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I like this.

Being able to use Python's simple syntax as a wrapper over your overengineered C/Rust(/and so on) code to get good performance time and application engineering time just seems like the best way to write anything. There's no negatives!


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What OS are the Niponjin's using that's more popular than iOS?
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>They also bought off a Taiwanese company so that they can also make their own (outdated) x86 processors.
That just about sums up the Chinese mentality


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Even Best Korea uses Linux!


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Wow! Great! As expected of Supreme Leader it is amazing and has game!!


The world's most advance Operating system...


Moved to >>>/qa/72805.

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Can anyone confirm?


Why are there 50 threads about this?


i dun geddit

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 No.6312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu has a unique UI. Love it or hate it, this is a big step in creating a unique identity for the site. For the next few weeks I plan to leave things as they are and gather up more bugs and issues with it.
What's required is more feedback on what you like and don't like. About Kissu, about software, about me. Everything is appreciated though I may not always reciprocate on your opinions.

Since last edition there have been no external conflicts. Legal concerns are always on my mind, but I have no reason to think that there will be any issues, minor changes to /ec/ that don't effect current users for example. Cool and Berun have handled most internal issues fine.

Current goals are an official site IRC, financial BS and continuous improvements on the Kissu-Fr front-end and Vichan+Hazuki backend.
Final goals will be the clarification of site objectives and social/software infrastructure.

This site's 1.0 phase(vichan amateur hour) is coming to an end. The Kissu 2.0 period is about building an identity on the internet. An imageboard as a real website and not something hiding in the corner is a very tenuous situation, many things can go wrong.
791 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




The current version's way better, what are you smoking?


is joke


I'm going to be creating a new dev thread since the site's software is stable for the foreseeable future and dev' isn't a major issue. I guess just a generic admin and dev QA thread.

On this I want to resolve an issue relating to >>>/poll/1554
This issue is backed by the reasoning behind prior creation of >>>/jp/

Thread perma status off


she has a big head lole

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Going to flood again in like 15 minutes, more extreme to the point of probably crashing the site.


I resolved the problem I was having,
I'm done flooding the site.

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what are the perceptions of auto playing .gifs?
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Agreed. The evolutionary path of the web is to be more and more in your face, distracting, geared towards instant gratification, etc. And that's not a good thing! I don't want autoplaying audio, I don't want autoplaying video, and when computers become even more immersive you can bet I won't want autoplaying smells. If anything, autoplaying video is worse than autoplaying audio when trying to read something, since it directly competes for your eyesight. (Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion).


>instant gratification
Step off it you old geezer!

>Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion
I'd argue they already have. The number of active textboards is in the single digits.


>The evolutionary path of the web is to be more and more in your face, distracting, geared towards instant gratification, etc.
I don't know about that, have you forgotten early 2000's web design where neon colours, flashing images and unblockable popup ads were all the rage?


I too remember when the internet was full of helpful and happy people


>Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion
this is almost like saying books with titled and illustrated covers will never be replaced by binders of plaintext printouts
you probably wear socks with math equations on them


Ball joint gear. sasuga nips.


If it can be scaled up to give a gundam full range of motion and the ability to lift more than 1 ton, then I'll be impressed


pretty cool


you have
but no
__So what i aske is red text pls__
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


No news is good news.


¥ Kindly fuck off


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Does this conversation need to be isolated and moved onto >>>/b/



Ah, so
That's how
I hope


No problem
The FAQ covers some other tricks


remember to always use gyro controls when gaming
5 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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keyboard and mouse for strategy and FPS games.
arcade sticks for fighting games.
some kind of dedicated 2D controller (snes/genesis/whatever) for 2D platformers.
controllers with analog sticks for racing games, 3D platfomers, and 3D action games like DMC.
flight sticks and racing wheels for hardcore simulators.
the PC's greatest asset is user freedom, go nuts if you can afford it.


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check out this hitbox I put together the other day. I hated playing with a stick so was using a pad but I'm liking the hitbox layout a lot more.


>put together
You made it yourself?!
Also, how do the movement controls work on those, looks like your hand goes on the gray and left 3, but which is jump/crouch


I just ordered all the parts, actually putting it together is really easy. the left most 3 buttons are left down and right while that bigger button on the bottom middle is the jump. once you get use to the odd jump placement or just think if it like a spacebar it becomes really nice to play on. doing motion inputs on it are super easy and charge moves are a breeze. the placement of the jump button beans you can also use your right hands thumb to use it which makes it nice for down up charge moves since you can hit both buttons at the same time on one hand.


sugoku epic cool

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We did it
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now to aim for 31337...


Bah. The next milestone is obviously 9000!


make it 9001.




obvious inspect element

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angry autists


This isn't aimed at Kissu or anything, I just liked the bit at the end:
"Mandating the most basic level of civilized behavior is seen as an over step on imageboards. It makes no sense. Websites that are about having fun have no interest in keeping people like that around."



after the most recent thread lock I observed on kissu I was thinking along those exact same lines.

I think the key is communicating the communities values up front to set expectations correctly. If you put up "We're all about fun here so if you take offense, keep it to yourself or you'll be banned or your thread will be locked."

The usual idiots will still pop up but the bystanders like me will more easily understand why the mod action was taken.


Not taking it easy should be a baneable offense.


I agree with that guy.

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If the banner on the top left is to become bigger I don't think it should stay in the same place, but down the center.

This means that the layout needs a bit of alteration.
Kissu already has 3 candidates for this.
I'll post pictures of each
23 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Basically, Since there's no decisive winner I think I won't fully commit to something massively different from status quo but continue adjusting it until it works or there's a breakthrough idea on how to place them.


I think that's for the best. It's pretty good as is. All it needs is some subtle tweaking.


Banners on the new UI change upon a new post. On the vichan UI, they change on refresh.


Always preferred change on refresh.


There are some technical reasons why it changes on new post, but those reasons might not exist anymore.
So basically I'll think about the pros and cons.

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>I go to an arrangement for 24 hours and this board is degrading into r9k garbage talking about marriage, mysoginy and feels.

>If anyone disagrees with this lock, post about it on /b/ where I will perma ban you.


I wonder how long it is before stuff like 3D printing progresses into at-home chip fabrication.


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"Homemade chip"... Yes you can, when you have the whole microfabrication lab in your home.
All the fabrication instruments in the video cost a few million dollars at minimum. Not to mention you need to have enough space to set up all these stuffs.
It requires precision and control not attainable by 3D printing, and even if all the microfabrication instruments can be integrated into a single machine, the cost won't be cheaper.


>cost a few million dollars at minimum
Not really. There are a few things that would need to be purchased because they can't be done DIY, but the basic process is actually fairly affordable and can be done DIY. Namely, the photolithography, electron sputtering and thermal evaporation, and etching can all be done DIY. The few things that leaves is a wire bonder, furnace, and optionally an electron microscope, but this isn't strictly necessary because his 5 um lithography is large enough to view with standard optical magnification.

I would estimate that his total setup would cost ~$12K at minimum, and double that at most. The few things he does have are decommissioned surplus equipment. Obviously that's not super affordable for a hobbyist, but that's a far cry from several million!

You can read about how everything works here:

The process is "relatively" simple all things considered. The thing about producing ICs is that the only real limit is the photolithography stage. Fundamentally, a 5um process is no more complex than a 10nm process.

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I want to try emulating android for some games, but people say bluestacks is full of ads and malware and nox has a bitcoin miner and chinese spying or something. Naturally, I can't actually google anything about this because there's 20 pages of search engine optimized crap because it's something related to smartphones.
Can kissu recommend me an android emulator? Or are there cracked versions of the previous ones out there maybe? Thanks.


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The android emulator? Is this the one by google? The one people talked about with that one is google's usual data harvesting stuff.
I've done some more reading and it looks like bluestacks has cheating potential, which could be good for the freemium games... (if it's not all blocked by now)


Been using LD player, good emulator; an excerpt from #qa on the same topic:
May 25 21:22:08 <Anonymous> I just went with the new bluestacks because all the other emulators are kinda shit
May 25 21:22:29 <Anonymous> it's probably spyware but I don't really care for gachage
May 25 21:22:43 <Anonymou_> use lDplayer
May 25 21:22:47 <Anonymou_> its better than Bluestacks
May 25 21:22:55 <Anonymou_> *LDPlayer
May 25 21:23:39 <Anonymous> is it open source
May 25 21:24:20 <Anonymou_> dont think so
May 25 21:26:00 <Anonymous> what's the difference
May 25 21:27:31 <Anonymou_> I don't remember my bluestacks experience but LDPlayer has not once infinitely stuck on loading for me
May 25 21:27:50 <Anonymou_> was never able to use my gamepad on Bluestacks
May 25 21:28:03 <Anonymou_> oh yeah forgot the important thing that made me switch
May 25 21:28:09 <Anonymou_> LDPlayer has configurable storage
May 25 21:28:19 <Anonymou_> unlike bluestacks
May 25 21:28:54 <Anonymou_> it also has better keymapping than Bluestacks. Don't think bluestacks had tapping mechanics?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I ended up using this Mumu App Player thing. Various /vg/ generals and /g/ (not that I trust /g/) recommend it and had guides for it. It's Chinese, but it's also been out for years and people have had time to check for miners and spying and stuff and it's clean.


After comparing things, LDPlayer definitely wins. Thanks for the suggestion >>7540
It runs faster and has more features than the Mumu one.

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