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File:a69a346f9c5b67b8f7efe559a6….jpg (125.6 KB,1000x707)


/vt/ when?
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Clearly the only logical explanation is that the 4chan developer lurks here!


just use literally any other imageboard


They all suck, so does 4chan. /vt/ would not be a good fit for kissu.


given the effort extended to expunge us from 4/qa/ it's probably that the manager lurked here at some point


never ever

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There's too much of a trend of girls being posing with nudity. This isn't any one person, but a natural trend of this board being used to share sexy pictures.

I think it defeats the purpose of the cute/sexy hybrid for there to be a lot of girls posing for sexual purpose. I'm reviewing every thread on this board to see what I specifically want to change about the sticky, but in general it seems like a girl posing to show off her stuff is hentai, a girl where her stuff is there is not.

The main difference I'm getting at is likely to be: is the character showing an interest in sex
43 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


My hands are tied on this topic. Just treat me as the villain trying to ruin your fun.


>- no 2D CP
aaa my kokoro it hurts


legal jargon


legal jargon varies by country, you at least need a qualifier saying which country
it should read something like "nothing Canada considers CP (includes 2D)"


It allows verm to be more liberal in what he deletes, and not make people feel that they need to search up Canadian law to post.
only worrying until you see the stuff verm himself likes

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Can vtubers be banned already?
I am sick and tired of the posturing and the faggots who keep posting them as if to incite more /pol/-tier outrage. Almost all of their threads devolve into trash, about as bad as politics threads were, but there's far more of them.
29 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Hello, I am from the future >>5032 was right.


haven't noticed any vtuber threads on kissu lately


I mean... It does seem at least slightly correlated. People did, and still do to a lesser degree now, get a little angry whenever vtubers get posted. Moreover, I think people have generally come to the conclusion that vtubers are fairly flawed for various reasons, which has soured people's opinion on them as well.

Even without being banned outright, they've mostly fallen into irrelevance on Kissu for these reason.


I think more of the reason is that with /vt/'s existence and gnfos changing. /vt/ did a great job of sucking up vtuber activity from everywhere else and gnfos did a great job at containing it on the spinoffs.


I don't think vtubers are posted on kissu any less now than they were before. They've always been rather rare, either because kissu users don't watch them or don't care to post about them on kissu.

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Feel like any progress I try to make with learning to code stops whenever I try to make code interact with the net and I just can't think of how it works. How do I fix this


What do you mean? Is UDP kicking your ass?


It's not that. It's just that I like to build upon example, so I try to look for something that produces a result that I can physically see and then modify. But I can't really find anything like that, or if I do it's linux oriented so my motivation dies...

Maybe I should just give up and install linux on one of my devices so I can follow the web examples there are.


You can use WSL2 or even a VM if you're on windows. Are you sure you absolutely need linux?


Not at all. I'll give those a shot first.

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This banner linked malware?


File:Screenshot_20210210-110751….jpg (1.02 MB,1440x2960)



doesn't seem so. there's no scripts on the page

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Is it just me or does Kissu seem... Slower? Did vermin update the post counter to hide sages finally, or is it actually slower by some metric?


I think it's been actually slower, but the content of posts has gone up I think, so it doesn't really feel like it's taken that big a hit. Most people are probably playing games given all the threads for them.


File:[SubsPlease] Show by Rock!….jpg (158.21 KB,1280x720)

It's been a bit slower, yes. Lots of places I use have been slower this year for some reason. I think kissu was too fast for my own tastes around Nov/Dec, however.
As always, one person can single-handedly make it faster by posting threads or good replies which others will respond to which will in turn have an exponential effect on activity.


sage effects speed a lot


untrue because of rss and notifications

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Why do you delete my everyone hate me thread but leave all my other threads up


Threads and posts are judged on an individual level. There are many different /jp/ boards out there and this one is different from those you may be accustomed to. I'll be moving this thread to /b/ the meta board on kissu



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Remember to update sudo


haven't updated in a year


what are quints and why do i have a really, really strong feeling that you won't find them on this board

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i'm only go to warn you once to turn your crypto miners off

(actually outdated jquery libraries, resolved now https://imgur.com/lHpAOwv)'''
13 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:vCIVg2z.png (62.1 KB,1307x715)

The banners program loads after the rest of the page slowing down performance or that it's not designed very well for the visually impaired. Things like that. I'll get around to resolving these since it helps in getting activity from search engines

The numbers are mostly irrelevant but the security part is good to look at


meanwhile ota hits 100 in perf


File:vodka.jpg (102.17 KB,407x400)

The numbers don't even matter. Having a good SEO value on a discussion platform is double edge sword


If that were true it'd drive up memory usage like hima does...


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79 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:waterfox_cjNWioV6fS.png (104.78 KB,657x584)

I forgot that I had an image to go with the "Top right icon/symbol in this quick reply box is missing for me" comment.


It's some sort of server error. It shows up for me sometimes, but at other times it's gone. It wasn't doing that before so I assume it's something in the nginx rules that I forgot to set




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im copycat


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complaint: I hid a thread on index and it appeared in catalogue still >:/
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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could not hide this post from within thread

how do u expect people to post here if they cant hide trash posts and not see trash threads in catalogue view


This is why UI-2.0 exists


is this a thirdparty script that i'll need to install in a thirdparty inbrowser scriptrunner in order to see?


no. it's full replacement, but still bering finalized. There's a trigger for it in the top bar(fr)


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broke the site again



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 No.4265[Reply][Last50 Posts]

If there needs to be discussion on locked content please do so either here or elsewhere on this board
156 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


*bans you*




based on what


based on real japanese history


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why hasnt kissumin implemented browser fingerprinting if he actually enjoys to keep track of highroller important posters like he claims
unless... he has!

even with common 'anti-fingerpritnting' measures that modern browsers use, it's still trivial to identify posters down to the single person even amoung millions of posters and with kissus small population it would be so easy to catalog every single poster
15 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


i have an intuition that this software would make your posts more distinctive because it would sound 'strange', and how modern stylometery is much more advanced than 'what word he used'
but if multiple people used it, then it would actually disguise you all as eachother

which is why kisumin should include an innovative feature that just automatically applies this feature to everyones posts and makes them all sound like shit
it would be even funnier if it reran with a different seed every time the page refreshed so each thread would look totally different to each reader


but even then content and semantic analysis would still catch you...
there is simply no escape
if you're communicating over the internet you obviously have something unique about it. otherwise you wouldn't bother posting

probably a mathematically impossible to escape from identification as long as people are making novel posts.


I'm not adding this.... It would create too many inconsistencies.


Obviously not. It was just a jab.


You talk about forensics as if it's a creepy technology thing, when really people have been able to do this sort of thing for over a century.

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