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I live in the Western Hemisphere. So keep that in mind, I put aside US$1.5K for a vacation and Myanmar was one of my favorite budget destinations. This is off the table, for obvious reasons. Do you have any recommendations for vacays around that price point? Im thinking Devon, England next summer.
27 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Any of you gone to Nippon post-covid? Can you still do a couple of weeks there for about $2k all-in? What's the process like for entering the country now? Do I have to show proof of vax?

Ideally, I'd like to spend like $6k all-in and come home with a big haul of stuff. But I mainly plan on going mostly to visit some temples and the national parks. I only plan on spending maybe three days in Tokyo all together. Tokyo doesn't even interest me that much because I've heard how bad Akiba has gotten lately. I'm mainly going to say I went there.

There used to be some good anon guides for planning this trip but they haven't been updated in years. Considering the cost of food in my country doubled in the last year or two I'm expecting a trip to the other side of the world has as well.


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>I've heard how bad Akiba has gotten lately
The smaller backstreets are still good from what I've heard.


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>Can you still do a couple of weeks there for about $2k all-in?
If you stick to budget accommodations, fly there during the off-season and take advantage of discounts like the JR Pass.
>Do I have to show proof of vax?
It doesn't seem like it anymore.


They massively increased the price of the JR Pass, it's not worth it anymore unless you're taking nonstop shinkansen trips. https://www.jrailpass.com/blog/japan-rail-pass-prices-increase


>Do I have to show proof of vax?
>It doesn't seem like it anymore.
NTA. Looks like I might actually be able to go somewhere now. I hadn't even personally thought about doing any kind of travel since 2020 and all of that needed to be done in order to board a plane.

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 No.2112[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Right now I'm in the middle of workshoping an idea for a GATE knock off, but it's with a Warsaw pact country.
I also have a seven chapter WN being written up. It's about a couple of tabletop characters slice of life adventuring.
Hope everyone does okay.
154 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Okay so state of affairs time:
I have not written in a while.


Workshopping another idea, basically the gist is that MC-kun wants to be the emperor of the sub-continent and he has to fight six radically different nations.
Yeah I know it has the "stink" of Mount and Blade Warband but it's a good concept.


Actually I got a question, does anyone actually care that things end up being derivative?


If its derivative ENOUGH


Don't do a heuristic on me, I'm not good with those.

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I got a job fundraising for autism
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's weird to think that the Peter's Pence drive during the "get your tax deductible money sent out" season means the US inadvernently sends a lot of solid currency to the Vatican City


There are some people who just keep going forever, but most will regularly give you a turn. You can use that to cut their meandering thoughts short with a concise summary of what they're trying to say and forcibly move on to the next point. When you handle the same conversations over and over again you get a feel for how they're structured and can progress them faster. I tried speedrunning calls on a help desk and cut my average call time to under 5 minutes before I got in trouble for being too efficient and went back to letting people talk for as long as they wanted because I was paid by the hour.


customer service rather than customer help


Calling it customer service is misleading because it makes it sound like you're giving customers blowjobs when really you're just changing their passwords.


so many things not to say in response



cute death cat


cheetahs are just really big cats at the end of the day...


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want cheetah gf


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The Night of Frights approaches!
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Nice! Seems good. The only ones I ever cut were as a kid and we had these little stencil paper things to make preset faces. I guess it looked good, but in hindsight it would have been better if we did something creative


I have a funny ceramic jack-o-latern but I forgot to get it out this year... Maybe next year.


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The first half of November counts as Halloween right?


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Actually the hour after midnight on the 31st it switches right back to christmas, which is september-october 21st+november 1st-december 31st


STOP. September is Halloween's month. November I can live with being taken by Christmas. Thanksgiving wasn't that great anyways.

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Trick or treat
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Hah awesome! I know this was a thing (I think on /v/?) a few years ago, so do you have a blank template?


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It's like 15 years old at this point and spread to other boards from /v/.


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I checked and I'm glad my edit is still getting posted on /a/.

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A youtuber I like is doing a survey on how people categorize the Mario games, in preparation for a followup to another video he already made on the subject, https://youtu.be/XejJ6PzPtEw?si=CIkpaXzp9Htcvphs

He wanted people to reach out to others so he could get answers from outside his audience, and I figured this would be the sort of thing Kissu would be interested in. Here's the link if you want to take it. Be warned that it's very long, because basically everything that's remotely related to Mario and technically counts as a game is on it.
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Its a little bit freaky they were making Game & Watches into the 90s


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it's a-me


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Is this a Mario post? I vote 'yes'


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Congratulations Comrade Mario!

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get dabbed on, /aut/


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That poor cat has no torso ;_;

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It's near-freezing outside and I brought out my heated mattress pad. I opened the window to make the room nice and cold and turned on the mattress pad. Once I get so cold that I start to lose dexterity in my fingers I'm going to almost (but not entirely) close the window and then hop in bed and play some video games.
It really is the simple things in life that are the best


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i'm envious of you. my window doesn't have a screen, so if i opened it, bugs would start flying in.

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Do you ever daydream about being in Japan?
18 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


cute Flan


Always think it'd be a pretty cool experience to go and visit, and unlike other nations Japan seems to be fairly safe versus any other nation I could possibly tour (or even compared to cities near me).

I think I'd want to explore Akihabara, and maybe get a lot of souvenirs while there. Also as a food lover I'd have to try out a bunch of different restaurants while there. Maybe if I could plan it well I'd go during Comiket to actually be present for one, feels like it'd be a really nice experience.


English everywhere is a terrible thing


You say imperialism, I say lingua franca


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willow trees are the best

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Eclipse season starting again! Next one is a partial lunar eclipse on November 19.
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Hey I live in the total zone!


Lucky Tasmania


It was cloudy and I saw nothing


I slept through it, but it was supposed to be cloudy and I was only in the 3rd best zone anyway


I forgot about it completely and my blinds are closed so I didn't even notice it becoming darker outside orz

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its friday the 13th
happy halloween


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But it's noon of the 12th...


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this thread is too scary for me


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Get spooked nerd.


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can't seem to figure this one out, could anyone lend me a hand?
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Fucking wuggers with attitude.


of them


but there's three ___.





awwwww yeah that's the stuff
i'm sorry i don't have any ambience to post, have a moth instead


I don't know about anyone else but I really like the sound of Tie Fighters or like, B-17 rumbling.


I'm going to get a bass guitar for the first time. Because I've never played bass before, I want to get something as inexpensive as I reasonably can so I can take lessons and practice. But I'd like something that sounds decent, and I can't decide. The cheapest things seem to be Chinese brands, like Glarry which has bass guitars for around $100. Glarry in particular has a jazz bass that looks enticing to me, the GJazz. There's also one with double humbuckers called the GIB, which I am interested in as opposed to the single coil pickups. Above the Chinese junks are the lowest-priced offerings from name brands like Ibanez. In particular I was looking at an Ibanez GIO GSR100EX, which is around $200.

I'm really particular about getting a sound I like, and so far I prefer the sound of jazz basses over precision basses. I'm not sure how much of that has to do with things like pickups, amps, pedals, or just playing technique. Watching videos of people demoing the basses I'm interested in, I'm unsure how much of what I'm hearing is being carried by equipment and and how much is skill. This video of the Ibanez SR 1200 Premium has a sound that I like, but would a bottom-of-the-barrel bass like the ones I'm looking at be able to even sound close? Like, is that sound I like a result of pedal or amp effects?

Also, there is the question of whether to get a 4-sting or 5-string. 4-string is the "standard" but I think I'd like the lower range from a 5-string. That's also why I'm apprehensive about a more expensive bass, in case I'd end up wanting to go for the 5-string later on. And there's also the factor of flatround vs. roundwound strings, which seem to have differences in sound and playability.

Because I am looking to spend as little as possible I am probably going to get a Chinesium amplifer. So, whatever I get, there's a good chance it will sound like trash regardless of what guitar I get.

tl;dr For spending the least possible for a bassy bass guitar, is something like the Chinese Glarry good enough, or is going up to the low-cost model from Ibanez more worth it, or maybe even a Squier? Are things like pickups, string type, number of strings even worth worrying about for my quest for a good sound from something in this price range? Amazon has a pretty lenient return policy so I can probably get away with getting it refunded if I don't like it.
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To be fair, neither do I. I've just been spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about this because I'm paranoid and want to get it right. I'd could spend up to $1000 on this if I really wanted to, but I'm stingy with money. Even $100 feels like a lot for the absolute cheapest option, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get much lower than that.


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Yeah, you really don't want to spend a whole bunch of money on something you could potentially struggle with and not pick up. I'd say maybe try out a cheaper one and if it really speaks to you and you find yourself wanting something better then sell it and buy a better one.


All this depends on what you want to do. As a first time you should focus on bargains and build up an inventory as you get more defined.


Fair enough, I'll stick to the ~$100 range. Though, one of the downsides I've heard about the super budget basses is that they don't have any resale value. Looking around a bit more, I'm happy with how this Harley Benton JB-20 sounds, but having it shipped the the US costs $90, which is almost as much as the bass itself.....


well, if you want a something that's also decorative(resellable) then that's a different deal

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