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I don't know, I watched 3 seasons of SZS and that shit got old real fucking fast.


I remember Disney shows as being real hit or miss. The animation was top quality and the OPs were often catchy, but there was generally a lack of fun. I don't know how else to put it since this was back when I was a kid and some shows were just enjoyable while others were terrible. Something like Tailspin was an example of pure, undistilled boredom in cartoon form.


It was their first Disney channel show


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I cant wait for transwomen to ascend enough in society to magically #metoo 'real' women


didnt read but i was going eat greek yogurt but tub sides started forming mold and smell was off wasnt smelly in disgusting or vomitting inducing manner just off apparently scraping off the sides and smoothing the top can prevent mold and able to last entire month i mostly have been eating it with only honey protein powder is expensive



>wake up
>turn off alarm
>get out of bed
>go to the restroom
>wash my face
>brush my teeth
>take off pajamas
>put pajamas in laundry basket
>take a shower
>dry myself off
>walk back to bedroom
>pull open curtains
>check the time
>make my bed
>straighten the sheets
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 No.34087[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Halo is moving to the Unreal engine. Halo is not important enough to post about on /qa/ or /jp/ so I will post about it here. The announcement video they made isn't important enough to post either so I will post this nice song instead.

I'm not sure what the point of the thread is if the topic isn't important at all but I hope people appreciate the song that I posted and I hope people appreciate the time and effort I spent watching the Halo Unreal engine announcement video and the time and effort I spent in making this thread. I hope people appreciate the effort I went to in selecting this song as well, I wasn't sure what song I was going to choose to post but I thought long and hard about it and in the end I felt that this song was the best song to post. I hope that the people of this board appreciate this thread that I have made.
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And I there were rabbits. Most were normal rabbits but I found the Densetsu no kuroi Usagi it was by the road and I stopped my car to take a photo but then hid in this spot so after I took this I got out the car to try and get a better shot but he ran off so I ended up chasing him for a bit until he ran out of view.

This is at 10x zoom unfortunately.


>but then hid in this spot
but then he hid in this spot



but... what if the minister doesn't respond


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There is a secret place that I wanted to see. Two actually. One is called Timbertop school and the king actually went there for 6 months and Borris Johnson taught there for a year. It seems very fancy but my car broke down before I could get to it.
There is another one which I think is like that but for girls only called Luariston. I did drive past it but could not see anything. Just a road and sighs saying to keep out.

The bird Man actually told me about Timbertop. I knew King Charles had been to school here but I did not know the school he went to was in this area.

Oh and regarding the bird man. His name is Tony Pridham and this is a painting he drew. This is a PAINTING!


when the FUCK did twittersoyjak memes become acceptable on kissu?


considering I've given you multiple warnings for wojak lingo, beware throwing stones from the glass house you inhabit

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 No.28268[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
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can't believe I got a flippin' tabletop rpg game happening soon


Okay so in my solo adventure my character Franz Brink of East Germany (who has 510 points) got isekaid into a minecraft ass world (no crafting though) and he ended up at a ruined village where 8 (eight) Yakuza members with katanas and MP5s were like, dicking around looting the place.
So it took like a total of a minute and 35 seconds to kill them all (GURPS combat is one second after all) and Franz got injured in the fight, got shot and slashed at.


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gotta make a bunch of NPCs for a game and shit...


Anyways this is the final result of my first session of playing GURPS by myself for a week or so.
This is session 1 by the way.


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So next week I got an entire ass tabletop game session.

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it moved
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Mad because you have merican exceltionalist mindset


America is exceptionalist and the best nation on God's Green Flat Earth



hasan going insane at the democrats giving up on everything


Communism is when ugly deformed freaks

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/g/ containment thread for talking about conspiracies and der juden and whatever the fuck else people were doing in the deepseek thread instead of talking about deepseek
god forbid people are allowed to talk about their hobbies and interests undisturbed
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it was pro-china? just looked like a standard retarded template comic to me


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Is the joke that it doesn't say anything when asked about Tianamen Square?


Twitter template


ok there we go
I didn't actually look at the image, but I guess it's country crap and stocks and not AI talk

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They are holding up four fingers.

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Hello, I shall teach you how to solve 7*9.


7*9 = (6+1)*9 = 6*9+1*9 = 6*9+9 = 6*9+6+1+1+1 = 6*9+6*1+3 = 6*(9+1)+3 = 6*10+3 = 63

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twitter screen cap of a funny 'chizo reply to some guys post about factory farmed pigs


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kuso post above me


finally a kuso post abusing greentext as God intended and instead of using yentext as intended


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Official notice of warning to /secret/:

Please remember to keep all content on kissu in adherence to US law. The new administration's been at it endlessly signing god knows how many executive orders and some of them might affect posters here. Make sure to be mindful before posting.


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SHABs are a Class A controlled substance


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But what about CHABs?


how does one define a CHAB


Koruri is a CHAB if that's any indication


koruri is an honourary WHAB

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Polution map over europe
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France has nuclear power.


france has big dick energy


France has oceans bringing wind across thousands of miles of human-free water


Like the east and west cost of the US?


dokkoishoo~ dokkoisho.
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this thread is important
better perma it


thought of this the other day


nice dude


aa dokkoishou dokkoishou


soran, sora
sora, soran

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