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Because people need to get it out of their system
46 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


stop freaking out on image boards like an old crazy man in a library


Get on irc so you can tell that to me in private you cunt.


Im on IRC right now, come and fight me right now
ill fist fight you on IRC bitch!


Anyone that tells you to "lol just play video games to calm down" should have their teeth kicked in and nuts removed.
Fuck you.


Hate twitter and anyone that uses it fuck you

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i hid a thread from index but it still appears in catalog. Is this an intended feature? cookies are enabled btw
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vichan's catalog might as well be piece of cardboard with pictures stuck onto it. It can't do anything.




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how long until this problem gets resolved?

pissmin is too fast to be browsing from index


It works if you hide it with 4chan X.
On another note, I've noticed the NSFW thumbnail appears in the catalog as a regular spoiler thumbnail.


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i browse just fine from the index, dont think it's too fast at all

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For some reason my posts throughout multiple vichan boards are auto-nokoing, even if the options field doesn't exist. What could possibly be causing this?
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It was me, and I'd do it again!


I've made some changes to try and resolve this, along with an issue of posts not showing in the index. Waiting to see if it reappears for people, otherwise I'll assume it to be fixed.


did some more tuning. The new post server which handles the new API and some other tasks needs to be examined for non-terminating things because it's perfomance degrades over time


Looks like I found the source of the performance problems. Was looping between the functions to send posts to archive, delete post from catalog, and then restore post from archive, leading to an increasing number of threads in the catalog which it repeated the steps on.

False autonoko is a bug I fixed yesterday.

An issue with threads not rebuilding sometimes seems to be an issue with deleting posts with cites in them not resetting to the correct board. This meant that sometimes a new thread on /jp/ would cause the index of /test/ to be built instead of /jp/


Nice, glad that it sounds like all the issues were mostly just one big problem.

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Is the /xmas/ custom CSS working for you? It should look like pic related.
Does it work if you open a private window?
16 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Trailing slash added to vichan. When Kissu-UI is updated it'll have it as well.


how do I disable the confetti thing that makes my toaster go crazy without disabling js altogether?


gonna be gone in a second. Next time I activate it I think it should have some optimization settings in the options menu.


nice, thx. always have problems displaying animations with vivaldi, forgot to check in another browser but it's probably this



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Let's start a club to help teach our dear vermin how to hold a successful discussion without resorting to fallacies and other terriblenesses out the ass. I think it will be a good learning experience for all!


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All your arguments are invalid, god speaks to my mind


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Correction: I am god


that's a devil lying to you
you are being tricked by lucifer that you have divinity reserved only for God

source: I received a vision from one of God's angels

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the new homepage looks nice and all but can you please change it back



and I actually kinda like it, though it could do with a couple improvements maybe

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Come to zzz/tech/ (it is not a warzone)


No thanks



kuso thread

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9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


part of me knows this, but she's a neko arcueuieuiid


neco-arc is still my homeboy


is this on autosage?


both UI ought to have an anchor on the OP, that means it's on autosage


actually. old one doesn't have the icon it seems




11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


They're back now after the EFF wrote a response to the complaint:


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Always a good day when the record labels are getting fucked.


But they're not?...


In a way they are since the RIAA represents them and does copyright fuckery for them


No, I mean, absolutely nothing detrimental is happening to them. Sure, they didn't get their way, but that's not them, "getting fucked." A VCR/cassette-type lawsuit where a court rules on the ability of individuals to make personal copies of music or videos, that's them getting fucked. This? Not so much.

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60 average PPD

Clearnet: https://infsan7lch6eyzvbbw6653623acouugks7nn6sqzkretk2o7srphxhyd.onion.ws/
Onion: http://infsan7uxvnwirohy55qei3hgnbkw6nqi2q4tb7xxcgoiafvmqhicjyd.onion/

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gif autoplay option when, the people have spoken
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hste people calling anime girls autistic


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even when they actually are?


They can't be, Autism isn't real.


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Mashiro-chan wouldn't exist if autism wasn't real


there are no canon autistic anime girls. it bothers me the most when they are actual autists doing it because they want to relate to the character.

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Do you use a listed CSS on kissu and are dissatisfied with the color of sage? What theme is it and what color do you think it should be?
I'm going through and correcting them, but some input from people that use the themes would probably be for the best.
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The one on dark and tomorrow should definitely be changed. It's pretty hard to read. Make it a lighter blue maybe.



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sage names are too dark, pic related is how the sage color is supposed to look like


i forgot to remove my test tripcode from the name field


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almost forgot
this is what the sage color looks like on kissu rn with the tomorrow theme

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It's pretty annoying having to click "View Hidden Options" every time I make a thread.
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This was how I had it originally, but changed because I forget why. I might change this back, but in general vichan's UI is going to stay the same and improvements are going to be made on the 4chanX-like UI that's in development


>changed because I forget why
I believe it was because you wanted to make tripfagging and namefagging more difficult by having the name field not carry over between posts.


I know why I made it like that originally, but I forget why I set it to the way it is now. I think because the new tripcode style was done and wanted to make it more appealing to trip


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It looks like you're going a bit for the 4chan-x design somewhat, but you're missing the good CSS choices it made. Like the rounded corners, better reply-bg, and the slight shadow to make it appear more above the rest of the page.


css in progress. There are a lot of technical details to work out.

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Is there any problem with fetching the JSON of all the threads on /qa/ at once?
I'm completely new to this kind of thing and don't want to do anything obnoxious...


probably not. I haven't tried


Guess I'll try with /aut/ first and see how it goes


The server does a lot more complicated and intensive things than fetching files. It shouldn't even exhaust thread resources because file fetching is multithreaded in any professionally designed software. New NodeJS UI may have problems with serving too many clients at once due to how it's constructing pages from cached components, but API is just files and NGINX will always be doing this because that's their specialty.


Thank you. I expected as much but wanted to be sure

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