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People like to place politics as the forefront of discussion when incompetence is far easier to blame. Though there's maybe a case for overlap between the two. On the other hand like this video points out, Blizzard has been accused of the same politics and yet people love Overwatch. So it stands to reason more the culture of toxic positivity and refusal to acknowledge critique is to blame for Concord's failure than general politics.

I think dissecting the reasoning and hole the team fell into that lead to such a colossal failure at attracting an audience with their product is much more interesting than any of the culture war stuff surrounding it.
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>nooooo you can't make fun of 200 million dollar collapse b-because nooooooo
literally the entire video, be yourself for watching him


imagine getting angry over meta drama about video games


>who cares?
sony sure does lmao


When you get to the point you really do believe everyone critical of your work is a turbo nazi misogynist then you're in schizo territory. You can't actually steer the ship if you can't test reality.


In the spirt of that video I want my 5 minutes back.


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Kuon thread for Kuon Culture


when you



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>when you turn on the remote control vibrator



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all me


that's right me, it's all me


it's magic....

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I hqate imageaords so fucking bad.
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ponko is STUPID


because they don't allow you to put topics in your replies


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you know what that's a great throwback


fuck YOU




no need for commentary
no need for explanations
it speaks for itself

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Maybe those jews aren't so bad after all...


it's the hebraic pedcult

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unexpectedly finding unhinged spammer stalkers in the wild is quite an interesting thing
check this out, scroll down to the comments:


Now that's a 40+ guy if I've ever seen one


Now that guy has old/qa/ frogfeel spammer demonic energy


looking at his accounts' post history you can see that, since they're all standardized disqus accounts, he's able to schizopost throughout multiple sites with them (first things, a.v. club, high on film, splinter, jezebel) and has been doing this for a while against multiple people
but byron's post history is private yet he's still receiving immediate replies even when commenting on years-old posts, mr argento really is dedicated


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So glad I have found my inner peace to be able to ignore these kinds of draining people
Without caution, curses should reflect back at the caster after all.

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my heroes


me and my onee-wife and our daughter


directors are the soul of film creation
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I watched the major ones:
¥ Reservoir dogs
¥ Pulp Fiction
¥ Kill Bill 1 and 2
¥ Django Unchained
He's alright


his videos don't exactly present a novel thesis, but they do document extremely well the progression of various actors
what first motivated them, what they went through, how things changed, letting contemporary sources speak for themselves with a solid runtime
and that's definitely special


tarantino has made almost exclusively indulgent garbage for the past 30 years, and finally made something with a little bit of soul with his last film. shame he's hanging it up right after he figured out he doesn't need to make schlock.


lots of contrarianism in this thread


It's a well edited video.

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naturia cherries
naturia cherries
check the heck out of these chubby cherries
the chubbiest cherries around
84 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.





plumpen your cherries but do not plumpen your dairies!!!!


on topic sager


certified pudgy guaranteed plump
plump award - the award for being plump

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This is how a foot can be drawn in the most kimo way possible by getting everything about it disgustingly WRONG. These are things that can happen by accident when someone is attempting to draw a foot. I am not addressing ways of intentionally making a foot gross such as dirt, mole, hair, callus, stink, etc.

¥ Triangular
The heel is narrow and pointy while the ball of the foot is wide.
¥ Long foot
The foot is long. This combined with the triangular nature creates awful "kangaroo feet".
¥ Bean shape
The foot is bowed outwards, and the heel and and ball of the foot points inwards towards the centre line. This is often made worse by the toes also pointing inwards, and in advanced cases, the toe length increasing from pinky toe to big toe.
¥ Toe spacing
The toe has an unsightly gap between it and the next toe.
¥ Long toe
The toe is long instead of cute and round and stumpy.
¥ Thin toe
The phalanges is thin compared to the tip. This makes the previous two problems even worse.
¥ Flat foot
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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flat foots


It's not that red. I think it's fine.

I don't think they are bad they just don't have much detail but then that's the art style of the image in general.


I just bit these cunnies


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I'm not watching random videos like that.

Somebody summarise what this video is about and it's key points in 1000 to 1500 words.



thtas a LOT of words


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I'll summarize it shorter.
The company is doing this analog horror like thing to advertise their product and it's gotten quite good traction on the tik toks



we're so back
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and his plan was dogwater


professional /secret/ poster reacts


To be fair to them, they don't really have a choice. If a fundamental Christian doesn't like the republican candidate who are they going to vote for? It's not like most countries where there are viable alternatives that people can vote for, like in the UK for example where if a Tory voter is unhappy with the Tories they can vote for Reform or the Lib-dems instead.


3rd party is usually called a protest vote for a reason
it's to send a message


In the US maybe but that's my point, there is no viable alternative over there. In most countries voting for a third party isn't just a protest vote. Reform for example now has representation in parliament, it can vote on legislation and it can have it's voice heard. And The Brothers of Italy were even able to form a coalition government.

Even as a message it can be important and can cause change, look at the recent state elections in Germany for example, because the AFD did so well the federal government got spooked and right after the elections it started enforcing border checks to stop migrants. If the AFD was not the AFD it would have even been able to form state governments but nobody wants to work with them so they can't.

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