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File:p.png (13.54 KB,493x255)


I tried to change the date format with 4chanX but it only works from the 26th post in the page on onward. Pic is from /all/, also happens on individual board and inside threads. How to fix or otherwise change date format?


probably a weird interaction, it doesn't work at all on my machine


It's a race condition between the time localization and formatting from 4chan X and the native time localization.




you deserve it for using an inferior date format

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Kissu's monthly stats are more spread out and lower in part by the April slump
/qa/ 3884
/jp/ 623
/b/ 438
/megu/ 185
/poll/ 70
= 5200
About 1k loss, however viewership of kissu has been at a level highly above average the past few days so this is good news to me, albeit our unique IPs are harder to raise. I've yet to plot this out, might do this.

May the fourth be with you
27 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Well that's not an issue as I don't chase after numbers, but counting the posts is just something I do on the side.


I'm worried of people misreading the intentions behind it and creating a culture based around speed rather than posts. Kissu can't handle the same level of people as some others without needing to spend more on server costs or optimize software. It's better to think in terms of quality because it cuts costs.


Hm guess you've got a point there. Wouldn't want to encourage that behavior


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couldn't be me


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