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File:tegaki-1723458469914.png (6.54 KB,380x380)


dial C for Cunny
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ring ring hello is this the cunny hotline


cunny hotline
please hold


time is running out


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File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (231.21 KB,1920x1080)

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saw this and thought of /secret/
though I'm not going to reply with Laura to myself


thanks for thinking of me




atri and laura both came from the sea, really makes you think

File:mason templar catholic con….mp4 (25.97 MB,480x360)


the CIA? aliens? the jews? nah i prefer vatican conspiracy theories
>I'm sorry to inform you that the Holy Roman Empire never died
>The detest Zeus and in fact they're the brotherhood of Typhon
it's some wiiiild stuff
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Could you post some more vatican conspiracy stuff?


frankly the op attachment is the absolute best i've got, nothing else comes close
others are simply smaller minded, like "the devil uses roman catholicism to spread the worship of ishtar", "the vatican has untold riches stored in their secret underground vaults", and in another i was watching they had looked at a latin chant that said "lucifer" (the original adjective, not the name), this meant they're SATANISTS
it's the perfect mixture of strange practices, piles of technicalities, centuries upon centuries of great political power, and the kind of jank you get when trying to faithfully translate text from two milennia ago for the fiftieth time
there's one i came across several times today about books being removed for no reason in 1684 so they could covertly modify the narrative and i wouldn't be surprised if someone made up the date by inverting 1984 as a prank, although it seems to be a misunderstanding of apocrypha like by saying KJV invented it i'm honestly not sure because as usual it doesn't have any references

i always laugh when i come across a new explanation of how "no, this isn't a pagan tradition"
religion for breakfast has several videos like it, like for the christmas tree or christmas itself, they're great


it's like the ultimate kind of conspiracy, encompassing the entirety of human experience as ineffable powers battle through it


The fucked up part is that the Protestants removed the books and moved it to apocrypha so I don't know what they are on about.
>the vatican has untold riches stored in their secret underground vaults
That might be true, but there's nothing wrong with it :^)


Don't forget about the secret machine to view the past.


France wins agan


so that's why the swimmers all got sick in the triathalon

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 No.33106[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The most politically active majority: 17 year olds
200 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thanks, Kana.
>southeast asian
The Philippines? Indonesia?


I want nigger death


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The man who was NTR'd too hard.


goo[s |][/s]ner


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/secret/ faps to bbc...



Not a great plan


family-friendly trash talking? hmm, is there a youtube market for kids of parents that pay attention?


i don't know if he's being creative or not but it sounds novel to me so i liked it
he even references save the world scams, wild

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kebbers if she were tarded






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this is VERY rude


kebbers if she were neuronorm


chinpira face

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this made me hurt...

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Who is the strongest /secret/ poster?


verm because he owns the site


that one guy


what one guy


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one of these day's i'm going to be a famous musician too then they'll be inviting ME on camera to get my back cracked by the ringy dingy

File:[Erai-raws] Tensui no Saku….jpg (338.98 KB,1920x1080)


/secret/ could use a new random css thing and user names so give me suggestions and I might throw something together this weekend
SOMEONE kept mentioning something about tiling background so it's that guy's job to provided one of those
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Of Rice and Men


File:waterfox_jw6Vp5W29A.png (235.8 KB,801x206)

hmm unexpected behavior
wonder why this is different


in the standard stylesheet, for some reason .preview.reply .post-contents has background-repeat: repeat;.
You should override it with !important for your style


File:86196510_p0.png (106.27 KB,758x1096)

thank you csskun


mm might remove it this upcoming weekend, or can replace it with other stuff rather

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angry laura and tarded manatsu


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (181.21 KB,1280x720)

They slipped. It's from that episode with unusually high production values


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ANGRY parasite feasting on laura's brains
must be the thing filling her head with cunyrager sentiments

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Poor israel being oppressed by Japan...
When will the Jews escape oppressionn...
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The image or the fact that there was a black retainer in Japan during the time of Sengoku Jidai, where he was a slave to a dutchman or some shit.


there was a retainer, but that image is faked. I don't think he reached samurai


Okay that makes sense.


File:twitter thread.webm (1.72 MB,696x522)

thankfully I have a /v/ webm for a /v/ thread


File:R-1723164319406.png (38.13 KB,434x358)

i have a screencap you'll like even more

File:RDT_20240801_2342123574381….jpg (45.51 KB,945x945)


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It's very popular with the soyteens as this form of absurd humor to post against anime, trooners, or whatever else they associate with it. If you want to read a bit more about it there's this:


I just remember it popping up when I see wojak spam here or elsewhere, not really sure what the connection is and don't really care to read up on it


nice now i think you should be yourself


this is good advice


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the /secret/ shirt


dark oxygen...


watched most of it
kinda cool I guess, but this chemistry stuff is beyond me and I can't maintain much focus

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