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jesus christ.
Do I honestly have to use find.4chan to find bugs/issues?
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I posted on his github to get back to me so we'll see what's going on. It likely is an issue that could be fixed with what you're suggesting(on 404 redirect image requests to luna server).


Just stopping by to say that screencaps suck.


I think it would suck more if I posted an unrelated image


turns out that wasn't the kuroba dev


So idk who that was,


Nice design


Don't you know? Design now means drawing a picture of what you want the product to look like.


It's not bad design, it's expertly crafted accelerated planned obsolescence.


if it werks it werks



Self driving cars look like a university grad's philosophical thesis on ethics and not a practical application of real world technology.

In this video the car regularly drives or stays in wrong lanes for longer than a second. Reports have been that people using automated steering have been pulled over for looking like a drunk driver. This is the result after a 2 years from peak funding in 2019.
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Noticed I can't even find a hazardous environment test for these anywhere. Worrying sign.


Computer vision problems tend to be alright. But the stats about saftey are misleading because it's a luxury vehicle and people drive these more cautiously.

And participants to this program have to make a down payment of 10,000 dollars to get into the beta(and most people who have given money haven't even gotten it!)


unrelated, but bursting AI dreams is like candy


I thought it was common knowledge that forced 60 fps looks like ass.


But don't you want to know why?

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we have an /int/ too!

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I was concerned over the amount of bandwidth polling consumes on clients so I compared it with something like reddit the pages are ~20MB for a page load.
So heavy. Kissu on >>>/qa/4165 is only 4MB on FR and on Vichan it's 2MB

I imagine they make optimizations for mobile, but it goes to show how pointless load times and optimizations are when it comes to search rankings or having a userbase. It uses so much data while the pages main content is text, but no one cares.
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regardless, no one cares about optimization was the point of the OP, not that I think one system of design is better than the other.


users do care about optimization, if they still stay on the platform after optimization becomes worse it's purely out of habit


Does the average user really care about optimization? At least speaking for myself, I have unlimited data and fast enough internet speeds that for something as simple as a page load, the difference optimization makes is basically zero. While things might be different for those with worse internet, how well optimized a site is is very low down my list of priorities when choosing what I want to use.


you're talking as if you're the only user of this website
unlimited phone data and fast speed is a rarity in the world scale
practically only people living in urban areas of developed economies have access to both of them, and not all choose to get all of these
i don't use my phone much so it's on a budget plan with limited data, but feel free to call me poor just because i don't want to spend more than i need


I meant unlimited wifi, not unlimited mobile data which I don't have either. Anyway sites like Reddit are overwhelmingly used by at least moderately tech--savvy people from Western nations so the situation in the rest of the world or among low-tech people isn't of much relevance.

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I always liked how doujin.moe would hold polls every week for random things and how to change their site.



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*cough* >>>/poll/


I broke the site doing this...


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i got all the targets, where's my prize


i added a new target

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>but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed

I want to discuss the shitshow on the #qa IRC channel.
Just who is the mod there banning everyone?
Why is he doing it?
Why do I feel like this is not the first time that it has happened?

It's not being moderated the same way as /qa/ as previously erroneously stated. I would like to see this discrepancy resolved.

This thread has been certified not to break any rules by my rules lawyers back in rules lawyersville. Please do not delete it to protect anyone from criticism…..
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There's way too much to talk about here, but I'll focus on the more pressing matter: what's the point of forcing anonymous when everyone knows each others' nicknames? What's the overlap between these people and those who tout the virtues of anonymity?


I've never cared for /intl/'s reuse of *gag for imageboards other than 8. Every site deserves its own uniquely tailored derogatory nickname.


>what's the point of forcing anonymous when everyone knows each others' nicknames? What's the overlap between these people and those who tout the virtues of anonymity?
it's fun
being able to say something without anybody knowing who you are is great
being able to talk about "x person" or "y person" or "[nick]" is also sometimes useful

not everything about being anonymous is a good virtue. did that answer your question


don't listen to this, I was promised access to a secret area of VIP quality and all I got was cummed 25678 times


quality post

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uh oh, looks like this site will be ruining a few CPUs

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what does sustainable even mean in this context? i would think if the electricity source was renewable, they would say renewable instead, so does it just mean that they plant trees to offset the carbon dioxide or something? that'd require a lot of trees


using the latest in pressurizing and chemical methods we are able to make more coal and oil


>does it just mean that they plant trees to offset the carbon dioxide or something?

I remember reading that some countries rent their forests for this purpose.


Oh, really? I knew about carbon trading, but I didn't realize you could get credits for actually planting trees.


75% of the sites I've tested on this thing just give errors.

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Certain people. Certain... anonymous people, have been saying they think /qa/ should have more variety, but they aren't making the varied threads themselves. So... what's the deal? Is there any way to encourage them to make threads? There's also the thought the sageru #qa should be interpreted into kissu more somehow, but I don't know how or if that would be done.

34 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Assuming cool is actually staff and not my coworker


yeah I just got banned there by one of your fags it's gay


get fucked retard


you'll see that he who laughs last LAUGHS BEST


rest in peace bro
We're all waiting for you on #jp

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Identifying people because they use certain functions, such as noko, isn't healthy to neutral people who decide they want to use said functionality, but get caught in the crossfire of the reputation of an outspoken individual. There are several other cases of this occurring on other image-boards such as associating the enter key with reddit.

Though you often can't remove functionality to make something better I've decided to make noko not a visible feature. If someone chooses to add the word nokomaster to their options field then it's basically a name, but functions should be reserved for functional purposes.

Though you might instinctively jump onto the mindset that this is just like moot removing visible sage, and the arguments for or against it, I consider this better since I don't want kissu to be about staying in a single thread but viewing the entire site(exception being /ec/ for image dumping). Staying in one thread is reserved for special cases, hence why I would rather noko be something of a hidden aspect rather than visible.
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because vichan wasn't made for an overboard. This is a forgotten feature on the new ui since I designed it specifically to work with an overboard. I should add this in as the 78th bug to fix. If you use vichan ui then it's tough luck..

It's noko sage so it takes out the noko and just leaves sage.

Even if it doesn't directly tackle the root issue, removing things around it helps deal with it and coerces someone who might ad-hom to focus on substance.

I like to see lots of different colors on the page and if people use noko, sage, email and default then it leaves a pretty rainbow of purple, green, blue and yellow across the screen.

Makes the posters contribute to the design of the site in a more impactful way. But in terms of actual usage, without a lot of people using noko in the first place it puts a lot of emphasis on the few that do. Maybe in a long distant future I'll readd it...


not to forget that it discourages people to use certain features because it degrades anonymity


I noko to stay in /all/


I see, I added in posting from /all/ in vichan so it must have been a simple mistake.


I was avoiding noko even in cases I wanted to use it because I didn't want it to change how my post looked. I appreciate this change.

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>$ youtube-dl --version
>C:/youtube-dl/youtube-dl.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

What happened here...
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youtubedl wants a shared library.


Oh, that was it. Nice, thanks Anonymous.


I require a smiling Kagami as payment


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Well, I guess you earned it


Hmm... that is acceptable.

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new banner alert
new banner alert!
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asuka has a BUTT the size of a whale


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this makes more sense but her chest isn't that big
pirate ship whale treasure?
doesn't help


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o rly?


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This website sucks.
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kissu meta and thread's exhausted entertainment value on /qa/


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it *really* sucks


File:[FFF] Love Lab - 04 [BD][1….jpg (723.15 KB,1920x1080)

It was fun and games first, but now I'm really mad!

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