enough to make ends meet, relying on strength and violence. Those who are the strongest and cruelest are the key to this, so the weak rely on the strong to survive and are willing to obey the orders of them.
This results in a pyramid social structure with different levels of leaders and a culture of obeying the order of those who are higher up. The strongest aggregates the most wealth and become the king.
Maybe autocracy is part of the human nature.
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Looking in the opposite direction, it's a common trope that if humanity is to spread out amongst the stars, that feudalism might take hold once again due to the herculean task of a democracy existing with as long as it might take to travel from planet to planet. I think this sort of thought also is probably revealing; autocracy and democracy may be products of logistics and proximity. That is, feudal systems might be more prone to springing up when contact between other settlements isn't feasible. In this way, maybe it makes more sense for feudal systems to be a local phenomena and democracies a more "national" one. This makes a lot of sense to me because it gives some context into why someone might voluntarily become a serf; if you can already not practically leave, and being a freedman is of no benefit, then being tied to your land is of no real detriment since you would still be tied to the land had you been a freedman since the expense and uncertainty of travel would be unthinkable, especially when in those eras there was no standardization of language so you may very well not even be able to converse with people even a town over were you to abandon the place of your birth.


I don't think I have ever seen Feudalism in Sci-fi. It's common to have an empire but not Feudalism. That's fairly simple to see why they do it as well, if you want a faction to control large portions of the galaxy it kind of has to be an empire, either that or tied to a special ideology. Otherwise each planet would want to become independent and being a democracy you would not really be able to stop it.


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Did someone say guns?


I wouldn't want to use that for stabbing, shooting, or even punching.


you know you're on kissu too much when just the first sentence makes you think "hey is this a repost?"

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Welcome to Autumn,

"The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Heart"
"Falling Leaves of Maddness"
"Promise of the Wheat God"

This season, Autumn ends on Tuesday December 21
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A Fall Megu


she looks like she could use a hat


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/aut/ will be closing soon
If you have anything to say in a thread here, do it in the next 12 or so hours


Lala is Cute.




This guy really has a death wish... putting his life in the hands of Elon Musk...


Foregoing the usual, "Tesla 'autodriving' is bad, and doesn't work as well as the name implies," fanfare, I really don't understand why anyone would want one in the first place in regards to usability. There's so much on the books about not being able to look at a phone while driving, and yet Tesla gets away with hiding every single setting on a giant tablet? Call me crazy, but it seems a thousand times safer for someone to be distracted and at least be paying 50% attention on the road while fiddling for the thermostat controls as opposed to 0% attention and staring at a tablet menu to find the right setting.


The new Elden Scrolls is looking nice

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