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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

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File:1731590240739.png (18.59 KB,580x118)


kuon avatar spotted


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (353.37 KB,1920x1080)

heh nice comment
he should like Kana, though


better than your average screencap, but still a screencap


this opinion has been factchecked and approved of by the media literacy department

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This ain't your mommy's school glue...

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Wow look at this Nina.


thank you for making a Nina thread!


File:[crossover][enoshima junko….jpg (476.45 KB,800x800)

Your welcome.

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Complimentary ninas for every nina voter! Take one and pass the box along
19 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


a nina for you in these uncertain times




what was it


you'll have to consult the index postium prohibitorum for that


I moved it into its own thread >>34669

File:[Azure-Subs] The Idolmaste….jpg (189.47 KB,1280x720)


Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!
54 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't forget nina


actually there's an idea, I'll just make Nina the sticky thread


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Been a year and a half, still the best.


she's grown into an old hag by now


eternally 9


I'm moving on from the sph lifestyle. I hope you can all forgive me.


aaghh not the penis pump those things look like torture


>What's it called when a guy dressed up as a girl
> I think it's called drag king
> Have you seen draft kings? They have the best ads
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't know what that means but it's sad that Henri would do this. But if that's what makes him happy then we have to respect his decision.


henri wanted gay orgies to be as clean as straight orgies so the homostablishment made him disappear


Henri was a guy with a passionate interest in a 2D thing (Love Live), stuck on a board in which its inhabitants were too cool for such things and instead blogged about RL girls and general /r9k/ stuff while attaching random 2D images so they could pretend they were different from the "norms".
He made a few posts on kissu after some fight they all had back there on /ota/, but those people followed him (the thread was linked on ota and gnfos probably) and convinced him kissu was going to be against him as well and he never gave kissu a chance to prove otherwise.
He probably found a group of people to share his hobby with so he's probably fine, but it's unfortunate he had to leave imageboards for it.


>made a few posts on kissu
huh this must've been pretty early on because i have no recollection of it whatsoever


just a few under his trip but he didn't like how the name kept getting reset to anonymous after posting

File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (223.21 KB,1280x720)


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*logs into /secret/*


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big baby is watching you


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (235.05 KB,1920x1080)

 No.34731[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Hate how liberals are all good people who have want stability and not to care about politics while maintaining their ideals of egalitarianism.
Meanwhile christfags are millitant about their positions and will resort to violence if you impede on their belief systems.

Pacifism and apolitical thoughts don't belong in systems that promote egalitarianism. Freedom has only ever been earned through acts of immorality
102 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Anonymous was too agreeable that he deleted his posts...


waddafug man


sigh some of the only good posts in the thread and now they're gone guess the only thing left to do is post about burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice b


I remembered I don't like talking about politics and didn't want anyone to respond.


burn, maidenless, burn

File:[Azure-Subs] The Idolmaste….jpg (178.34 KB,1280x720)


Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!
13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This image is so cute...


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i usually dont like long toes and toe gaps but this is cool...


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can't stop thinking about risa


the real /secret/ idol


She lacked the votes...

File:[crossover][enoshima junko….png (1.52 MB,2571x4639)


If you read Berserk you are an NTR fan.
Go jerk off to your faggot tragic hero with a mindbroken sloppy second bitch.
38 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Well no, I told her I don't fuck men and if she's trying to be all non-binary and shit I'm not going to buy it, sorry charlie, I have principles, you worship Allah nigga and you want to change yourself, what the fuck is wrong with you, follow the word of God not your body you fuckwit.


Main point I'm trying to say is that bitch Allah said you are perfect the way you are, He created you, and to change your identity is asinine, the fuck?

This isn't related to Berserk by the way, I just don't like it because of the stated reasons above.


go[s |][/s]oner


what prompted this outburst


religious moral systems and drugs

File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (213.53 KB,1920x1080)


too much negativity
someone make a Nina thread and I'll sticky it

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I'm EXTREMELY disappointed with American and extremely proud of my country.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


hard to interpret when Japan itself is blue, but what is it exactly? google searches?


Of course. The data for Japan (to some extent all of East Asia) is somewhat useless given people would normally search using their native writing systems, but it's absolutely relevant for the West. Shame on all blue countries.


las tojas mataputas


I'm disappointed in my country. I'm disappointed but I expected the result.


my future is in china

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