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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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Everything seems so messed up. The world keeps getting worse and worse. People are forced into more and more debt in order to get by. Giant companies cut costs, pass them off to consumers, and price gouge all to appease shareholders. People are forced to rent everything they have because it's not financially feasible to own anything anymore. Governments which are supposed to protect its citizens ignore it as they only seek to gain more power for themselves. The only way I see this getting fixed is an economic collapse to restart the system. But that will hurt a lot of people and take generations to recover. I like to think it's not as bad as it seems and my perception is just warped from secluding myself to imageboards most of my life, but every time I look at the real world, it just doesn't seem okay. I hope I'm wrong and everything isn't actually as messed up as I see it, but I'm not too confident in that....

I'm drunk and depressed right now and I don't know why I wrote this but I did. Thanks for reading my blog. Sorry.
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this is an unpopular view but i don't really care about climate change because i do not identify with the people who will inhabit this earth in the future. they will not be "me" in any meaningful sense, so i don't really care about what happens to them. the world falling apart is their problem, good luck with that i guess
this is obviously a pathological outlook but whose fault is that? atomization of society has been in progress for a long time now, this is just an obvious consequence of it. the thought of the material world dying does makes me sad in a sense but then i hate everyone who lives in it so much that it balances out


I dont think thw world is getting worse, I think you're just become more aware of things that happen.


Just break up the monopolies, liquidate the assets of the ultra wealthy, force resignations of nepotism appoints, and lock up their fortunes by setting withdraw limits.

Worked pretty well for Nippon. During the Post-war Economic Miracle a lot of economists projected that Japan would overtake the United States, much in the same way economists now think of China. The only reason they didn't was because their demographics caught up to them and the asset bubble was so far-reaching that it essentially put the country in a decades long period of economic stagnation, that combined with a currency re-evaluation that made Japanese products much more expensive than they had previously been.


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Not this guy but to further follow up on this watch Princes of the Yen.
Despite me spending so much time learning about Japan I was totally oblivious to what molded them.


I will give it fair criticism however in that it's more or less just one man's work.


Speaking of one man's work, after watching that documentary it strikes me a lot of Adam Curtis's documentaries, this one is particularly related to the molding of the West.


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chromium is bad.


I know it is. That's why this thread stinks: I don't need to be reminded of it.


maybe you don't, but others do.


Okay, they can go somewhere else then.


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>Embrace, Extend, Extinguish
Wasn't that Microsoft's motto?
I had to use a Chrome-based browser for VPNs on 4/qa/. It seems to be the only common browser that will reload from a VPN on data send instead of a page refresh, or like firefox, a full restart.
I used Pale Moon and I was basically "meh" on satisfaction, but now I'm using Waterfox and I'm just slightly above "meh". I don't feel satisfied with any modern browser. You're always sacrificing something, so you need multiple ones installed and that's really annoying on its own.

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What is the meaning of life? What purpose is there? Is there any? What does it mean?
18 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes, in regards to climate change which is why I am not worried about that(in regards to life) but not in terms of human foot print. A tree can't adapt to grow in the middle of a road and stay there without being removed anymore than a large cat could evolve to live in the city without being shot.


We’re talking about a different “life”. I assumed we were talking in the context of what is the meaning of “life” an “individual” has not what is the meaning of “life” as a system.
Though taking you’re idea of zooming out to the next level, life is just one of the many processes that decrease the overall entropy of the universe and its purpose is to do just that.


It's connected which is my point, even within a species. Many animals, most in many species do not reproduce yet they still fill vital roles and contribute to not just the ecosystem but to their species and even family. Partly this is simply because most animals do not live to adulthood but even so many animals operate in groups with an alpha male who is the only one who breeds such as with horses or with a family unit with a breeding mother and father such as with wolves. And of course famously we have the case of the ants.


There's more to life, than life.


life is made up of the questions that define life

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Summer's over, but girls are still here

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Can't wait until it's cold enough that I can lay in bed with blankets playing a handheld again. I don't know if I ever feel more content.
Ahh... why is being warm while surrounded by cold so comforting?


I'm not so much a mobile gamer, but man do I love bundling up in the winter. It's so nice to just get all comfy by my lonesome and watch some anime.


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The time has come!

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Your parents are Gen-z...?


was talking to a relative in high school recently. He have a PC and wanted to talk to me about stuff.
He didn't know what a forum was, which quite shocked me.


I don't think most people now days use forums unless they are techies or computer geeks. Forums are dying out...


It may surprise you, but some people have no idea how those work regardless of generation. I know my mother and grandmother are the same way and wouldn't know how to unzip a file if their life depended on it.


Their brains are young enough though that if you can just work on keeping them focused they can learn how to use it in a short amount of time.

People getting too used to tablet/touch interfaces is a larger issue I think though. My newphew is on them all the time and he has autism; rather than fine tuning his motor skills and muscle memory he's just passively getting blasted with nonsense little kid videos, and getting way to rigid comfortable with a format that may change by the time he's reaching adulthood.


Good advice for cold times and space heaters

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Alas, he doesn't have the connections and insider trading knowledge to really make the big bucks. He'll always be stuck in the hamster race of life


fuck those stupid websites forcing account creation and then making the page static and un-filterable. not reading.


just use noscript


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still can't read the page


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load any cancerous websites through archive.is

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I went on my yearly 6hr autumn walk through the park trials for these walks I start on the bike paths before going off to the unmarked areas. I normally bring a weapon but I foolishly forgot this time luckily there was no danger.
I couldn't say the same for this caterpillar I found on the bike path before going to the unmarked areas. It was a monarch and knowing there are indangered I picked it off the path so it wouldn't go squish from bikes and carried it away to an unmarked area deep in the woods to be safe. I then altered my route because I don't like backtracking.

Hours pass and I head back to the bike path only to see a squished caterpillar on my trek I start to think "I hope that's just one I didn't carry" only to find just up ahead 13 more dead monarch caterpillars. Now I'm thinking that I did it for nothing I saved one only to see a bunch more dead...maybe even the one I "saved" maybe if I didn't see the one caterpillar I could have saved others..maybe I'm only fooling myself.
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fuck bugs. they all should be exterminated.


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what kind of weapon?


Their weapon of choice


I just use a standard well lubed Swiss army knife no need for anything fancy I feel. Recently found more trails one said "use at own risk" and "area prone to flooding" only went a few kilometres in because I had smelt stagnate water so I will need to go when it's dry.
Weird I'm going through my music from the 00's folder and realized I haven't gone to that album yet.

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Well, that's how it looks towards the end at least. Do you not have any deciduous trees around? It would indeed me depressing if you can't see any trees at all, but that wouldn't be unique to autumn.


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I'm quite pleased that the first day of Autumn actually felt like it. It was such a nice night with a full moon I sat outside in my folding chair just sipping beer and skygazing.


you live somewhere without trees?


There are trees here. The problem is that the rain and the lack of sunlight makes everything look murky.


sounds as if you live in scotland




Love their content and recently saw the one making fun of the History channel yeah good stuff.


their animations are really nice too, if you haven't watched those yet

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Is there anything better than this crap, but for a similar price?


I don't think anything beats ramen prices unless you're making meals yourself. But, you really shouldn't eat too much of it. All that sodium is pretty bad for you.


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This stuff might be SLIGHTLY more nutritious, but I haven't done any comparison with price and stuff. There's also that old Chicken Helper brand from Betty Crocker, but I haven't eaten it in over a decade.
This is a good question and I'm curious, too.


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sugar is evil




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America wins again


Oh hey, I remember someone recently was talking about making good homemade mac&cheese or something.


That was me. Hey, that seems like a helpful video and I might do that. I need to buy real cheese first, though. Firm cheese, huh. I have zero knowledge about cheese so I guess I'd just go with what he mentions there

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Sunset is at 4:13...
when will this end...


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aaaaa sunrise is at 7:28
I'm living in the dark


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I wish the eternal night could continue forever, it's nice...


Let's trade. There's still light at 9 pm here


Can't wait until we get back to this... I don't like sleeping at daybreak.

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