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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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I've been thinking for a while about them, and in the future at some point (especially at the /qa/ mansion) I'd like to do some beekeeping for harvesting honey. When it comes to the usual fears you'd have around bees, it's actually not too bad based on what I've read in terms of getting stung if you know what you're doing. And in time it seems like your body, assuming if doesn't develop an allergic reaction, can develop a more immune response to bee venom rendering a large part of bee stings useless. Also somehow
(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29956606/) bee venom can be used to treat HIV, so when it comes to the maids we won't need to worry at the /qa/ mansion.

What got me interested in the concept is that recently I've been getting into using honey as my primary sweetener vs sugar. Initially it was sparked just by a taste preference after trying some local honey at my farmer's market. However after looking into it a bit more, honey has a fair bit of health benefits as a sweetener compared to equivalent amounts of sugar. Like its anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic properties containing all sorts of vitamins and minerals that granulated sugar doesn't. Not to mention that honey consumption can help as an exposure to pollen for improving tolerance and helping reduce allergies!

Also unlike sugar, honey can have its own unique taste that's separate from just its normal taste. The honey I got hooked on was a special lavender flavor, which is made by having your bees primarily making honey via lavender pollen/nectar. It's quite hard to set up! Especially since your bees can travel up to 6 miles away from their hive in search of pollinating flowers. The end result though is delicious and a nice relaxant in the mornings to help me focus. There's some other nice flavors too but going through all of them would probably be wasteful, but the ones that do deserve a mention are the honey hot sauces made by infusing honey with some hot pepper. I've got one infused with habanero, and even though I'm sorta wimpy when it comes to spice I could lather that on some chicken and eat it fine without my mouth being set on fire. It really accentuates the taste and enhances at time juiciness of meat.

I think with all the greatness of honey and how it can be produced in your own home out in nature, investigating and learning beekeeping wouldPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Welcome to the club. Good luck getting bees to start with. Been impossible since covid. Good luck keeping them alive if you do. Monsanto's chemical empire killing hives left and right.


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Yeah, honey is pretty great. I can't say I've ever had any fancy stuff from farmer's markets or anything, but I've thought about beekeeping as a "maybe someday thing" since bees are so useful to have around not just for your own garden but the entire environment around you. Unfortunately, bees haven't been doing too well these days and they need all the help they can get.
Maple syrup is usually the sweetener than I use since it's far less thick and easier to combine with stuff.


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>Welcome to the club
I wish I could say I'm coming in soon, but I'm still a couple years out from getting any. Can't do anything with the current area I live in and need to wait until I can move into a larger property where I don't need to worry about pesky rules against having anything that promotes self sufficiency. Sucks about the Monsanto thing, my local bee farm has been trying to do some work to help preserve native honeybees, but it doesn't seem like the government is that interested in going after the big companies killing pollinators. At the very least they're trying small conservation efforts, https://sherrill.house.gov/media/press-releases/sherrill-leads-bipartisan-bicameral-efforts-to-prevent-flooding-and-protect-pollinators-through-the-use-of-native-plants. And maybe with the billions they're being sued for there might be an impact on that shit company, but I have my doubts. Another thing I've seen is that more than just chemicals there's a real issue of imported mites being a danger towards honey bee populations too.

If I get a nice large plot of land with enough space between houses, do you think that'd work well enough to maybe prevent them from traveling into the chemical zone of other people's gardens? Also is getting bees more about getting the right Queen to start up a hive or is it more getting the hive itself? I know that people can buy Queens for their hives, but not sure if that's a thing for starting hives with few drones or if you need to import an entire hive at first.

Speaking of Queens, I found them to be pretty interesting. They control the births of and manage the entire population of the hive and the bees are all extremely loyal to her. Unlike normal bees that live around a few weeks, the Queens will live for years and is the only one capable of producing another Queen. Kinda curious how those lifespans work, especially since it's just a difference in larval diet that determines whether a female bee becomes a worker or a Queen. They make a cool piping sound too sometimes Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


qu[s |][/s]ean bees


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aaaa kimoooo
the part about using it (honey, not AIDS) as a sweetener made me look it up the comparison since it's still 80% sugar and it seems it has both a lower glycemic index (i.e. it's processed more slowly, more stably) and tastes sweeter due to a different composition (meaning you'd require less to achieve similar results) so that's actually pretty neat, you know, going beyond the vague notion of "natural is healthier" or whatever
it's definitely an underrated skill compared to those of other historical food sources, you can find some surprisingly accurate depictions in many manuscripts and once more it's the sort of thing we can trace back all the way to ancient greece or egypt:
i happen to have a biologist aunt who's worked with bees a lot, although not in the apiary sense but measuring their population and activities in the wild and all that jazz, it's pretty cool
i've eaten this as candy
eusocial queens truly reach an insane level of specialization and it's no wonder so few species have ever developed them
you need some really fucking solid structure to make them work and i really should look into hypothesis as to their origin
queens have ALL the sex albeit

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corm is 焼く'd
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hi laala


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This time, for better results, picked my own corm instead of going to the grocery store


country girls make do


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Welcome to Summer
Time of fire and smog

But also Lemonade!!!

This season, Summer ends on Saturday, Sep 23
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Heard about the split-brain research a bit ago from youtube videos.
The idea is that to treat seizures one procedure is to cut the junction between the left and right brain sharing info. So if one half of the brain is showed one image and the other another, then the patient will answer with one thing, but draw the other, because language is on one hemisphere and motor skills on the other. That's somewhat believable, but what was off is that the patients testimonies for why the did the action.
According to the studies the reasoning for why they drew one thing and said the other is always a rationalization that breaks logical continuity. But this doesn't make sense. You should realize that you made a logical error right away and say with your language brain that you have no idea why. But according to the researchers it's always that the client stops treating things logically. Makes no sense.

So it looks like this study that is one of the basis for explain consciousness might not even be reproducible and might have just been theatrics like a ton of other psychological research done in the mid 20th century.


Some other contradictions that haven't been explained


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/sum/mer is coming to an end this year. If you have anything else to say, do it now because this board will be closing for the year soon!


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Even though it seems unlikely, I'm leaving this message of hope for things to have improved in Myanmar by the time this board reopens

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lets ruin an edm song by adding lyrics

"uh yeah turn it up pump up the party it's all about having a good time in the night break it down turn it around you know what's true it's all about you yeah i'm all about the experience you know it yeah transcend the beat and feel the mood that makes you groove just lose yourself in the reality that is full wave on top making the craze crystal clear and escape the open scene that pumps up the party because I know it in you to be true whatever it is you do"
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almost all music would be better without vocals


Isn't EDM with lyrics just Euro beat?


EDM is just electronic music aka techno. Eurobeat is just a sub-genre of EDM.

Do you believe in castles in the sky?


we should leave vocals behind and learn to communicate telepathically like the japanese







can't tell if this is spam to delete or not...


It's actually an old BMS BGA from 2006. The text was from the readme file.


oh ok


Feels like something I'd see in LSD

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video footage of anonymous doing the bed -> bathroom -> computer commute
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They have thick skin and also a lot of blubber, he'll be fine.


He looks kinda tasty


You shouldn't eat carnivorans, I guess you can if you want but it's not right and I don't support it.


If you can kill something, you should eat it.


DON'T eat friends friends are not food

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I hated these workbooks so much.


what if the art were anime


never had to do those
in hindsight my parents probably should have pushed me more


Man, those are some really ugly people. Yeah, I remember these or something similar being in doctor's offices and stuff. I'd prefer just to look at the animal books or something, or Highlights magazine to see if there wasn't some stupid kid that ruined everything by marking the answers on stuff. (99% of the time someone had)


another thread that could have been on /qa/


That looks pointless, why would you need to do anything to prepare for year 3 or any year in elementary school or even any year in middle school or any year in high school? It's really not hard.


The future comes one day at a time.


i mean yeah a lot has happened and even more could occur

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So, what ur expectations? Girls wearing almost nothing, fountains with ppl acting silly around it (lolis wearing ah just panties) , sleeping with window open, feeling how its warm right after the sunset, poplar pollen flying around like a local sakura (already intact), sweet smell of wind and most of all, feeling how closer and closer autumn comes day by day, with darker evenings, redder sunsets, fluffier clouds and ghostly appearing snow above us... as for me.


it don't matter, none of this matters


This shit is NOTHING to me, man.


The life of a hikikomori



i love this band



me too


See you next year.

 No.1416[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
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https://www.twitch.tv/rtainjapan How about a japanese speedrunning event?


I remember seeing some AI things before, but this Family Guy one is genuinely hilarious because people are feeding it prompts and it's just soooo good.
I hope I can find a way to download them, because god damn some of these are really hilarious.


This speedrun history stuff is so dumb and yet it's somehow enjoyable


Why does Iggy look like a STALKER Controller.


Moved to >>>/qa/127496.

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There's a WEBP exploit floating around out there so you should update your browser and anything else that you might use to open the cursed format known as WEBP
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This is true, but it kills some things like youtube thumbnails and even kissu video thumbnails (or was it just webm thumbnails that are webp...)



why would you even change. it's already been patched. And what was the extent of the exploit anyways


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Yeah, the waterfox fix is out, too. Pretty speedy



If I'm not going to be dumping these in IRC they're going here
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Seems like the Unity thing is getting more and more fallout. Lots of developers have chimed in. Seems like a lot of them are doing a "wait and see" approach, but I imagine most can see the writing on the wall even if all of this is walked back. It's a company firmly in the "squeeze it dry and move on to the next victim" phase of the corporate life cycle.
Unity has closed some offices after claiming to have received death threats, but I don't believe it. While I could see some gacha addict doing that, it won't be months until such a thing would be felt and even then they would need to make the connection.


Unity is such a huge piece of the gaming landscape that it's hard to see it going away. That would basically leave Unreal with an almost complete monopoly on the industry,

I think that somebody will buy out Unity, after all, I am sure Microsoft or Google could think of a benefit to having it. Thought that's probably not any better.


Microsoft going to get legislated out of any more mergers



Hate screencaps

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if you are reading this i hope you have a great day
thank you for reading this
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Japanese girls and their iMacs


I hope you feel better.




thank you! im feeling way much better, just a stuffy nose thats all :p


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Your welcome good sir!

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Happy 9/11
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I still laugh at all the edgy images from back in the day.


It peaked with the hogan ones imo




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im the same age as kissu


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