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You know it's funny how kissu has been around now for longer than 4/qa/ was good for. I wonder how many new people we've picked up in the process
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>I wonder how many new people we've picked up in the process
Hopefully enough to keep things fresh and moving forward.

I was there for moots Q&A and then forgot about the board until late 2016, probably Novemberish. I had entirely quit using it around the time the mods went full NKVD gulag on the place while demonic soyjaks created a total hellscape circa 2019.


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I got Hiro to check my triples btw.


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Yeah, almost since the beginning. I caught on quickly that moot was never going to get to answering any question past post 100 or so in the first of like 6 threads of 2000 posts each so I left /qa/ since it more resembled /q/ without the benefit of staff answering. Then I happened to learn that the board never left a couple months later and it was a 4chan retirement home thing that occasionally got [s4s] raids. Relaxing board of oldsters until the hiro blotter announcement turned it back into /q/. I left it at that point for the most part, just occasionally visiting a couple times a week. It turned into one of those boards that people visit to get mad at things. Started using it gradually more and more in mid 2016.

I rather focus on the now, though. I've said it before the last time a similar thread like this cropped up- I don't want people to feel alienated because they haven't been here forever. New good posters are the same as old good posters, and kissu is full of good posters!


heh you can guess what was going through that person's mind in the time period surrounding the screenshot from the tabs he has open


By 2016 I hadn't used 4 for anything in several years


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I think it's been a fairly long enough time and maybe there's people that didn't watch it before. And people having not experienced Flamenco is just a damned shame.


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No preference, really. Other people can decide


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Or nothing.
4 or 5 episodes I think will be fine.
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Starting in 25minut



I put 2 86 ep at the end


Streamin now!!


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Yeah, Last Exile was definitely worth putting in my watchlist with those first few episodes. I like the mystique it has going on with the main plot and the cast feel like good and lively characters. Lavie may be more of a just trying to get work done and live a more peaceful life type, but she's been with and respects Claus enough to entrust her life to him on an extremely dangerous mission. It's the sign of two really close partners. Although from the pictures it almost looked like they were siblings, but their names are different... Alex, the Captain Harlock commander seems cool, and I like the rest of the Silvana crew so I'm glad that the story seems like it'll be more following them than having me constantly deal with chivalry retardation. Glad that's on the critique end of the anime and not being exalted.

Only real critique so far would be that I just don't prefer CGI to if they'd done 2D, just doesn't compare to if they'd done it 2D. Though I have to admit that for the time, the CGI was really good. Definitely putting more lazy modern usage to shame but by far not up to good modern standards. Aside from the CG, it looks really beautiful. Not really sure who to attribute the design to, but there's something I really love about the character design style of the late 90s to early 2000s a fair bit of anime had. Not really sure how to put it, but it's the volume on their faces that stands apart from more flat looking modern designs. Maybe it's the shading.

Either way the OP and ED are both 10/10 excellent.

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stop outsourcing your interest in anime onto me... I'm looking through the archive since 2016 to see if anything interesting released


dumb interestard


Since people want to outsource interest on the people who create streams I'm just going to watch something I like. Debating between seeing if Last Exile was actually good by watching 5 episodes or just relaxing and watching a couple of 86 episodes


i enjoyed last exile a lot. its got a greasemonkey tomboyish main character. it's fun to try to figure out setting details through the presentation of events and the hints in background details it gives you along the way. dont spoil it by looking it up its less fun
not gonna join a stream today btw just wanted to give my 2 cents on last exile


86 is good.

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I wonder just how far the typical imageboard user is from an ordinary person. Do hikki NEETs live like the rich?

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this sounds like one of those early iq tests that actually asked people about their pop culture knowledge rather than just the abstract exercises you get today


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It's basically asking if you live in a rural area of the US. It's very much a poll made from someone in a bubble of their own if it thinks anyone outside of a city are clones of each other. Asking about fishing makes sense, I guess, but lots of people just don't like fishing. And if you don't own a truck you live in a bubble? People have different hobbies and interests. The "Have you ever participated in a parade that wasn't about gays or war?" question was pretty hilarious, though. I guess it's mostly trying to find if you fit into the expected pattern of people in the lower economic echelons interacting with each other by necessity.
It thinks I'm upper middle class because I got 38, which I could only be in my dreams. I guess it's meant to show that the guy that inspired the poll is dumb.


Exactly this. One of the questions is about NASCAR driver of all things. I answered no to all the questions about movies/TV shows and I still got a 65. Whoever made this quiz is a hardcore urban dweller.


The correlation between media tastes and economic class really isn't as strong as this guy seems to think. Outside of the NASCAR question, I found it telling that there was conveniently no mention of other American sports which would definitely see more common interest across socioeconomic groups. The internet has also made a lot of hobbies and media more accessible so yeah this dude is just pushing his own biases.


Not 'murican, so naturally I got a score in the single digits regardless of my actual class.

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>Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
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Unlimited blades > one blade


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Mastering something is a LOT of work. I think variety is good and it makes a more fulfilling life, but it's definitely good that there are super experts out there that move humanity forward and stuff.


the thing about being knowledgeable about/skilled at multiple things is that in a lot of cases they compound or are a prerequisite for deeper understanding
it's why when studying biology you have to learn about chemistry and with historical events there's a bajillion different dimensions to dig into
building up an interrelated system of ideas greatly helps memorization as well
you also can't fix up your house by only being a master at hammering down nails, and as much as a single excellent element can serve to carry a piece of art it helps for it to be well rounded and not have any glaring issues
outside of their specific field, the master of one will more commonly fall in line with the lowest common denominator, whereas jack will be above average
this all can go a long ways


and then there's the pole-dancing archer with a zweihander over here talking about media and history while demonstrating stuff


the master of jack of all trades

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Alright, as per >>>/qa/134803 I'll be streaming Tatami Galaxy on the 20th of this month. I've got everything set up, I just wanted to make a poll to see if people would prefer seeing all 11 eps together (which is 4 hours long with the EDs edited out) or having two streams splitting it in half.


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I'm traveling the 22nd so the first for me.


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Artsy talking stuff puts me to sleep, so maybe 5+6?


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Heavily leaning towards one batch, then.
The talking is actually pretty normal, and there's tons of stuff happening in most episodes. The first five each cover a full mini-arc, with their own setups, developments, and resolutions.
Mini-spoiler: it's a time loop story. (Watashi on the right.)

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I've thought about this for ages, but The War Still Rages Within.


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The only one I know is Rules of Nature because of imageboards over the years... I don't think I'm qualified to vote since I haven't played it


a stranger i remain is what i was listening to browsing 4/qa/ so i'll go with that one


God damn, anon, listen to this shit already. The way it's integrated into the game is incredible, but the songs by themselves are still killer.


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Monsoon was the moment the game just clicked for me. God, what a baller theme and fight.
Stains of Time every time.



I agree, the war still wages within is the best

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Presented for your consideration.
(multiple choice)
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AA cuppu, A cuppu, B cuppu.


Thread theme.



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Would you rather have 10 house spiders or 50 silverfish living in your abode?
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who are you saging?


They... uhh.... What?


Well, at a surface glance it would appear that the sage is directed at the poster he is responding to, a way of indicating that his post was not appreciated. However, sageing does nothing to that post and his displeasure is already indicated in the text of the post so it would make no sense to sage at him. You might say that his sage is directed at himself, an admittance that his post is worthless and does not deserve to be seen, but in that case he would simply have not posted it so that can't be it either. So we're left with a scenario where the poster thinks his post is worth seeing and the poster he's responding to is worth responding to but the thread itself does not deserve visibility. It seems most likely, then, that the sage is directed at OP, but it could also be any post except the two described earlier that the poster believes made the entire thread untenable.

So the question stands: Who are you saging?


he simply shouldn't have saged, that's the straightforward solution


Spiders no doubt, total bros

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I am trusting you to tell the truth here.
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See those clothes on the ground? I pee'd on them.
What now?


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I am a girl cat


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You're going for a ride.


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Which do I choose if I'm part cat part person?


On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

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Don't bullshit me.
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if i lie and say i'm not a fag, does that make me a double faggot?


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no, that would make OP the double fag!


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ALL cats are honorary fags


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I am going to lie on this poll

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But Tsumugi is the REAL childhood friend.


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of course >>5154 bit >>5153


total defeat for osananajimi....

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If you say "beasts" Arceus will spit you from his mouth.
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Instead of this, you chose to revive a blue snail!?


I'd say dogs, but the top left one is really the only one that really seems obviously a dog. The others are just anatomical randomness.


From right to left: Sabertooth cat, fox, Sasquatch


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The modern sprites push the cat side more, especially with Raikou, but the original GS sprites were 100% dog so I will always call them the legendary dogs.

Also, Pikachu is fat and Jynx is black.


Gerbils. Paw structure, posture, facial structure, overall motifs. It all reads "gerbil" to me.

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This is the official poll for deciding whether /jp/ gets deleted or not. The poll's results will respected.
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Kissu does a lot of stuff together. That wasn't as common, really at all on /qa/. There was only the seasonal stream. The steam thing was made back then, but I don't think it was ever used to organize anything from what I remember. Not like how Kissu has played Terraria and Minecraft and Factorio together.


kissu is still just a backup site for /qa/ in my mind


Can't vote because I don't save cookies and often change IPs. But I support everyone that voted no. Didn't read the thread will when I have more time.


well back in 2017 there was oj and the not-yet-seasonal stream
and the steamcord had appeared by july 2018, this is the first time it was publicly linked to
i don't know what it was used for since i was never there, but some threads were made inviting people to specific games like insurgency, which i assume was not unrelated as there's a post linking to it


>i don't know what it was used for since i was never there
I was there, but I don't remember either... I don't recall any discussion happening, but there might've been and I missed it. It's quite annoying how Steam has no chat history... All lost to the sands of time.

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