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not even close to my first experience, i wanted to be a 1337 h4x0rZ when i was like 14 and installed slackware on the family computer
i spent a long time struggling and reading
also got yelled at by my mom

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So there's a custom markup tag on kissu, but just how creative are you able to get with this cutsom markup? Any neat tricks /b/ may know?


Custom markup and URL text are known, but there's actually one more trick that I put into the new UI that no one knows about except me.

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I don't touch kissu stream stuff typically, but was wondering if a certain number of people have buffering problems with it and if that effects your willingness to watch it.

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Laura on Rails


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Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura==Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura==


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So THAT'S her secret.

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did v make it so that when you hover over a post number it opens the mentioned post in a small box no matter where you are on the page?
could have sworn it only used to do this if the mentioned post was off the page
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im not sure I understood your problem then. The issue of boxes showing up even if the base thread is in your view is something I need to add to the site.

The problem of clicking on a link and it opening up a new box can be changed by turning cite chains off


>The issue of boxes showing up even if the base thread is in your view is something I need to add to the site


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nice website, its how i did image editing on my phone


added: Kissu-Fr 3.9.0

confirm if it's what you meant then i'll move it into the main thread


im just seeing this now sorry
anyway this is exactly what i was asking for thanks

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Anyone been noticing a flicker when they resize windows after updating to the new firefox(89.0)?

I've only been noticing it on my Ubuntu OS. Not sure if it's happening to others.


Doesn't seem to be happening on winblows.

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Friendly greetings from https://onee.ch


so this is how people add bitcoin miners into websites, i guess?




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love the new captcha question or maybe i havent seen it until now, but still, love it


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Yeah, there's also a blep one: ":p"
Neither are new, but they're reasonably rare I guess


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how does firmware hacking even work...


Depends on the system.


Unless you're working with relatively simple hardware, low-level programming is not an easy task. There's nothing wrong with attempting it, but unless you already know what you're doing in high-level programming, you're probably going to end up hitting the upper bounds of your skill fairly early on.


I've got no idea how I'd actually go about putting the firmware into the system. How do I get the Assembly onto my computer


Again, it depends on the system. Different hardware works differently, as does the firmware that they come preloaded with.

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you're watching a video when suddenly your web pages won't read cookies and localstorage anymore...

you type reboot into console and it won't shut down
you restart and it locks up
it tells you to run disk fix
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all is fine


this is what tanasinn is like


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It was the world reminding you it's time to back up


I cast magic missile at the darkness


linux handles fucked mounted volumes so badly when you try to reboot
easily in the top 10 things I hate the most about it, especially when dealing with nfs shares

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Since this is the only board that allows people to talk about other imageboards without it being a happening I guess, has anyone heard about:
https://lolcow.farm/ ?
Apparently it's a /cgl/ spin-off that is on par with Wizchan if that makes any sense?
Also general imageboard discussion thread. What imageboards do you people explore and find?
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i hate women


i hate you


Josh is a pretty ugly woman


cow reminds me a bit as a spiritual successor to /i/
I have a strong curiousity with such dens since they link back to my own edgy chuuni anonymous legion days, but these at this point in life I don't have the time to track and observe people who track and observe some 3DPD girls obsessively.



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Why would anyone want to discontinue the old IMDB pages?


Because staying static doesn't please shareholders.

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What's the actual name for one of these cards?
You put data onto them(bus or train passes) then run it across a scanner and it reads/writes data.

I want to do some research on how they work.
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IC cards (ICカード)


you can get phones which are able to read them


My Suica card on it probably still has like ¥300 on it.
Poor thing must be feeling sad from being unused in so long.


don't worry, I think I read somewhere that they're valid for like 20 years without being used!


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sasuga nippon!

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