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Here's why you don't use Java
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He replicates an entire attack vector using minecraft to gain remote access into a machine. But by all means, read the comments for people calling it fake.

I'm sure one day you'll be able to click on the video and put aside your childish hatred of modern society to learn a little bit about how it works.


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Maybe people should just try having faces I'm not repulsed by.


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I've watched a bit of it and it's good, yeah. I'm too dumb to understand what he's doing, but it's cool to see it documented like this. He's got 320k subs so I think he can manage without my thumbnail approval.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game", right? I hate the "game" of those stupid thumbnails...


Isn't that actually complementing him?


nerd thread

didn't read

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Hmmm, very interesting. There was some Youtube Channel(Common Sense Skeptic I think), that was debunking Starship and Starlink, pointing out how ludicrous Starship is and how it's mission to Mars would never work for many reasons and in another video talking about how Starlink is a debacle that is actually losing Space X money and doens't offer a better service than what is already available. This email kind of confirms both, Starship was never meant to go to Mars, he just said that to hype up idiots, it's meant to send these satilites to space in a manner that is actually viable and cost effective because as it is they are going to go bust.


Couldn't Elon personally fund those rockets himself?


This explains the problems in it's design as well, I said a while ago that I thought it was going to tear itself apart as it's just too bulky and cheap. I think that is the point, the idea of it being reused is hogwash, he is mass producing grain silos to send satellite swarms into space.


No. His wealth is tied up in shares. He did sell some of them not long ago but if he sells too many it will crash the share price. He already has a lot of his shares in Tesla used up as collateral for loans anyway, that's a large part of the reason these projects are happening in the first place. Investors are throwing money into a bubble and he is capitalising on it by using his bloated shares to back loans to fund them. As he already has a large part of it backing loans he might not be able to use more and if he sells too much and lowers the share price it might cause the bubble to pop and the loans that he has taken out would then be backed by nothing and he would be in monumental debt.


America is just a bunch of guys trying to scam each other, and the richest people are just running the best scams.

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What if you write the 2 in the swirly way? Checkmate nerds.


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The number of people interested in this must number in the dozens!


The '1' on the left is written wrong and it is pissing me off. When compared against an 8-display, it is right-centred, whereas the 1 on the right is left-centred, yet the indent in the middle where the central stroke of the 8 would go is still facing towards the right.


how auspicious it must mean good things for Kissu!


That's just an implementation detail about the digit display and doesn't detract from the fact about the date at all.

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There is a well, open at the top, with a diameter of three meters. We throw two sticks with lengths of four and five meters, respectively, into the well. Let's assume that these sticks are positioned as shown in figure 0.2, i.e., they stay in the same plane and they "cross each other" as shown. The problem is really two-dimensional, as the well can be replaced by a rectangle that is open at the top.

Now, the challenge is to determine the distance h from the bottom of the well to the point where the two sticks intersect.
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Write the equations for the two lines:
y_1 = 5 - 5x/3
y_2 = 4x/3

Intersection when y_1 = y_2:
5 - 5x/3 = 4x/3
9x/3 = 5
9x = 15
x = 15/9 = 5/3

At x = 5/3:
y = 4/3 * 5/3 = 20/9 = h

This correct?


The equations are wrong, but the logic is right.


Oh right, I see my mistake. I used the length of the lines as their height, whereas you need to use Pythagoras to get those, so the equations should be y_1 = 4 - 4x/3 and y_2 = sqrt(7)/3. Fucking maths man.


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Not that anon, but
△ABF is a right triangle, so (AB)² + 3² = 5² and AB = 4.
△EFB is a right triangle, so (EF)² + 3² = 4² and EF = √7.
△CDF is similar to △ABF, so DF/BF = CD/AB = h/4.
△CDB is similar to △EFB, so BD/BF = CD/EF = h/√7.
BD and DF together make BF, so DF/BF + BD/BF = h/4 + h/√7 = 1.
Thus h = 1/(1/4 + 1/√7) ≈ 1.5924467752259388 m.


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that's a funny looking rabbit



Love spooktober


then why don't you marry it??


So close to spooky trips...


Halloween season?



I'm late to the party but I recovered an old remix of sorts I did of Thriller by making it jazzy and synth like, sadly no project file so I never got a chance to add a bass guitar or perk up the synth to be not as flat.


Humanity being an early species among the cosmos is a pretty terrifying possibility. I hope our descendants will be more reasonable and forgiving than in our past.


The comments on this video are interesting, because they exist in some sort of manufactured reality. For the last year, maybe two, Martin has been continually self-sabotaging himself by redesigning parts that do not need redesigning, creating parts that were not given enough forethought for the ways in which they will fail, and then worst of all, going beyond the scope of the project and introducing corrosive feature creep with elements of the previous two issues intermixed.

Despite this realization finally striking Martin, the response from the comments is flooded with messages saying, "Don't give up! We support you!" and "Your issues make the project unique! Without them, you're destroying it's character."

I can't help but wonder who these people are, and what their rationale might be. Was redesigning the marble gates 3-4 times in a row really productive? Was adding the additional constraint that the machine must be silent constructive? Was redesigning the rhythm machine necessary? Did the focus -- for far too long -- on trying to make the mechanism for dropping marbles look like spindly fingers actually achieve anything?


Uhh... what is it? I can't tell what this is, apart from something related to marbles? I skipped around, saw Elon Musk and stopped.


He's been trying to make a successor machine to his original marble machine, this one he's been working dubbed as the "Marble Machine X".


Oh, that's really cool. Dang, and almost 191 MILLION views. You're not supposed to get that many views if you're talented and created something new!
Sadly I can't find myself interested in hearing him talk about it for 40 minutes.

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You ever wonder how some stuff manages to be profitable? Like peas, for instance. It takes something like 30 of the plants to fill up one frozen bag and the bag sells for a dollar. Is it just government subsidies?
And then there's specialty stores. Maybe physical specialty stores are on their way out because of online shopping, but previously a guy could have a store where he just sells paint or pool supplies and somehow it would stay in business throughout his life.
It's just so strange to me to think somehow civilization supports this kind of thing.


yeah same with propane and propane accessories


It's probably the middle-aged fantasy of living as a farmer but actually viable since the people that do it for a living actually manage it as a job and keep track of everything. Plants don't just die and need to be re-bought as seeds. They leave some seeds behind so they can continue to sprout and grow. If you were to properly manage a large farm I think you'd probably find that it's not too hard to replace harvests as it would be to start receiving them for the first time. Also probably subsidies.

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All that work only for it to be eaten...


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Thought it was real rabbit meat at first


It's that time of year again when high school students are taught algorithms for calculating matrix operations without any hint of the meaning behind the calculations or what they might realistically use it for.
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Fucked up? The only thing fucked up is people going out into the world with little to no understanding of the tools they use in their jobs everyday.


If a whole bunch of stuff in computer science basically relates back to matrices and linear algebra how come it isn't a course all students have to take an introduction to in high school? We really should be teaching kids this stuff early so they can get it in their heads easier.


In burgerstan it's sometimes taught in "precalculus" but it's usually poorly motivated. As in it's presented mainly as a tool for solving systems of linear equations, and they don't relate it to linear transformations on vector spaces. They teach rules for computing determinants but don't explain what they represent. Eigenvalues don't get mentioned.


The most I learned how to use matrices for in Precalc was for solving for triangle measurements, but it confused everyone and no one understood how it worked aside from one or two kids (the type who always know everything) in a class of around 30.


precalc where I am was things that were literally precursors to calculus, mostly advanced trigonometry. Linear algebra is something different. Mind you, I'm a grade A tensai so I didn't do it.

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kissu friends, please remember to take vitamin supplements if you stay indoors. low vitamin is really bad!! and most people are deficient because we stay indoors all the time!! it can lead to worsened anxiety, and depression, and worsened immune system and health outcomes in general.
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I refuse to believe that it's gotta be a myth and even if it did I'm betting it's hardly noticeable.


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Pulp or no pulp?


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I like the one that says some pulp.


N-not that I'd know or anything, but it's not a myth and it is pretty noticable. Not pills though, just various citrus fruits eaten in decent quantities make it taste sweeter, artificial sweeteners can do the opposite.


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I only ever take C/D3 and a B12 but I've never noticed a change in my energy levels and it's already rare for me to get sick, I'm not sure why I'm still taking them but I'll still do it.
It is times like this I hate being curious and a "I don't believe it until I see it" type of person I'm going to cave and try that soon enough...


Love me some orangutans. look at these guys having fun. People say chimps are closest to humans, but I wanna hang out with these guys, not chimps that freak out and are violent.


Yeah, they seem nice. I wonder if they have slow metabolisms or something because they do seem really mellow. Chimps are assholes, yeah and that's how you do know they're closer to us. If only we went the bonobo path...

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So what's gonna happen on December 21?
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your heart will stop




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All my posts were pretty good.




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Some people realized that you can just look up Congress members stock trades because they "coincidentally" happen to always make good picks. Has anyone here tried that or followed that sort of news?
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I think the person people have been watching most closely is Nancy Pelosi because her husband is a stock trader.

Surely this is the golden path towards financially secure NEETdom.


I think they make most of their big bucks by passing favorable policy for private groups and then getting offered a cushy no-work position later on with them.


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Doesn't matter, they have registered trading companies and have servers connected directly to NYSE, meanwhile your market info and trade decision are delayed by milliseconds. By the time they jumped ship seconds ahead of you it's too late.


Invest in United Spermers
we have nowhere to go but up


The point is gains, not astronomical gains. I can live with making 50% of what they make or whatever. Also, it's not like their trades are realtime. SEC info is delayed.

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