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File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (305.8 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, a three letter shortening of a four letter word?




File:BBA.jpg (580.45 KB,850x2720)

BBA is old hag; granny. BBA is a shorthand for 婆あ or "babaa"; it's essentially a pejorative of お婆さん or "obaa-san". Obaa-san is polite to use, Babaa will turn a happy old lady into a sad cranky one as illustrated in this image.
Three letters because 婆 reads as ババ "baba", and あ is just "a". So babaa -> BaBaA -> BBA.


Why would someone bully Yukari like that?


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It's funny. Yukari is very easy to bully.

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Post class and alignment in thread
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File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (192.32 KB,1920x1080)

I'm not answering 140 questions for some dumb trivia thing...


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True neutral human paladin.


File:true-neutral.png (28.57 KB,381x788)

True Neutral Human Ranger/Rogue (2nd/2nd Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 15
Dexterity- 13
Constitution- 15
Intelligence- 13
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 11

honestly, was hoping I'd be neutral good


File:Happy Akebi.PNG.png (71.79 KB,341x301)

my alignment is chaotic cute


File:F-EMGy9aoAAAINK.jpg (564.28 KB,1920x1080)

That's the best kind of cute.

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i used to clean tons of stuff and put them to dry alongside the dishes and made sure it was extra clean but after i learned of >>4667 >>4668 i started only recycling the stuff that didn't need to be cleaned
voted cleaning for old times' sake


penutbutter containers are pretty thick plastic so I'm not sure, but the effort it takes to clear it makes me wonder


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (228.43 KB,1920x1080)

The story goes that back in the 70s and 80s people were raising a stink about the amount of plastic waste being produced in the US. There was talk about it and petitioning of the government and blahblah, but one important thing to know is that plastic is connected to petroleum and oil refining which means it's connected to the oil industry.
If you try to take action against the oil industry you're never going to win.
The "solution" was that after some heavy lobbying, the plastic companies said they would start recycling stuff. Did they build factories or develop new technology or anything? No, of course not. The solution was to print labels on plastic bottles without any plan or technology to actually do so, placating people into thinking something was being done. The actual labeling on bottles had no government relation or recognition.
The whole plastics recycling thing of today is an attempt by good-natured people to try and clean up the gigantic mess that the oil conglomerates made, but it's utterly impossible to do so due to a lack of funding and magical technology.


My apartment has a bunch of dumpsters for trash but only a few small cans for recycling that are always full so I've just given up on trying to recycle. I feel a little pang of guilt every time I just throw my recyclables in the trash but not much I can do about it.


When I used to gig to clean a clinic they had recycling bins everywhere but they were just there to make the staff feel good; it all went into the same dumpster.

Illusion of choice and all that.

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High twin tails that reach all the way down to the floor.


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

Love this pretty much


High is cute but low is waifu.


i like it when twintails go over the shoulders so i'm gonna go with low


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File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (383.24 KB,1920x1080)


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More surprised people aren't voting for sengoku
it's another 22 episode show that we're probably just going to regret dropping


File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (234.42 KB,1920x1080)

The first season barely passed voting and I don't get it either. Well, Sengoku and Nige Jouzu both doing bad is something I'm having trouble accepting. At least they're mildly doing better than the vtuber one, but worse than the youtuber one...


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (240.15 KB,1920x1080)

I guess I'll leave it to the stream uploaders' discretion as to 5 or 6 votes is a pass this season as there's barely any pattern here to judge things.


Wow, the two shows the streamer wanted to watch suddenly get a bunch of votes to be over the threshold, how convenient.


it was ME

File:[MTBB] Nisemonogatari - 08….jpg (356.58 KB,1920x1080)


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It's time to choose.
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i can't believe there are only 31 kissuers in the entire world


File:[Erai-raws] Monogatari Ser….jpg (424.71 KB,1920x1080)

The record was 80+ votes for a poll about monitor/display setup made a few years ago if I'm not mistaken. 32 is a good amount for a series not everyone has watched before I guess.

Monogatari used to be really popular on /a/, but it's hard to even get a thread going at all these days. It doesn't seem to resonate with the younger generation just like Haruhi doesn't either.


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (280.28 KB,1920x1080)

People don't seem to talk about the adult form of the blonde vampire much, do they? Shinobu or whatever? Or is that only for her child form?


shinobu is just some vampire. Kiss-shot is the adult


Yeah, her. She should be far more popular if you ask me.

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File:Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sens….jpg (434.58 KB,1280x720)

A wise choice. S*x is temporary, puter frens are eternal.


Well I'm not sure. A nude slut in heat probably looks pretty gross, but if she's going to pay for my utilities, it might be worth it.


File:[Zafkiel] Urusei Yatsura (….jpg (242.53 KB,1920x1080)

It's not much of a choice at all. Computer is obviously my source of purpose, but also this is the time of year when a lack of electricity could be a danger to health due to the heat.


With electricity I can watch a slut in heat undress on my computer, easy choice.


that's it? gimme the lightning

File:[MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatar….jpg (346.31 KB,1920x1080)


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miya thinks plenty the difference is that she exists in a state of zen and in accordance with the tao
she seeks to advance others towards illumination by highlighting their shortcomings


I just bit this shab




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just wid this shab



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Hi Laala


File:[danganronpa][group][artis….jpg (1.26 MB,1200x1200)

Holy shit I'm a kissu pro now


File:ヴォルフォレ_clap.gif (108.1 KB,340x191)

Holy shit I'm a kissu pro now


File:IMG_0289.jpeg (115.2 KB,600x1200)

No but I am kissu bro!


can't tell if I'm a pro again or if i just changed votes...


Going for two options.
Ironically, this is the Cool-Guy vs Verniy showdown
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File:d8cd4a808f925c493fb9cc1fff….jpg (303.3 KB,680x950)

A cute name is more important than techloligy. We're going to make several distro and ricing threads on the first day and not write anything about techloligy at all. Every thread will have a picture of a cute magician.


yesssssssss /maho/ is still winning


hi nino


Narrowish margins


smallish penises


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Poll for the opinions on tech.
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As for a followup poll, I'll cover that likely Wednesday


+1 for /maho/


No new ideas? Guess I'll make a 1v1 poll in a bit.


File:Delicious in Dungeon - S01….jpg (329.1 KB,1920x1080)

Maybe there will be a hot new joke that comes along naturally


Times up

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How do you like your poor man's protein?
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How am I the only vote for poached??
They combine the runniness of fried eggs with the softness of scrambled eggs, while being far less effort than an omelette. What more can you want?


File:[Asenshi] Heya Camp - 03 [….jpg (87.4 KB,1280x720)

>What more can you want?


>less effort than an omelette
isnt poached the one where you swirl a pot of boiling water and pour the egg in just right to make it a ball? how is that any less effort?


File:1561273243963.png (63.15 KB,444x328)

You can make scrambled eggs with bacon. In fact, I am going to make some right now!


You use a poached egg maker. It's like a muffin tray you put into a pot

File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (313.95 KB,1920x1080)


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File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (114.73 KB,1280x720)

It's fine to good until the end of each arc, where they insert increasingly absurd melodrama to force the girls into bonding moments. In this regard, it is absolutely a yuri series, even though the girls are 100% straight.


>even though the girls are 100% straight.
You don't have to lie just because you're jealous.


i like how inconsequential all the stakes are in salad bowl


i like how inconsequential the calorie count is in a salad bowl


*pokes you in the tummer*

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i call that one with the grey-blue buttons and that shape a super famicom. i call the western one a sness


File:Mission - Yozakura Family ….jpg (347.28 KB,1920x1080)

Personally I was a "Super Nintendo" guy, but I do remember some kids saying "S N E S". I think the latter feels like it takes more energy to say.


File:super-famicom.jpg (41.35 KB,960x768)

It's crazy how much better the Super Famicon looks in comparison. Most unnecessary redesign ever.


We all called it Super Nintendo when it was current console. Since everyone called the NES "Nintendo". We all called the Genesis a "Sega" or "Sega Genesis" but the latter wasn't as common from what I remember.

They wanted it to look similar to the NES in America because of the branding. I remember the first time I saw one in person. They had it at the local mall for several months before it got a public release. Everyone was hyped up for it because the demo came was the new Mario game.

I never got one while it was a current console. I'd gotten a Genesis a few months before the SNES came out. I begged my parents for it because I got to play the first Sonic game at a neighbor's house. Compared to NES games Sonic was amazing. The graphics and speed the game ran out blew my mind.

My cousin had an SNES and I was always jealous of her for it. I found out when we were adults she was always jealous of us having a Genesis. We should have traded consoles but I doubt our parents would have let us. Her Mom hated the Genesis because of the games that featured blood like Mortal Kombat and Mutant League Hockey.


Round edges are for sissies and faggots. Real, red-blooded American gamers want edges sharp enough to crack skulls with. That's why the Gamecube is the greatest console ever made.

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will you pet her


File:ee2c170b64fd79a0a4c529c721….jpg (402.5 KB,880x1212)

NO! Go pester someone else, aho.

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