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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

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cute small weenis


in the usual kanikama offpako pics he gets all the sex so frankly i'm happy to see him getting weenshamed like this for once


what about a higher or lower game with a 20% chance I'd lie?

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Arcade Bumstead if she real

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This dude's played one too many eroge
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I only played AC 7 so I don't know about the others and we still seem to remember 7 differently and I still don't think your recollection of it is 'woke'.


I'm not sure what woke even means. No one does


its black person speak


True. In my mind at least it refers to gender, sexual orientation and racial diversity, though regarding racial diversity it can be complex I think. I think it's more about how that is done.

Ohh yeah, and women too, I think having women be protagonists or having women be better than men is seen as "woke" as well.


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>Don't bring the SA/kiwifarm/wojak culture war oon/oom words to kissu, eve on /secret/.


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Alright fuck it.
*steps into the minefield*
I am not Christian but still am decidedly against abortion in the sense that it should not be approved simply because a healthy mature woman "feels like it" - not in any state in the union - not in the world. Medical necessity or a 12 year old rape victim is another thing entirely.
It's actually a bit of its own problem that being pro life can only be seen as defensible from a Christian lens, despite America pretty clearly being post Christian country anyways just going through the motions and baggage of faith. Both sides always just seem to be putting on a bit of an act to me.

Look, the birthrates issue, immigration, the housing crisis, and women's reproductive legislation are intrinsically linked - It's clearly being pushed as just a wedge issue that will further worsen relationships between men and women, and birth policy is an issue that effects not only everyone alive, but everyone who will be born into the coming world as well; for the new generations each baby not born is a friend they will not have to grow alongside, to learn with, it's someone who will not become an adult in their community to learn their own trade and reciprocate with to continue society, I could go on and on with it. It's a further step towards catastrophe.


I don't really care at all about what you think of abortion. I was only interested in discussing it from the viewpoint of Christian ethics and anti-socialism.

You're arguing it from a position of being against anti-natalism


There are other viewpoints to defend a ban on abortion from but the main one is that of Evangelical Christians, that's also why abortion isn't a serious political issue anywhere in the world but the US.

The Birthrate issue is linked to house prices and to some degree immigration in the sense that immigration causes house prices to go up but I don't think Abortion is connected to it much if at all. Abortion is not that common and also I think in many cases not aborting a child can actually cause a decrease in population and not an increase.
If a stupid girl gets pregnant from a one night stand and then has to keep the child that's going to make it harder and more complicated for her to start and raise a family in the future. So yes, you might be creating one child but in many cases you are probably preventing 2 more from being born. I think that many girls who are forced to have a child they are not ready for probably only end up having that one child.


>but the main one is that of Evangelical Christians, that's also why abortion isn't a serious political issue anywhere in the world but the US.
Are Evangelicals mostly in the US? I'd never thought about the demographic distribution of different branches of Christianity.


Yes, many puritans left Europe due to persecution and ended up in Britain's American colonies, the First Great Awakening happened in Britain and Britain's American colonies and the second, third and fourth great awakenings all happened in the USA.

It's why the USA has so many of those weird denominations, they either were created in the USA(like Mormonism) or are just bigger in the USA than in other nations.

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I saw the deleted thread.
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nekone's fat chab ass


what the heck is a chab


unbelievers asked the same question about shab back in the day


it's a neologism anonymous came up with, a portmanteau of chub and shab
so it means fat, mildly fat i suppose


I like it


America must burn

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strawberry shortcake!



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bird eat


thread theme

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I want to make a Kuon UI theme that will lay the groundwork of future kissu UI themes. So, it dawned on me: why keep the testing to myself when I can use /secret/ which is still labeled as Kuon Culture?
I think I'll do some testing here on /secret/ using the OP of this thread, so hide this thread if you don't want to see random in-progress CSS stuff since it will be a bit messy at times. I think I'm aiming at a light-ish theme first so it might melt your eyes in the dark.

As a side note, Kuon's annoyed face is so cute!
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it would be a lot better if the text was legible, but right now it's very hard to read


I'm ignoring that other post, but what text? If you mean the stuff on the sidebar, yeah I can't figure out why I'm unable to alter the color with the CSS-attached-to-post method, so I'll probably just stop doing it here since I can't actually see everything I'm doing


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It's supposed to look closer to this, but it's not overriding the text colors of the chosen theme, so yeah I can't test 'live' unfortunately


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looks like this for me


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removed most of the effects since people need to read posts and stuff... I'm just going to have to do it locally since I can't seem to change some things via CSS contained within a kissu post

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cumming on her belly


you're not allowed to c*m on her


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He died


do NOT secrete!

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what are mashiro's thoughts on north korea


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What's precure's stance on government

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Would /secret/ be interested in learning the ways of intense mahou shoujo meditation which allows one to break out of the matrix and live in the real 2D world? I posted some charts at another place that sadly went offline some months ago. I had many followers there and a few managed to break through and visit me on the other side via what some would call the "astral". Some of them still post them on a popular imageboard in the hopes that I'll reply and give more advice. But as it stands I do not want to promote such things there or anywhere else that's got millions of users. Since it would invite the wrong kind of people (evil people).

If there is interest I'll start posting a primer on how you can use techniques I've developed to break-out of this hell (aka the matrix aka meat space aka 3DPD-space) and visit me on a planet I created in another universe (one of infinite in the multiverse). I have created a portal that will make it easy for you to access that place and visit me on what I've dubbed waifu world. I have some charts somewhere around here. But I'll hold off on posting them for now.

It took me many years to learn and refine these techniques. The short version: Your imagination has the power to create. Anything imagined in this world is created someone in the vastness of the multiverse. Dreaming is related to this as well. When you dream you visit other worlds (some your own creation, some the creation of others hence nightmares). Through intense study and dedication it becomes possible to visit these worlds for long stretches of time. You actually occupy multiple ones right now without being aware of it. When you "sleep" here you connect to one of your many other avatars. You meatsuit isn't (you). It's simply a vessel. You exist outside of the confines of space and time. You don't remember because you want to play the game and the game isn't interesting if you know the outcome while you're playing it.

There is a struggle between good and evil. That's part of the game and part of what makes it interesting. In this world evil is winning at the moment. In other words evil has been driven out or the balance is closer to how it should be. In the world of my own creation there are wars and such. But the side of good is much stronger than it is in this one.

I always enjoy having new visitors.
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A thought popped into my head. What if our lives are how we're constructing museums of various stories. So when we watch something like Binchou-tan, we are looking at a preservation/exhibit of a life that is exactly like Binchou-tan.


shab just binched me


What if we're food. I wonder how I taste.


What if life is a rehab program for some extradimensional drug?


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help me escape this meat prison


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This one's a banger


all the party members seated in an overly bright cinema layout for some reason


I think the North Korean Version of To Serve Russia is nice.


Just to be clear I don't support Russia and their war, I just thought this was a nice song. But then I don't support North Korea either so whatever.
I'm just saying this to avoid igniting dumb arguments.


Well yeah, gotta see who isn't clapping harder for Dear Leader.
You really didn't have to bring it up in the first place?

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Damn, that's crazy. Need all my rightwing bros to take up this once in a lifetime offer and escape their falling country! Especially before November because who knows how bad things will be by then!


That is for dissident asylum seekers, typical misrepresentation of a BRICS country


Damn, so you can't just declare yourself escaping the woke agenda and get a free ride to the trenches...


>I live in a major US city in a place where it tends to be very hot 'round the clock in summertime. Like many city-dwellers, I did not have a very positive impression of pigeons, what with all of the pooping and half-ass nest building mess. One night, though, during a nasty heat wave (we're talking over 100F even at midnight), I went through an area at my workplace where there was a pigeon nest on top of a block wall, under the edge of a roof. Both parents were present, but one of them was perched on the roof edge while the other was hanging onto the edge of the block wall, vigorously flapping its wings. After a good five minutes, they traded places, and the flapping started up again from the one now hanging on the block wall. I suddenly realized that they were taking turns fanning the chicks, trying to keep them cool despite temperatures that can, and have, killed adult humans. I went inside, got a cup of water, and left it near the wall for them; after I walked a few feet away, the resting parent flew down to drink, then took up fan position while the other went to drink. (A few hours later, I found that one of my coworkers--an older lady who rarely had much of a kind word or gentle demeanor for anybody--had brought out the little battery-powered fan from her desk and clamped it to the roof edge a short distance from the nest, and both parents were taking a break and preening each other.) I've had a different view of pigeons ever since that incident. That kind of parental devotion deserves some recognition.


screw russia
i'm moving to cunnyda instead

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