>>4002As far as topic broadness is concerned, it really irritates me how sterile 4chan/a/ has become. They can barely step out of their lane at all anymore.
That's not a /jp/ thing though. It is standard for image boards to just explore lines of discussion wherever they might lead you, and it was the catalog and generals that put an end to it.
Pic related. /a/nons used to be proud of their ability to just nerd out at the slightest opportunity.
You don't have to follow people into every weird rabbit hole that they dig for themselves. But following the "discussion" of just a specific title gets boring after a while.
This may just be prejudice speaking, but I think that old /a/ was more knowledgeable about anime&manga because they got to talk about random /a/-related stuff more often, as the conversations happened to veer that way.