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Everyone loves Kuon!

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Would Kuon likecunny?


it's well known that kuon's fondness for kuonny made her fight against anju considerably harder than it would've been otherwise
she could not bear the thought of hurting a cute little girl, but nonetheless found herself forced to


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Live Kuon Reaction played by Laura

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I ate candy and now it's gone!!! I know who's behind this... KUON GIVE IT BACK OR I SHALL PULL YOUR TAIL


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KUON YOU MADE MY CANDY DISAPPEAR AGAIN!!!!! (It tasted good by the way)

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Hello, fellow humans. Is this what you would call a "Kuon"?
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This is more like what you'd call a "Kuon".


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (185.67 KB,1920x1080)

Not terribly Kuon-like, I'm afraid. Akebi still has her own charms, though.


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Kuon-ification complete. Thank you for your advice, fellow human.


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kebbers making the kuon expression


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There is precedent for kemonomimi in Akebi's world. They do lack the charm of Kuon's, though.

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let's play Find the Kuon
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There are many, many Kuons on my screen and life is good


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hmmm I remember it began with a ku...
ku... ku...
kakuna(NO KUON)


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truQuads confirm.(THAT'S NOT KUON)


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The bans are starting short, but you guys better remember the rules!

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Kuon will make her return...
33 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


snoof that tail


⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥


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wow nice!
⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥ ⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥ ⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥ ⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥ ⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥ ⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥v


v⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥v
kuon giving double peace signs


kuon skillfully avoiding a spiky ceiling trap

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If only Kuon was here...
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It's time...




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⦤(; _ ;)⦥


(it's a nice drawing, but...)


kuon crying at the politics...


kuon crying for wan-chan......

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I hate imageboards so fucking bad.
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vtuber? BLEH!


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The fuck are you going on about.


then go back to reddit you fucking faggot.


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Tomo is so fucking cute aaah


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You have no friends.

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 No.34148[Reply][Last50 Posts]


Looks like Israel's working its way through every terrorist leader out there. I do hope they're reigned in on humanitarian stuff in the west bank at some point, but I can't say I'd be that opposed to them taking out every theocratic muslim leader on the way there.
102 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>But that would be antithetical to his core beliefs
Perhaps, but if your beliefs are so inflexible that you are willing to leave treasonous politicians in office and work against an officer's coup set on removing those politicians, you in effect become an anti-democratic agent. Yang was working under the assumption that democracy could still prevail, not realizing or fully internalizing that he already lived under and worked to protect an authoritarian oligarchy.

If Kuon was there, she would have understood... Haku had to become Oshtor.


Holy mother of false equivalences.

You can't expect desert nomads to have a big enough population to define the genetic makeup of the population they conquered. Copts are still Copts, Berbers are still Berbers, Syrians are still Syrians, and Persians are still Persians, whether they are Muslims or not. On top of that, "Arab" is an umbrella term for several groups that were not limited to the peninsula, like the Marsh Arabs and Nabateans. The people you're talking about were mostly the ruling class and the degree to which they mixed with the native population varied, as well as it taking place over the course of several centuries (including those before the conquest). Al-Andalus is in this sense comparable to the Visigothic Kingdom that preceded it, or the Manchu of the Qing dynasty. Plenty of their subjects ended up with no ancestry from their rulers.

The Palestinians are genetically Levantine, ancient people who converted to Christianity and Islam, and closer to their pre-20th century Jewish neighbors than the European Jews are to either because of intermixing with other yuros. Recall Rosenstrasse and the married Jews and Mischlinge that were released by the Nazis of all people, in motherfucking 1943, due to the resistance of their Germanic wives. Refer to the Nuremberg Laws as well. But with the ethnic cleansing of Israel, the people living there are no longer Palestinian, they have been exiled and replaced by a group who arrived there decades ago. It's a radically different situation, and I very much doubt Kuon would condone it.


>Holy mother of false equivalences.
And yet you go on to compare the Arab conquests to the Manchus conquest of China...

The genetic impact of the Arabs on the various regions they took over differs depending on location is a quite complicated subject, but there is a lot of it there. It has been shown that many of these ancient native populations are different than the modern ones and that the modern ones do have a lot of Arab DNA.
Going back to the Manchus, the situation there is quite different because they didn't intermingle as much and did not leave their genetic footprint on China in the same way as the Arabs did but also they didn't leave such a linguistic footprint either. Remember, almost every nation that I mentioned speaks Arabic now with the exception of some of the Levant. Pretty much nobody in China speaks Manchu, it's a dying language. Only around 20 people speak it as a first language.

Palestinians are mostly Levantine, but so are the Jews. The Jews and the Palestinians are genetically very similarly but culturally they are quite different. The Palestinians are culturally Arabic as are most of the people in the nations that I mentioned. But yes, there are also a lot of foreign Jews as well.

But anyway. I was not really being serious about deporting all of the Arabs. While I think it would be cool to resurrect Babylon there isn't any practical way to do that, as that culture is long dead, same with Egypt and all the other places.

Even Kuon probably couldn't bring back the Egyptian empire.


I agree with all of that, actually. I do think the comparison between the Manchu and the Visigoths work, both were assimilated and lost their language, I picked Al-Andalus specifically because it's the furthest of the Arab conquests and to me much closer to those two than to anything Israel has done. But yes, I was reading about Maghrebi people and one part said they have about 40% parental inheritance IIRC.


Oh shit, I forgot about Kuon again...

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Check out my new Simon toy



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I don't have it in me to even begin to understand the other end of the isle.
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I would have a crazy look in my eyes as well if I was in a reaction parasite's video.


hope this parasite gets banned too


Which one? They're both parasites.


I think Kyary Pamyu Pamyu supports Israel, there is a lot of Israeli and Jewish messaging and subtext in this song.


Oh no I posted this in the wrong thread... Oh woe is me!


Many TV stations(mostly Public ones for some reason) are creating content inspired by Youtube or made to specifically target Youtube. This video is by the ABC and is heavily modelled after Youtube and even mentions the comment section at the end, there are other segments of the ABC that kind of copy Youtube documentary formats but will even have a Youtube like set in the background(shelves with random things on them). The BBC has a gamer segment that the host presents from a gamer chair in a gamer room, the PBS channel has numerous Youtube channels as well like PBS Space Time and PBS Terra.

Interesting. I wonder if this is what the future of Youtube will be, if eventually it will just become regular TV anyway.

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Can a nigga get some gnosis?
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no proof


It just seems like regular low quality gender war internet stuff to me
the style does seem to fit social media more than something drawn out of love of art or fun, but that's also quite normal albeit undesirable


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it's a variant of a dumb homo meme that >>33869's single neuron interpreted as indoctrination material


It's common knowledge don't you know.


have you seen any esoteric tomfoolery recently

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i don't understand


not too familiar with graph theory but wonder if some papers tried assuming this and are now worthless

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