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We have two entire boards for this. They're called >>>/ec/ and >>>/megu/


that's some wacky anatomy..


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real gamer grindset
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dumb brainrotard


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new gen madness


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its a dryer that had a cigarette lighter in a pant pocket inside
the dryer was also a gas-powered one in the first place...


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it's only natural to explode when in the presence of shabs


>the dryer was also a gas-powered one in the first place...
hmmm how do you figure


because i read about it in the tumblr post i stole the viddy from


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My first job in high school was watching a laundryomat a few times a week and I should count my blessings this never happened.


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Ivory soap doesn't float anymore
Florida's Natural uses oranges from Mexico, from concentrate


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sometimes i see something random on the street and think "yeah, i guess brainrot is real"



you know glitch, the guys that are making the digital circus? well they have another big show that just ended, murder drones, and it's been a very long time since i've seen something so clearly aimed at teenage girls
¥snarky outsider mc seeks to destroy humanity as she struggles with her satano-vampiric possession powers alongside her puppy-brained not-bf and the bad bitches she befriends with whom she ventures into lampooned horror scenarios alternating with badass action scenes while exploring their tragic past with lots of meta humor and nostalgia throughout
it says in their site its demographic is 13-24
anyways i found it fairly fun to watch and the animation is spectacular
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newest digital circus was lame on purpose and not even in a particularly interesting way so here's something with GOOD pacing, buildup, and resolutions
tag yourself, i'm bloodhound


How long can they go putting out a episode evety 3 months before the kickstarter money runs out...


you mean digital circus? well glitch sells a fuckton of merch and puts out more with each episode that airs
according to them that's how they fund things
flashgitz has 39k (almost there) patrons and they sell merch as well so those seem to have their income source well locked down


My argument is that maintaining hype between episodes when they work so slowly is either master tier con job or people are that desperate for cartoons*


>people are that desperate for cartoons
definitely this


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small loli feet


hi nobeta


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so this is the actual trailer they have in their site
and it's hosted by the cock.li guy, neat


I don't like any community that refers to itself as "shitposting". It sets the standards very low and sets the stage for people that can only say they like things indirectly with heavy irony and sarcasm


Yes, It's pretty old though. No idea if the sever is even still around/populated.


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it stopped




mucha misma cara


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Cunny is really selling for cheap these days!




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don't think it don't say it
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don't think it DON'T say it


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When you think about it, those holding office don't really do much in the way of actually working or staking out well defined positions on anything. Their answers are vague at best with some feel goodness to them, or too specific without any care for how people feel. It seems that just like with people at any other job they're only half-assing it with luck being the primary factor that landed them where they are today.

I could go and be President. In fact, I bet I could if I laid out the proper groundwork for it.
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I think that there's a generation of people that are conflicted about the role of government with regards to how they regulate the internet and most people in power are perceived as being too out of touch to be trusted with anything. I want to stake out my part to make sure that I can take down the big tech glowies and fracture the internet so no one site can become too big.

Monopolies online are something that should be looked into and in a sense are even more harmful than ones offline ones since antitrust for websites is a largely untreaded ground that's only recently gaining some traction.


The urge to post essay about what politicians really are is nearly overwhelming but I must contain my autism. Once you see behind the veil it's always hard to explain to the blind what's on the other side. This isn't an insult by the way. You just aren't ready to see the true nature of this matrix prison planet we live on yet. Hopefully, in time maybe you'll be willing to accept reality.

You can not become President of your county. It's impossible. You would have to sell your soul to even have a chance and even then they wouldn't allow it. In my country every President we've had since the 1700s are not only related to each other they're also related to the royal families they claimed to be fleeing from. America was called the "great experiment" for a reason and nothing happened by chance. There is a reason why it started with 13 colonies that later formed into a union. There is a reason why certain numbers like 13 pop up over and over again throughout history. It's part of their religion. A religion people like you and I aren't supposed to know about and will never be fully accepted into.

They might give you some low level job if you're willing to sell your soul to them. They might even give you some of that paper they print. But the price is far too high.

You might think to yourself
>So what? I can just do something at the local level like run for Mayor
and to that I say; If you did anything of real value they'd show up to crush you the moment you got on their radar and out of line.

I urge you to get a copy of a book called "Burke’s Peerage" and once you've finished reading it I urge you to start tracing the bloodlines of past and current American presidents, senators and other people high up in politics. Once you've done that try looking into the people running other countries and organizations like the EU and UN. You'll quickly discover that they're all related and they've been inter-marrying for hundreds sometimes thousands of years. We don't really know for how long because the records only go back so far. They purge the history books from time to time and re-write them after all.

You are not in the club. I am not in the club. If you were in the club you wouldn't be here talking with me right now about these topics.

I think what made me the most sad is when I traced the bloodlines of all the royal families and other major countries involved in WW1. It turns outPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


what about the kennedys
they're catholic irishmen, not ango jewzards




Do you think that the tribe would hunt me down if I tried to write a chuunige VN based on this?


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A, well here we go.
A psycho is in charge of what's considered illegal for internet companies to do
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Just like Argentina and many other failed economy ok.


I don't like the fact that it is an independent organization and it should be under the control of the US (under the executive branch).
Argentina is doing fine though.


America is so finished. There's never been a good situation where democracy controls economy.


The fed didn't exist before 1913 and America was doing fine for all those years. Congress is supposed to be the only wing of the Government that can mint coinage.

Anyone that thinks the fed is a good thing has no idea how the economy really works (hint: it's bullshit designed to enslave you and everyone you know)


is this some type of satire




this video is as old as the average fortnite player


the gag worked better when there were no timeline previews


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*old as the average kissu user


I refuse to believe that kissu is full of teens


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unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf


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Freshly pressed OJ.


how do i challenge fernet's butt

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